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WHAT’S NEW NATIONAL INFECTION CONTROL WEEK For PICNet’s news on National IC Week, please click here. Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Advisory & Mpox Guidance For PICNet’s news, click here. Transitioning COVID-19 IPC Resources COVID-19 IPC resources are being transitioned to IPC resources for viral respiratory illness and general IPC practices. Click here for more information. Resources Activities Toolkits and resources for engaging infection...

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Conference Program

PICNet 2014 Educational Conference: Learning from the Past to Inform the Future March 3-4, 2014 The presentation slides are available for download; click on the PDF icon next to the presentation title to view/download the file. March 3rd Topic Speaker Name 8:00–8:30 Registration and Breakfast  Exhibitors 8:30–8:40 Welcome and Opening Remarks PICNet Co-Director 8:40–9:00 Update on PICNet Bruce Gamage, PICNet 9:00–10:00 Health Canada standards...

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Conference Program and Presentation Slides

[…] genome sequencing and what we are learning about CPO transmission   Dr. Linda Hoang MSc, MD, DTM&H, FRCPC Medical Microbiologist BCCDC and Co-Medical Lead, PICNet Dr. Elizabeth Brodkin MD, FCFP, MHSc, FRCPC Executive Medical Director, Infection Control and Medical Health Officer, Fraser Health Authority 11:15–12:00 Interactivity   PICNet Education Steering Committee 12:00–1:00 Lunch   Exhibitors 1:00–1:45 Pediatric diarrheal illness Dr. David Goldfarb MD FRCPC Clinical Associate...

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PICNet Newsletter Jan2013

PICNet PROVINCIAL INFECTION CONTROL NETWORK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA A program of the Provincial Health Services Authority PICNet January Newsletter Debugging Healthcare Together! Issue: #1 January 2013 ARO Guidelines Revision - your input is requested The ARO Guidelines Working Group has been revising the 2005 Antiobiotic Resistant Organisms (ARO) Provincial Guidelines to reflect their review of the latest evidence on common AROs and...

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PICNet Newsletter Mar2013

Page 1 of 2 PICNet PROVINCIAL INFECTION CONTROL NETWORK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA A program of the Provincial Health Services Authority PICNet March Newsletter Debugging Healthcare Together! Issue: #2 March 2013 CRE in the News Following the publication of a news release by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control stating that more than 200 U.S. hospitals and long- term, acute-care facilities had cases of...

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PICNet ResCareBooklet 2014 WebVer

[…] does not have any harmful side effects. ABHR kills only the transient fl ora; it leaves the normal (resident) fl ora behind. Also, ABHR does not make germs more resistant! “Superbugs” have been in the news a lot lately, and many people are confused about what makes a germ resistant. “Superbugs” are antibiotic resistant organisms (AROs), which are bacteria that have developed resistance to antibiotic...

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[…] 2013 Strategic Plan, work began to develop a communications plan for 2012. The first step in this process was a communications audit, which included a review of the different types of communications vehicles (e.g. website, newsletters, rep orts) that PICNet uses to communicate with its different audiences (including the CoP, PHSA executives, MoH, Advisory Committee, etc.). Given that the most recent...

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Micheal Grinder Handouts March 2016

[…] The Elusive Obvious , Managing Groups —The Fast Track and Charisma. Books $67.95 The Elusive Obvious , Managing Groups —The Fast Track and Charisma. E-Books $58.95 Shipping is not included in pricing. See the website for the complete list of products at: Michael Grinder & Associates · 16303 N.E. 259 th Street · Bat tle Ground, W A 98604 <mark...

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Interim Monkeypox IPAC Guidance – June 2022

[…] B infec tious substances (Class 6, Division 6.2) and clinical, (bio) medical or regulated medical waste ( 9. References 1. World Health Organization (WHO). Monkeypox Fact Sheet 19 May 2022. Accessed June 8, 2022. news -room/fact -sheets/detail/monkeypox 2. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Monkeypox | Poxvirus | CDC Jun 7, 2022. Accessed June 8, 2022. 3. Public Health...

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Picnet Admin

Pre-Conference Workshop

[…] audience Communications Workshop – Part 4 Communications Workshop – Part 5 Communications Workshop – Part 6 Q&A: Working with a translator Props Introduction to 2-point and 3-point communication Props and Powerpoint The power of the pause Communicating unwelcome news to patients Three-point communication: what it is and how to use it The words “I’m sorry” – when and how to use Where you sit makes a...

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Picnet Admin


Revised May 7, 2013 1 Interim Guidance – Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Acute Care a Settings The Public Health Agency of Canada (the Agency) has developed this document to provide infection prevention and control (IPC) guidance to healthcare organizations and healthcare workers (HCWs) for the management of patients presenting to healthcare facilit ies in Canada, who have travelled...

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Are Towelettes Effective for Decontamination Teleclass Slides, Apr.30.15

[…] Are towelettes effective for surface decontamination in healthcare settings? Hosted by Dr. Lynne Sehulster Prevention and Response Branch Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion Centers for Disease Control and Prevention April 30, 2015 Review the usage of towelettes in healthcare settings, particularly pre-wetted towelettes Discuss the role of pre-wetted towelettes in healthcare settings Consider the claims made by pre-wetted towelettes’ manufacturers <mark...

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CARSS 2016 Report EN 2016 09 12 FINAL

[…] , vancomycin - resistant Enterococcus spp. ; drug-resistant Streptococcus , Neisseria gonorrhoeae , Salmonella t yphi , non - Typhoidal Salmonella , and Tuberculosis . The AMU section provides information on human and animal antimicrobial usage. It gives details on the human aspect for the amount of antimicrobials dispensed through community pharmacies , prescriber specialization breakdown as well as hospital purchasing and use....

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Severe MRSA in ICU slides

[…] à Contact precautions - preemptive isolation Observed MRSA acquisition Predicted MRSA acquisition Imported Efficacy of screening + isolation 53 Rate of methicillin-resistance in invasive S. aureus infections Efficacy of screening + isolation 54 https://reflectionsipc.files. -whats -made -the -differecnce.jpg Efficacy Efficacy of screening + isolation 55 CHX washing à source control active skin biofilm removal ? 64 Cleansed with chlorhexdine cloths Bathed with...

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[…] group was to review current evidence associated with foot care equipment and infections, other guidelines and standards in use, and develop recommendations that have f ully considered the evidence and risk to patients from re usable equipment used to provide foot care. In order to address all of the elements associated with the provision of foot care , this multidisciplinary group:...

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PICNet Annual Surveillance Report 2017_18

[…] to report to PICNet by physician or care provider. PICNet further link s the new cases to the laboratory testing data and patient information collected by the laboratory for the provincial surveillance report. For the latest provincial surveillance protocol for CPO in BC, please visit . Hand Cleaning Compliance The methodology for the prov incial hand hygiene...

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03 Hand Hygiene

Module 3 : Hand Hygiene Orientation Program for Infection Control Professionals ICP Orientation Program Page i C o n t e n t s Module 3 : Hand Hygiene ...

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2024-01-11 Slides_Discourse in Infection Prevention

[…] beliefs are available. Hand Hygiene Research•A Discourse Analysis of Hand Hygiene Policy in the NHS•Fused Corpus Linguistics (quantitative) with Critical Discourse Analysis (qualitative) to examine:•359 Hand Hygiene Policies of all NHS Trusts in England•Over 1,000,000 words. Deontic Logic•Deontic logic is the investigation of normative concepts, especially:•Obligation•Permission•Prohibition. Zero Tolerance•First introduced to the NHS as a method of addressing workplace violence•Its application to IPC...

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Andrea Vu Tran

2024-02-29 Slides_Implementation Science

[…] MD PhD Iris van der Horst MScDepartment of Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention Amsterdam Center for Implementation ScienceAndrea ThoonsenChristiaan VisFemke van NassauNina ZipfelAnnicka van der PlasEsther BisschopsMireille DekkerAmsCISboard membersAmsCISadvisoryCommitteeMargriet MullenderHan AnemaMartine de BruijneMichel WensingPauline Goense Todays objectives •to explore the core of implementation science•to discuss how we can use knowledge from implementation science in practice•to learn how to identify barriers and facilitators•to understand how...

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Andrea Vu Tran

Carbapenemase-producing Organisms (CPOs)

[…] was the predominant gene identified. Most of those persons were carriers of the CPO and did not have an invasive infection. CPO Surveillance Program To review the quarterly reports click here. Click to access the latest annual report, and read more about CPO surveillance The emergence of carbapenemase producing organisms (CPOs) is a medical and public health concern, of which the...

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