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[…] in Patient and Resident Populations | Huly 2014 12 Abbreviations ARI Acute Respiratory Infec tion ARO Antibiotic -resistant Organism ASA American Society of Anesthesiologists BSI Bloodstream Infection CABG Coronary Artery Bypass Graft CAUTI Catheter -associated Urinary Tract Infection CCC Complex Continuing Care CDI Clostridium difficile Infection CLABSI Central L ine -associated Bloodstream Infection CNISP Canadian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Program CPE Carbapenemase -producing Enterobacteriaceae CVC Central Venous Catheter...

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[…] part of a conference or workshop. It would not have to be specifically for Surgical site Surveillance and could be used to train individuals in ot her areas of surveillance such as nosocomial respiratory or urinary tract infections and vascular access relate d infection. It would include information on; 2. The definition and purpose of surveillance 3. The limitations and problems in conducting surveillance 4. Methods...

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[…] hepatitis B virus amongst health care workers a viable reality in communities with even the most limited financial resources. Sources: 1 Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). Immunization Newsletter. Volume XXIX, Number 1. February 2007. English/AD/FCH/IM/sne2901.pdf p. 6 2 PAHO charges a fee of 3% of the total cost, which is contributed to the capitalization of the Fund (Andrus and de Quadros, "Global Access to Vaccines:...

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SocialMediaTeleclass HelenEvans ActiveLinks

Helen Evans National Social Media Manager, IPAC‐Canada Social media:  Useful or useless in infection  prevention and control? Hosted by Paul Webber August 24, 2017 Purpose of today’s teleclass 2 • Internet sites and applications that allow users  to create, share, edit, and interactwith online  content • Contain information generated by users, for  users •Any online platform where groups of peoplecan  communicate with each other in real time, and  other users can find them What is  (are?) social media? 3 4 Source:‐billion‐people‐now‐use‐social‐media The stats  (as of last week…) 5 By platform 6 Number of users is not the only metric 7 • 32% of US users post about their friends and family’s health experiences on social media. (Source PWC) • 29% of patients viewing health information through social media are viewing other patients’...

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HelenEvans_Communicating with HCW

[…] might apply to healthcare – Sometimes synonymous with "employer" {Customers = staff, patients {Products/innovations= – New healthcare technologies – Policies and procedures –Practices Movie break: Let’s talk about trust 2015 Edelman Trust Barometer: summary https:// icMDl-65xrEi7zAUq3uQIo7QeplHoVP 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer: summary Tapping the Internal Trust Surplus to Rebuild Credibility Video clip links: The magic bullet? {Not a lot of research out there...

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PICNet IIPW_NICW Toolkit 2018

[…] team of staff that you are training, and have them “sanitize” their hands using any type of UV- responsive lotion or gel. You can time this for 15 seconds if you like. 2. Then, exa mine everyone’s hands under the blacklight, and point out any areas that were missed (usually: fingertips, thumbs, and wrists). 3. Award the prize to the person who did the best job of...

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Implementation of Best Practices in European Hospitals SLIDES

[…] vs. Vertical Boundary Spanning Informal networking: " I have a lot of persons above me that decide, but the persons that I consider my real leader/chief are directly connected with me and are friends of mine. So it’s quite easy for me to work with them. We go to the restaurant." (ICU Physician) Institutional silos: " if you want to change things … even if you have...

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