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Healthcare- associated infections surveillance report Clostridium difficile Infections (CDI) Update, Q 2 of Fiscal Year 2015/1 6 December 2015 Summary Table Q 2 201 5/1 6 Previous quarter (Q1 of 2015/16) Same quarter of previous year (Q2 2014/15 ) Total CDI cases identified 658 637 471 Number of new CDI associated with the reporting facility 326 339 242 Total inpatient days 653,030 649,497 650,436 Provincial rate...

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Healthcare- associated infections surveillance report Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Update, Q 2 of Fiscal Year 2015 /16 December 2015 Summary Table Q2 201 5/2016 Previous quarter (Q1 of 2015 /16) Same quarter of previous year (Q2 2014/15 ) Total new MRSA cases identified 747 754 759 Number of MRSA associated with the reporting facility 343 359 399 Total inpatient days 702,099 697,031 700,279 Provincial rate per 10,000...

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Acknowledgements: Thanks to the PICNet’s Surveillance Steer ing Committee and Provincial Hand Hygiene Working Group Communications Sub-committee. Hand cleaning compliance in residential care facilities , Q2 of 2015/2016 Prepared by the Provincial Hand Hygiene Working Group of British Columbia December 201 5 What is the risk of infections in residential care facilities? Residential care facilities ( RCFs) are home -like environment s that provide...

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PICNet EducationDay2016 Resources

Page 1 of 1 PICNet Education Day 2016 – Resource List Topic Area Title of Resource Authors Format URL Adult Learning Learning Styles inventory Penn State University – Brett Bixler Online questionnaire with results SI/LSI.htm Learning Styles inventory North Carolina U Engineering Faculty Online questionnaire with results lsweb.html Teaching Perspective Dan Pratt, UBC Online questionnaire with results Planning Planning Programs for Adult Learners Rosemary Caffarella...

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PICNet March2016 Newsletter

Page 1 of 2 PICNet March Newsletter Debugging Healthcare Together March 2016 PICNet Educational Conference: Presentation Slides Thanks to everyone who made the 2016 PICNet Educational Conference such a success! Presentation slides are available for download on the Conference Program page. (Any that are missing will be posted by the end of the week). Videos from the pre -conference workshop will be available after...

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Hand clean ing compliance in the healthcare facilities, Q3 2015/2016 Prepared by the Provincial Hand Hygiene Working Group of British Columbia (PHHWG) May 2016 What is hand cleaning? Hand cleaning means using an alcohol- based hand rub or soap and water to kill or remove germs on hand surfaces . Wh y is hand cleaning important ? Both patients in acute care facilities and residents <mark...

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PICNet Candida auris QA

Page 1 of 1 Candida auris Q&A July 2016 What is Candida auris ? Is it a new type of infection? Candida auris is a type of Candida yeast. Candida yeasts normally live on the skin and mucous membranes but can cause yeast infections. C. auris was first identified in 2009 in Japan. C. auris is considered an emerging pathogen because an increasing numbers...

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PICNet Candida auris infosheet 2016-07-14

Page 1 of 2 E merging multidrug -resistant Candida auris: information on infection control practices To: Infection Prevention and Control Community of Practice From: Provincial Infection Control Network of BC (PICNet) Date: July 1 4, 2016 Background The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Public Health Agency of Canada have recently raised an alert to an emerging multidrug -resistant (MDR) yeast,...

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Shipping Label Template

PICNet Conference: Shipping Label Template Please use these labels in addition to your courier’s label. A fillable Word document version can be downloaded from . -166843 67310 Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel 7551 Westminster H ighway Richmond, BC V6X 1A3 Attn: Pia Schattner , Conference Manager Event: PICNet Conference March 9-10, 2017 Company: Exhibitor table number: Contact person: Cellphone number: -165897 108585 Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel 7551...

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Hand clean ing compliance in healthcare facilities, Q4 2015/2016 Prepared by the Provincial Hand Hygiene Working Group of British Columbia (PHHWG) July 2016 What is hand cleaning? Hand cleaning means using an alcohol- based hand rub or soap and water to kill or remove germs on hand surfaces. Wh y is hand cleaning important ? Bo th patients in acute care facilities and residents in...

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PICNet 2017 Conference Poster

Interested in Infection Prevention and Control? PICNet 2017 Educational Conference March 9-10, Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel, Richmond, BC Conference Program March 9th Presentations Speaker How patient experience and workplace culture, relate to workplace happiness Arden Krystal Executive Vice President, Patient and Employee Experience, PHSA Whole genome sequencing and what we are learning about CPO transmission Dr. Linda Hoang , Medical Microbiologist, Program Head, Public Health Advanced Bacteriology/ Mycology...

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Healthcare - associated infections surveillance report Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Update, Q 1 2016 /17 November 2016 Summary Table Q1 201 6/1 7 Previous quarter (Q 4 201 5/16 *) Same quarter of previous year (Q1 201 5/1 6) Total new MRSA cases identified 713 1,067 757 Number of new MRSA cases associated with the reporting facility 325 481 361 Total inpatient days 655,086 1,035,544 695,469 Rate...

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Hand clean ing compliance in healthcare facilities, Q1 2016/2017 Prepared by the Provincial Hand Hygiene Working Group of British Columbia (PHHWG) November 2016 What is hand cleaning? Hand cleaning means using an alcohol- based hand rub or soap and water to kill or remove germs on hand surfaces. Wh y is hand cleaning important ? Bo th patients in acute care facilities and residents in...

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Healthcare- associated infections surveillance report Clostridium difficile Infections (CDI) Update, Q 1 2016 /17 December 2016 Summary Table Q 1 201 6/1 7 Previous quarter (Q 4 201 5/16 *) Same quarter of previous year (Q1 201 5/1 6) Total CDI cases identified 575 952 635 Number of new CDI cases associated with the reporting facility 284 465 338 Total inpatient days 611 ,326 973,558 647,350...

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Healthcare- associated infections surveillance report Clostridium difficile Infections (CDI) Update, Q 2 2016 /17 January 201 7 Summary Table Q 2 201 6/1 7 Previous quarter (Q 1 201 6/1 7) Same quarter of previous year (Q2 201 5/1 6) Total CDI cases identified 524 575 660 Number of new CDI cases associated with the reporting facility 248 284 329 Total inpatient days 646,601 611,326 651,362...

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Picnet Admin


Healthcare - associated infections surveillance report Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Update, Q 2 2016 /17 January 2017 Summary Table Q2 201 6/1 7 Previous quarter (Q 1 201 6/1 7) Same quarter of previous year (Q2 201 5/1 6) Total new MRSA cases identified 759 713 749 Number of new MRSA cases associated with the reporting facility 344 324 345 Total inpatient days 692,786 655,086 700,431 Rate...

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Hand clean ing compliance in healthcare facilities, Q4 of 2016 /2017 Prepared by the Provincial Hand Hygiene Working Group of British Columbia (PHHWG) August 2017 What is hand cleaning? Hand cleaning means using an alcohol -based hand rub or soap and water to kill or remove germs on hands . Wh y is hand cleaning important ? Both patients in acute care facilities and residents <mark...

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Healthcare- associated infections surveillance report Clostridium difficile Infections (CDI) Update, Q 4 of 2016 /17 August 2017 Summary Table Q 4 2016 /17 Previous quarter (Q3 2016/17) Same quarter of previous year (Q4 2015/16) Year -to- date 2016/17 Total CDI cases identified 801 521 952 2,421 Number of new CDI cases associated with the reporting facility 395 262 465 1,189 Total inpatient days 962,129 667,937 691,550...

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Picnet Admin


Healthcare - associated infections surveillance report Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Update, Q 4 of 2016/1 7 August 2017 Summary Table Q4 2016 /17 Previous quarter (Q3 201 6/17) Same quarter of previous year (Q4 2015/16) Year -to- date 2016/17 Total new MRSA cases identified 1,084 714 1,067 3,276 Number of new MRSA cases associated with the reporting facility 488 355 481 1,516 Total inpatient days 1,015,167 715,803...

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Game of Germs Posters

[…] ms w i n t e r is com i ng     C . difficile What it is: Clostridium difficile , also known as C. difficile or C. diff, is a bacterium that lives in the intestines of a some people (even healthy people). When antibiotics are taken for other medical conditions, the normal balance of their bowel bacteria is upset, allowing C. difficile...

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