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Ebola: Infection prevention and control recovery plans in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone

An inter-country meeting is taking place July 20-22 in Liberia on the topic of Ebola: Infection prevention and control recovery plans and implementation. Monrovia is hosting a meeting of infection prevention and control (IPC) experts from the 3 Ebola-affected countries. The overall aim of the meeting is to share experiences on IPC practices, and water and sanitation hygiene, as well as to plan...

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An inter-country meeting is taking place July 20-22 in Liberia on the topic of Ebola: Infection prevention and control recovery plans and implementation. Monrovia is hosting a meeting of infection prevention and control (IPC) experts from the 3 Ebola-affected countries. The overall aim of the meeting is to share experiences on IPC practices, and water and sanitation hygiene, as well as to plan...

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BCCDC puts call out for more doctors and nurses to help monitor for flu

Vancouver – Experts at the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) are already gearing up to monitor flu-like illness for the coming season and they’re looking for more community doctors and nurses to help. Influenza viruses constantly change, and each season the flu shot has to be updated to match the new strains that are most likely to make people sick. Last year, <mark...

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Vancouver – Experts at the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) are already gearing up to monitor flu-like illness for the coming season and they’re looking for more community doctors and nurses to help. Influenza viruses constantly change, and each season the flu shot has to be updated to match the new strains that are most likely to make people sick. Last year, <mark...

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Emerging Respiratory Virus Update: Avian flu, novel influenza, and MERS-CoV

From BCCDC: MAIN MESSAGES Human infections with avian influenza of various novel subtypes (H7N9, H5N6, H9N2, H5N1) have been reported from China recently, notably H7N9 for which a fourth wave of human cases is currently underway. As previously emphasized, avian influenza viruses, like humanized strains, show winter seasonality. Prior human infections with avian influenza H7N9 and H5N1 that were imported to Canada happened at around...

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From BCCDC: MAIN MESSAGES Human infections with avian influenza of various novel subtypes (H7N9, H5N6, H9N2, H5N1) have been reported from China recently, notably H7N9 for which a fourth wave of human cases is currently underway. As previously emphasized, avian influenza viruses, like humanized strains, show winter seasonality. Prior human infections with avian influenza H7N9 and H5N1 that were imported to Canada happened at around...

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Paul Webber: recipient of IPAC-Canada’s 2017 Moira Walker Award for for International Service

[…] besides that, it is important for the long term survival of the program that there be a larger pool of people invested in this important initiative. I invite you to watch the video, and if you feel inclined to donate, you can do via GoFundMe. Or you can help by spreading the word!” Learn more about Teleclass Education Africa’s...

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[…] besides that, it is important for the long term survival of the program that there be a larger pool of people invested in this important initiative. I invite you to watch the video, and if you feel inclined to donate, you can do via GoFundMe. Or you can help by spreading the word!” Learn more about Teleclass Education Africa’s...

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The Provincial Infection Control Network (PICNet) is committed to supporting the infection control community of practice by: Identifying and recommending best practices in infection control Improving awareness around infection control and accessibility to education and training Improving coordination and collaboration through professional development and networking opportunities Assisting and participating in surveillance activities With these objectives in mind, PICNet provides and/or purchases a variety...

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Presenter Bios

In order of presentation: Dr. William Jarvis, MD Jason and Jarvis Associates, LLC William R. Jarvis, M.D. is board-certified in pediatrics and board-eligible in pediatric infectious diseases. From 1980-2003, Dr. Jarvis worked at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in a number of leadership positions including Acting Director, Hospital Infections Program (HIP); Assistant Director for Program Development, Division of...

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Hand Hygiene

[…] for Hand Hygiene Guidelines are currently being updated. We will notify our community of practice and partners once the resource is revised and approved for publication. Provincial Best Practices for Hand Hygiene Guidelines: Facilities and Infrastructure Checklist Published by the BC Ministry of Health, November 2013 (The document has “Appendix 5” at the top as it was originally issued as an Appendix to...

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Respiratory Infections

BC Policies and Guidelines Provincial Policies Policy Communiqué: Infection Prevention and Control Measures for Preventing Viral Respiratory Illness May 2, 2024 BC Ministry of Health Provincial Influenza Prevention Policy Office of the Provincial Health Officer Viral Respiratory Illness IPC Guidelines Viral Respiratory Illness setting specific guidance – coming soon! Respiratory Infection Outbreak Guidelines for Healthcare Facilities Created By: Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia...

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[…] current measles activity, we are recommending the following: Ensure health-care worker immunizations are up to date. Encourage patients to be up to date with their immunizations. Refer to the BC Centre for Disease Control for information on available vaccines for measles.  Be vigilant for cases of measles. Refer to the BC Centre for Disease Control for information on case definitions, symptoms, and...

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[…] designed was sustainable given PICNet’s high reliance on volunteers and its limited fiscal resources. The Communications Working Group launched PICNet’s website and a number of other marketing and commu nications activities such as PICNet’s monthly newsletter. The Needs Assessment Working Group over saw an ambitious project to develop a provincial "snap shot" of infection prevention, surveillance and control practice in the province and...

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[…] designed was sustainable given PICNet’s high reliance on volunteers and its limited fiscal resources. The Communications Working Group launched PICNet’s website and a number of other marketing and commu nications activities such as PICNet’s monthly newsletter. The Needs Assessment Working Group over saw an ambitious project to develop a provincial "snap shot" of infection prevention, surveillance and control practice in the province and...

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Module 6: Outbreak Management

[…] information about Mr. Jones: • 60 year old married male • History of cancer of the bowel • Abdominal surgery 5 days earlier • Nasogastric tube removed on August 31 • Started on clear fluids today • Poor hygienic practices • Mrs. Jones providing help with his care On September 2, 2009 Mrs. Jones helped her husband with his care including helping him to...

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Morley Outbreaks can happen anywhere

[…] Here occupational therapist is hired, followed a year later by the  first social worker. 1932The first graduates from BC's School of Psychiatric Nursing  receive their diplomas. 1934The Veterans’ Unit (the first section of what would later  become Crease Clinic) opens at Essondale. 14 Document Title Goes Here 1940BC’s Mental Hospital Act is amended, deleting all  references to "lunatic" and "insane"; this year also sees the  first male graduates from the nursing school. 1942Electro‐convulsive therapy (ECT) is introduced, followed  soon after by sulfa drugs, then psychosurgery; all of BC’s  mental health facilities are reported to be seriously  overcrowded. 15 Document Title Goes Here 3/2/2015 6 1946The first female physician is hired at Essondale; however, the hospital  will remain gender‐segregated until the early 1960s. 1949Crease Clinic of Psychological Medicine opens, after the second half of  the building is constructed (a mirror image of the first half, built in 1934).  At Colony Farm, the Vete ran s Unit  (Riverside Building) opens, the  forerunner of  today’s Forensic Psychiatric Hospital. 16 Document Title Goes Here 1951Essondale reaches its peak population of 4,630patients. Pennington  Hall opens, providing recreational services to patients. 1955230‐bed Tuberculosis Unit (now called North Lawn) opens at Essondale.  The introduction of improved medications (Chlorpromazine), along with  the opening of community mental health centres, boarding homes, and  general hospital psychiatric wards, results <mark...

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PICNet Newsletter June2015

PICNet June Newsletter Debugging Healthcare Together June 2015 CPO Surveillance Report The first provincial Carbapenemase -producing organisms (CPO) surveillance report is now available for download from the PICNet website. You can read about the CPO surveillance program on our CPO web pages . Thanks to our Surveillance Steering Committee and all those who participated in the development of this important new surveillance program. Change Day...

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Infection Prevention in Nursing Homes SLIDES

[…] in Nursing Homes and Palliative Care Pat Stone, PhD, RN, FAAN Columbia University, Center for Health Policy Hosted by Prof. Ruth Lynne Carrico Columbia University March 8, 2018 2 3 4 5 6 Today’s Discussion Background/context of nursing homes (NH) and infection prevention in the US Prevention of Nosocomial Infections and Cost-Effectiveness in Nursing Homes (PNICE-NH) Five analyses Next steps...

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Control of CPE in an Endemic Setting Teleclass Slides, Dec.12.18

[…] 18 Epidemiologically linked contact screening (ELCS) High-risk screening (HRS) (Doctor lead) (Hospitalization in endemic countries) + ELCS HRS- doctor led (Hospitalization other than own) + ELCS HRS (Nurse and doctor lead) + ELCS 2010 2016 Today 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 NDM-1 (NDM-1 SG January 2010) Oct 2010 IMP in TTSH (IMP SG 1996) 2011 KPC (KPC SG 2011) 2012 OXA (SG Jan 2013)...

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Control of CPE in an Endemic Setting Teleclass Slides, Dec.12.18

[…] 18 Epidemiologically linked contact screening (ELCS) High-risk screening (HRS) (Doctor lead) (Hospitalization in endemic countries) + ELCS HRS- doctor led (Hospitalization other than own) + ELCS HRS (Nurse and doctor lead) + ELCS 2010 2016 Today 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 NDM-1 (NDM-1 SG January 2010) Oct 2010 IMP in TTSH (IMP SG 1996) 2011 KPC (KPC SG 2011) 2012 OXA (SG Jan 2013)...

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[…] with regards to communications prior ities and activities. The purpose of the CLG is to develop and implement communication strategies that will fu rther enable PICNet to meet its mandate. PICNet produces a monthly electronic newsletter in order to keep the infection prevention and control Community of Practice up-to-date on current PICNet activities. The newsletter is sent to all Community of Practice members...

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[…] » Program for Older Adults Comments Feed" href="" /> <link rel="EditURI" type="application/rsd+xml" title="RSD" href="" /> <link rel="wlwmanifest" type="application/wlwmanifest+xml" href="" /> <link rel='prev' title='Buggin' href='' /> <link rel='next' title='Grade Two Program' href='' /> <meta name="generator" content=" WordPress 3.9.2" /> <link rel='shortlink' href='' /> <script type='text/javascript'> var g_hanaFlash = false; try { var fo = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash'); if(fo) g_hanaFlash = true; }catch(e){ if(navigator.mimeTypes != undefined) g_hanaFlash = true;...

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[…] with regards to communications prior ities and activities. The purpose of the CLG is to develop and implement communication strategies that will fu rther enable PICNet to meet its mandate. PICNet produces a monthly electronic newsletter in order to keep the infection prevention and control Community of Practice up-to-date on current PICNet activities. The newsletter is sent to all Community of Practice members...

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