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Overview of Online Immunization Courses

Overview of Immunization Courses Housed on BCCDC The BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) hosts a range of onl ine immunization courses available for free for BC health professionals . These courses range from providing theoretical and clinical understanding of immunology, vaccines and immunization practice to those that improve confidence in addressing questions and concerns parents have in relation to immunization s. The...

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1053897 – 1053904 – Policy Communique 2016-04 – Environmental Cleaning B…

[…] P O L I C Y C O M M U N I Q U É TO: All Health Authorities TRANSMITTAL DATE: October 28, 2016 COMMUNIQUÉ NUMBER: 201 6-04 CLIFF NUMBER: 1053904 SUBJECT: Environmental Clean ing Best Practices DETAILS: See attached EFFECTIVE DATE: Immediately MINISTRY CONTACT: Executive Director, Public Health Services Branch & Office of Aboriginal Health , Population and Public Health Division Stephen Brown Deputy Minister...

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vihaposting-wcgh-45301-ipac-oct-2016 Excellent health and care for everyone, everywhere, every time Vancouver Island, BC Island Health is seeking a passionate and experienced Infection Prevention & Con trol Practitioner in Port Alberni, BC Reporting to the Infection Prevention and Control (IP AC) Manager, you work with various departments within I sland Health to provide surveillance and consultation related to infectious disease prevention and control in acute care,...

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Sept 201 6 1 Influenza Prevention Policy Frequently Asked Questions Masking Influenza – or the flu – can be a serious contagious disease, which is spread by droplet transmission through close contact with an infected person. Infected individuals are highly contagious and can transmit the virus for 24 hours before they show any symptoms. Each year, there are approximately 3,500 deaths from...

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Hand clean ing compliance in health care facilities, Q 2 201 6/201 7 Prepared by the Provincial Hand Hygiene Working Group of British Columbia (PHHWG) January 201 7 What is hand cleaning? Hand cleaning means using an alcohol -based hand rub or soap and water to kill or remove germs on hand surfaces . Wh y is hand cleaning important ? Bo th patients in acute...

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[…] its intended use Acceptable Test Methods AOAC International ASTM International Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) European Committee for Standardization (CEN) • Comité Européen de Normalisation International Organization for Standardization (ISO ) • Based on Greek word ISOS - equal Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) United States Food and Drug Administration (U.S. FDA) Cross...

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Healthcare -associated infections surveillance report Clostridium difficile Infections (CDI) Update, Q 3 of 201 6/1 7 March 201 7 Summary Table Q3 201 6/1 7 Previous quarter (Q2 2016/17) Same quarter of previous year (Q3 2015/16) Year -to- date 2016/17 Total CDI cases identified 522 524 646 1,621 Number of new CDI cases associated with the reporting facility 263 248 311 795 Total inpatient days 667,937...

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Hand clean ing compliance in health care facilities, Q 3 of 201 6/201 7 Prepared by the Provincial Hand Hygiene Working Group of British Columbia (PHHWG) March 201 7 What is hand cleaning? Hand cleaning means using an alcohol -based hand rub or soap and water to kill or remove germs on hands . Wh y is hand cleaning important ? Both patients in acute care...

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Healthcare -associated infections surveillance report Methicillin -resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Update, Q 3 of 201 6/1 7 March 201 7 Summary Table Q3 201 6/1 7 Previous quarter (Q2 201 6/17) Same quarter of previous year (Q3 2015/16) Year -to- date 2016/17 Total new MRSA cases identified 708 759 785 2,180 Number of new MRSA cases associated with the reporting facility 353 344 382 1,021 Total inpatient...

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PHAC Endoscopy Notice 2016 04 20

April 2016 Recommended practices for the prevention of endoscopy -related infections Background: The Public Health Agency of Canada (the Agency) was informed of an US outbreak of Carbapenem -resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) that was associated with reprocessed duodenoscopes (1). To date there have been no similar reports of outbreaks associated with duodenoscopes in Canada. Objective: To summarize what is known about the risk...

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PICNet_CPO_Surveillance_Report Q4 2016_17

Healthcare-associated infections surveillance report Carbapenem ase-producing organisms (CPO) update August 201 7 Highlights for Q 4 20 16/1 7 ( December 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017 ) • 28 new cases of CPO were identified amon g 25 patients in BC acute care facilities • NDM was the most common gene identified ( 1 9/2 8 cases, 67.9%) • 17 cases (6 0.7 %) reported healthcare...

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PICNet surveillance protocol for CDI 2017

Surveillance Protocol for Clostridium difficile Infection s (CDI) in BC Acute Care Facilities (April 201 7) Contacts: Guanghong Han , PhD Surveillance Epidemiologist BC Provincial Infection Control Network 1001 West Broadway, Suite 504, Vancouver, BC V6H 4B1 Tel: 604 -875 -4844 ext 22983 Fax: 604 -875 -4373 Email: guanghong.han Bruce Gamage, RN BSN CIC Network Manager BC Provincial Infection Control Network 1001 West Broadway, Suite...

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PICNet surveillance protocol for MRSA 2017

Surveillance Protocol for Methicill in -Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in BC Acute Care Facilities (April 201 7) Contacts: Guanghong Han , PhD Surveillance Epidemiologist BC Provincial Infection Control Network 1001 West Broadway, Suite 504, Vancouver, BC V6H 4B1 Tel: 604 -875 -4844 ext 22983 Fax: 604 -875 -4373 Email: guanghong.han Bruce Gamage, RN BSN CIC Network Manager BC Provincial Infection Control Network 1001 West Broadway,...

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Hand clean ing compliance in health care facilities, Q 1 201 7/1 8 Prepared by the Provincial Hand Hygiene Working Group of British Columbia (PHHWG) November 201 7 What is hand cleaning? Hand cleaning means using an alcohol -base d hand rub or soap and water to kill or remove germs on hands . Wh y is hand cleaning important ? Both patients in acute care...

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Hand clean ing compliance in health care facilities, Q 3 of 201 7/1 8 Prepared by the Provincial Hand Hygiene Working Group of British Columbia (PHHWG) March 2018 What is hand cleaning? Hand cleaning means using an alcohol -based hand rub or soap and water to kill or remove germs on hands . Wh y is hand cleaning important ? Patients in acute care facilities and...

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Hand clean ing compliance in health care facilities, Q 1 201 8/1 9 Prepared by the Provincial Hand Hygiene Working Group of British Columbia (PHHWG) Novem ber 2018 What is hand cleaning? Hand cleaning means using an alcohol -based hand rub or soap and water to kill or remove germs on hands. Why is hand cleaning important? Patients in acute care facilities and residents in...

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Hand clean ing compliance in health care facilities, Q 2 of 201 8/1 9 Prepared by the Provincial Hand Hygiene Working Group of British Columbia (PHHWG) Decem ber 2018 What is hand cleaning? Hand cleaning means using an alcohol -based hand rub or soap and water to kill or remove germs on hands. Why is hand cleaning important? Patients in acute care facilities and res idents...

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Hand clean ing compliance in health care facilities, Q 3 of 201 8/1 9 Prepared by the Provincial Hand Hygiene Working Group of British Columbia (PHHWG) March 201 9 What is hand cleaning? Hand cleaning means using an alcohol -based hand rub or soap and water to kill or remove germs on hands. Why is hand cleaning important? Patients in acute care facilities and reside nts...

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Surveillance Protocol for Clostridium difficile Infection s (CDI) in BC Acute Care Facilities (May 201 9) Contacts: Guanghong Han , PhD Surveillance Epidemiologist BC Provincial Infection Control Network 1001 West Broadway, Suite 504, Vancouver, BC V6H 4B1 Tel: 604 -875 -4844 ext 22983 Fax: 604 -875 -4373 Email: guanghong.han Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) Reviewed May 2019 Page 2 Contents Introduction...

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Hand clean ing compliance in health care facilities, Q 4 of 201 8/1 9 Prepared by the Provincial Hand Hygiene Working Group of British Columbia (PHHWG) July 201 9 What is hand cleaning? Hand cleaning means using an alcohol -based hand rub or soap and water to kill or remove germs on hands. Why is hand cleaning important? Patients in acute care facilities and residents <mark...

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