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CAUTI Prevention Bundles SLIDES

Successful Implementation of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection Prevention Bundles: Lessons Learned Sarah L. Krein, PhD, RN Ann Arbor VA Center for Clinical Management Research University of Michigan (Nothing to Disclose) March 31, 2016 Hosted by Martin Kiernan Visiting Clinical Fellow University of West London Support for this work provided by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs HSR&D Service and National Center for Patient Safety, the National...

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Preventing Candida Infections SLIDES

Dr Philippe Eggimann, PD&MER Service de Médecine Intensive Adulte Preventing invasive candida infections - Where could we do better ? April 7, 2016 Hosted by Paul Webber 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 39 40 41 42...

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Canadian Immunization Guide Chapter on Influenza and Statement on Seasonal Influenza Vaccine for 2016-2017

[…] effectiveness data of TIV or quadrivalent inactivated influenza vaccine ( QIV), and the quadrivalent formulation of LAIV are not available. Experience with reduced effectiveness of the quadrivalent LAIV in children in 2013- 14 in the USA, which the manufacturer determined was attributable to reduced stability in the A/California H1N1 vaccine strain when exposed to temperature fluctuations, emphasizes the need...

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PICNet Recommendations for Cleaning and Disinfection in Medical Ultrasound

Page 1 of 3   June 2, 2016    Recommendations for Clean ing and Disinfection in Medical Ultrasound to  Prevent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Transmission    For: BC Health Authority Reprocessing & Infection and Prevention Control Programs    Introduction  Infection prevention and control is critical to delivering safe, high‐quality care to patients  undergoing sonographic procedures. Ultrasound is generally considered a relatively safe  procedure when compared with radiation‐based imaging techniques, however, poor ultrasound  probe reprocessing protocols and environmental cleaning and disinfection may result in a risk  of patient cross ‐infection.  Re cently published studies have raised concerns regarding the  efficacy of commonly used disinfectants against Human Papillomavirus (HPV). The purpose of  this document is to provide updated guidance regarding cleaning and disinfection in this  setting.     Probe Cleaning and Disinfection  External probes that only come into contact with intact skin are considered noncritical devices  and require cleaning and low‐level disinfection after every use as described below.    All internal probes are classified as semi‐critical devices (e.g., vaginal, rectal and  transesophageal probes, as well as intraoperative probes used for needle guidance during  biopsies, aspirations, drainages, etc.). For maximum safety, these devices require cleaning,  followed by high‐level disinfection between each patient use and a probe cover or condom as  an aid to keep them from becoming grossly contaminated. If condoms are used as barriers, the  condoms should be non‐lubricated and non‐medicated. Although internal ultrasound probes  are routinely protected by single‐use disposable probe covers, leakage rates of 0.9% to 2% for  condoms and 8% to 81% for commercial probe covers have been observed in recent studies 1.  Studies have also revealed that these probes remain contaminated with a variety of bacterial  and viral pathogens despite the use of disposable covers, followed by low‐level disinfection 2,3 .    The following specific recommendations are made for the cleaning and disinfection of  ultrasound probes:   1. External ultrasound probes that come into contact with intact skin require cleaning and  low‐level disinfection between uses according to the manufacturer’s <mark...

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Duncan Steele presentation at PICNet 2018 Conference 1 Tak ing the Snag out of your Catch-22: Ethical decision-making Duncan Steele, March 8, 2018 Overview for  morning Part I – What is ethics?? Part II – Facts + values Part III – Case Study Part IV – Your practice Duncan Steele presentation at PICNet 2018 Conference 2 WHAT IS ETHICS? What the heck is ethics anyway?!?!?What the heck is ethics anyway?!?!? Duncan Steele presentation at PICNet 2018 Conference 3 It’s about philosophers in armchairs and leather bound books… HP¶V LPSRUPMQP NXP SMPLHQPV MUH P SULRULP MQG  PKHUH MXVP LVQ¶P PLPH«BB Duncan Steele presentation at PICNet 2018 Conference 4 All of our attitudes, decisions and...

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Hepatitus C Infection in Prison Teleclass SLIDES

[…] were collected in accordance with the national ethical standards. No specific consent was required since data were collected in anonymous and aggregate form. Statistical analysis All analysis was performed using Stata version 14 (Stata-Corp, TX, USA). Proportions were calculated for categorical variables and median and interquartile ranges for continuous variable. Associations between not undergoing HCV testing and HCV antibody positivity and explanatory variable...

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Peering Beyond the 5 Moments of Hand Hygiene Teleclass Slides, Mar.7.19

Peering Beyond the Five Momentsof Hand Hygiene ComplianceColin Furness MISt PhD MPH MEd(cand)Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Faculty of InformationAssistant Professor (Status), Institute for Health Policy, Management, and EvaluationUniversity of To r o n t oHosted by Paul Webberpaul@webbertraining.comwww.webbertraining.comMarch 7, 2019 Disclosures•Dr. Furness is currently employed by the University of Toronto, a public university that pays his salary.•Dr. Furness was previously an employee of Infonaut Inc.,...

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Diagnostic Stewardship Teleclass Slides, Jul.25.19

[…] performed during specimen collection. This will reduce misidentification of contaminated blood specimens as LCBIs. For example, aseptic technique indicates that separate site decontaminations would be performed for blood specimens drawn from different sites (in other words; different venipunctures, a combination of venipuncture and lumen withdrawal, or different lumens of the same central line), or at different times. Specimens collected in this manner would...

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Developing a PPE Training Program Teleclass Slides, Feb.19.20

[…] Training programme linked to other HCID preparedness activities e.g. policies revised Appointment of small multi-disciplinary team 12 13 Preventing transmission – hierarchy of controls Engineering controls Europe - high level isolation units 4 in UK USA - biocontainment units 10 regional Australia – infectious disease units / biocontainment units 1 per state NZ – I purpose built Trexler isolator – Royal Free Hospital, UK 14...

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2021-04-21 Slides_Returning to Work During COVID-19

Objectives Understand how COVID-19 is transmitted and implications for prevention in the workplace Learn how employers’ can manage employees’ expectations about returning to work during COVID-19 Overview of current vaccines and treatments 2 3 All stock photos sourced from Canva Droplets & Aerosols Droplets are generally considered to be > 5 μ m Aerosols are generally considered to be < 5 μ m Experts disagree on the cutoffs....

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2022-02-17 Slides_Assessing the Clinical Accuracy of a Hand Hygiene System

[…] behavior is lowComprised of an integrated system that may include badges, dispensers, sensorsGives hospitals the ability to collect, analyze and report real-time, actionable dataProvides healthcare workers with real-time reminders of when to perform hand hygieneDIRECTOBSERVATIONPRODUCT USAGEMEASUREMENTELECTRONICMONITORINGInnovation and digitalization is driving the Bo Hansen•10 Direct observationDescription•Direct observation of hand hygiene practices.•May be manual (pen and paper) or technology-assisted using an appAdvantages•The only...

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2022-11-09 Slides_Strength of Evidence Teleclass Slides

[…] expert opinion, low-quality evidenceLevel 5 -poor/insufficient evidence, very-low-quality evidenceLevel 6 -recommended best practice, good practice pointLevel 7 -unresolved issue, no recommendationLevel 8 -legislated requirement12 Results•31 guidelines were included•Majority published in 2013 (16%) and 2014 (26%)• USA 36%•Canada 29%Grading•19% used GRADE•23% incorporated elements of GRADE13 Recommendations14 Recommendations15 Recommendations16 Recommendations17 Strength of recommendations18 19 Level 1 –meta-analyses systematic reviews of RCTs20 Level 1 –meta-analyses systematic...

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2023-03-07 Slides_HAI Electronic Record Data

Automating the surveillance of Healthcare-Associated Infections: making sensible sense of electronic record dataMarch 7, 2023Maaike van Mourikwww.webbertrainingcom -Understand the basic principles of semi-and fully-automated surveillance-Having a general impression of the data sources needed for automated surveillance-Grasping the importance of clinical context when developing automated surveillance methods-Understand the consequences of automated surveillance w. r.t .interpretation of surveillance outcomes. To p i c s•Surveillance: Whyandhow?•Whyautomatedsurveillance?•Someterminology•Semi-or...

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Andrea Vu Tran

2023-03-07 Slides_HAI Electronic Record Data

Automating the surveillance of Healthcare-Associated Infections: making sensible sense of electronic record data March 7, 2023 Maaike van Mourik www.webbertrainingcom -Understand the basic principles of semi -and fully -automated surveillance - Having a general impression of the data sources needed for automated surveillance - Grasping the importance of clinical context when developing automated surveillance methods - Understand the consequences of automated surveillance w. r.t...

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BCCDC puts call out for more doctors and nurses to help monitor for flu

Vancouver – Experts at the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) are already gearing up to monitor flu-like illness for the coming season and they’re looking for more community doctors and nurses to help. Influenza viruses constantly change, and each season the flu shot has to be updated to match the new strains that are most likely to make people sick. Last year, <mark...

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Emerging Respiratory Virus Update: Avian flu, novel influenza, and MERS-CoV

From BCCDC: MAIN MESSAGES Human infections with avian influenza of various novel subtypes (H7N9, H5N6, H9N2, H5N1) have been reported from China recently, notably H7N9 for which a fourth wave of human cases is currently underway. As previously emphasized, avian influenza viruses, like humanized strains, show winter seasonality. Prior human infections with avian influenza H7N9 and H5N1 that were imported to Canada happened at around...

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Colistin-resistant E.Coli found in another U.S. patient

[…] that the bacteria do not seem to have infected other people. When bacteria spread, they encounter other bacteria and can exchange genetic traits, creating more opportunity for a more resistant pathogen to emerge. In this latest case, although the girl’s bacterial strain was resistant to colistin, it was not resistant to all antibiotics, according to the CDC report. The girl...

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Paul Webber: recipient of IPAC-Canada’s 2017 Moira Walker Award for for International Service

[…] besides that, it is important for the long term survival of the program that there be a larger pool of people invested in this important initiative. I invite you to watch the video, and if you feel inclined to donate, you can do via GoFundMe. Or you can help by spreading the word!” Learn more about Teleclass Education Africa’s...

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The Provincial Infection Control Network (PICNet) is committed to supporting the infection control community of practice by: Identifying and recommending best practices in infection control Improving awareness around infection control and accessibility to education and training Improving coordination and collaboration through professional development and networking opportunities Assisting and participating in surveillance activities With these objectives in mind, PICNet provides and/or purchases a variety...

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