Let's Go Viral! Game Kit
PICNet has developed an educational game to help train your staff in infection control... and have some fun while doing
it! Let's Go Viral is a Family Feud-style game that can be played with 8-20 staff members, one game show host, and a
show host assistant. The game is a series of questions about infection control, with the two teams competing for points
by getting correct answers. Each question is built around a teachable moment; the instruction book and demo video
include the educational information for question. The game takes about 45-60 minutes to play (depending on the amount of
teaching your staff requires); the game can be shortened by omitting questions.

The questions are based around the topics of:
- How infections are transmitted
- Staff hand hygiene
- Patient/resident hand hygiene
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Risk assessment
- Flu/norovirus season
- ...and more.
The feedback we have received from users has been extremely positive:
"I just wanted to let you know that we finished doing the LGV program about 30 minutes ago
and it was WONDERFUL! I’ve started to use it in my bi-monthly orientation classes for new hires and anniversary
staff. Both teams had such a good time and I truly feel the lessons they learned are going to be remembered. Some of
it was a review of existing knowledge and for some, it was totally new. They actually got quite competitive and I
loved the energy going on in the room! Thank you so much for developing a fun way for folks to learn. Yay!"
Download the kit
The game kit is now available for purchase at $80 plus shipping and handling. To order, please visit our
Forms page.
You can download the kit to run this educational workshop yourself, and you can re-use the kit as many times as you like.

The educational game was developed for our visits to residential care facilities, but it is equally applicable to acute care settings. The game is suitable for all staff, including housekeeping and auxiliary.
The game cards and instructions are freely downloadable from this website to print them yourself. You'll also have to
cut and laminate them.
All the above resources are freely available for use under a Creative Commons
license. See license details.