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Committees & Working Groups

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With the cooperation and collaboration of all health authorities, PICNet’s Working Groups and Committees create opportunities for infection control professionals including physicians, leaders and specialists along with other key partners, to work together to identify priorities and solutions for important infection prevention and control issues across the province.

Together these professionals provide recommendations to support a consistent, effective approach to healthcare associated infection prevention, control and surveillance. Provincially focused, PICNet also contributes to national and international initiatives aimed at improving health outcomes.

Steering Committees

  • Provincial Infection Prevention and Control Steering Committee (PIPSC) – Tara Donovan, Dr. Titus Wong, co-chairs

Working Groups

  • PICNet Surveillance Working Group (SWG)- Katherine Sunderland, chair
  • Provincial Hand Hygiene Working Group (PHHWG) – Tara Donovan, chair
  • Provincial COVID IPC/WHS Working Group – Tara Donovan, PICNet, Brian Sagar, Ministry of Health & Dave Keen, Fraser Health, co-chairs
  • Provincial Infection Prevention and Control High-Threat Pathogens Sub-Working Group (IPC HTP SWG) – Stephanie Burniston, chair
  • Provincial AGMP Expert Working Group – Dr. Titus Wong, chair
    • Provincial AGMP Expert Sub-Working Group – Dr. Lynn Li, chair

Task Group

  • Provincial Reprocessing Guidelines Task Group – Noorsallah Esmail, PICNet, & Bonnie Mackenzie, Northern Health Authority, co-chairs