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2015 CDI/CPO Symposium

PICNet  >  Events  >  2015 CDI/CPO Symposium

Videos of Symposium Presentations

Videos of the presentations are available to all members of PICNet’s Community of Practice; the password needed to view the videos is picnet2015.




In March 2014, PICNet hosted a provincial meeting to address outbreaks of Carbapenemase producing organisms (CPO) and Clostridium difficile infection (CDI), and to develop strategies for their prevention and control. Since that time, the health authorities and PICNet’s community of practice have developed surveillance strategies, prevention and control toolkits, treatment algorithms, and education for health-care providers.

PICNet, in collaboration with the BC Centre for Disease Control’s Public Health Microbiology Reference Laboratory (BCCDC PHMRL), is hosting an academic symposium to discuss the most recent developments surrounding CDI and CPO. Members of our community of practice are invited to come together to share their knowledge regarding surveillance results, new treatments, and new approaches.

Questions? Feel free to contact us.