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2021-02-04 Slides_Supporting the Wellbeing of HCW

[…] place in the world."Jones E. Moral injury in a context of trauma. The British Journal of Psychiatry 2020.9 Why talk about mental health for healthcare workers?10 Why talk about mental health for healthcare workers?The good newsThere isa growingawarenessand recognition of the importance of mental healthand wellnessfor healthcareworkers:WHO Charter for Health Worker Safety:•Develop and implement national programmesfor occupational health and safety of...

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Picnet Admin

2023-05-29 Slides_Psychology of Pandemics

[…] a d P u b l i c A l a r m•Lethal:Higher fatality than endemic diseases•Unfamiliar:Emergent or re-emergent rather than endemic•Volatile: Sudden or swift acting•Egalitarian:Not limited to particular demographic groups•Uncertaintiesabout prevention, protection, and treatment• Newsworthy: Widely reported in the media•Disgusting:Revolting signs or symptoms•Stressful mitigation measures: Socioeconomic impacts of lockdown, quarantine, etc. across Pandemics: Common Reac.ons•Polarization of emotions, attitudes, behaviors•New onset and newly worsened psychol....

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Andrea Vu Tran

Some antibiotics may worsen MRSA

[…] mice, they became even sicker. Still, the researchers warn that because their findings are based on studies involving laboratory mice, their results need to be carefully assessed in humans. Read the full article on Medical News TodayThe journal article can be found in: Cell Host & Microbe, Volume 18, Issue 5, 11 November 2015, Pages 604-612 Sabrina...

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[…] mice, they became even sicker. Still, the researchers warn that because their findings are based on studies involving laboratory mice, their results need to be carefully assessed in humans. Read the full article on Medical News TodayThe journal article can be found in: Cell Host & Microbe, Volume 18, Issue 5, 11 November 2015, Pages 604-612 Sabrina...

Picnet Admin

BC’s Animal Health Centre: detecting avian influenza

[…] doesn’t matter if the animal is wild or domestic, a family pet or destined for the dinner table, pathologists see a diverse cross-section of the province’s fauna. On the day of a visit by a News reporter, one of the centre’s nine pathologists is examining a dead skunk, its smell permeating the entire facility. The centre’s diagnostic lab is actually...

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[…] doesn’t matter if the animal is wild or domestic, a family pet or destined for the dinner table, pathologists see a diverse cross-section of the province’s fauna. On the day of a visit by a News reporter, one of the centre’s nine pathologists is examining a dead skunk, its smell permeating the entire facility. The centre’s diagnostic lab is actually...

Picnet Admin

Mosquitoes capable of carrying Zika virus may have colony in Ontario

The insects tested negative for both the Zika and West Nile virus Species can carry Dengue fever From A mosquito species capable of transmitting the Zika virus and other tropical diseases may have established a colony in southwestern Ontario, a development that could mean changes for Canadian healthcare providers. Two adult Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, also known as the Asian tiger mosquito, were recently trapped in...

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The insects tested negative for both the Zika and West Nile virus Species can carry Dengue fever From A mosquito species capable of transmitting the Zika virus and other tropical diseases may have established a colony in southwestern Ontario, a development that could mean changes for Canadian healthcare providers. Two adult Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, also known as the Asian tiger mosquito, were recently trapped in...

Picnet Admin

PICNet Newsletter Sep2013

Page 1 of 3 PICNet PROVINCIAL INFECTION CONTROL NETWORK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA A program of the Provincial Health Services Authority PICNet September Newsletter Debugging Healthcare Together! Issue: #6 September 2013 It's just over a month until Infection Control Week, and PICNet has lots of ways you can get involved! Infection Control Week In -A-Box PICNet's " Let's Go Viral!" educational game kit is...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet Newsletter May2014

[…] They shoot, they score! "Clean Shots" Wins National Contest Congratulations to everyone who has submitted photos to the Clean Shots photo contest - you have made us national winners! Every year, the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI) holds a national contest to see who has the best hand hygiene initiative from across the country. The committee running the...

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Picnet Admin

CDI Annual Surveillance Report 2012-2013

Clostridium difficile Infection (CDI) Surveillance Report For the Fiscal Year 2012/2013 (April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013) Prepared by: Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) September 2013 Provincial Infection Control Network of BC (PICNet) 1001 West Broadway, Suite 504 Vancouver, BC, V6H 4B1 Tel: 604 -875 -4844 ext 22983 Fax: 604- 875-4373 Email: Disclaimer The purpose of this report is...

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Picnet Admin


[…] among th e health authorities, the public health departments had less involvement with acute care facilities. This wa s expected as a large number of acute care facilities have dedicated infection control programs. In other words, the results suggest that public health departments provide services to facilities outside the ac ute care setting (and their affiliated directly funded LTC facilities)...

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Picnet Admin


[…] the newly introduced Hand Hygiene Resource Page. A more comprehensive analysis of website usage will be available for the next fiscal year, once tracking has commenced for a full period. PICNet produces a monthly electronic newsletter in order to keep the infection prevention and control Community of Practice up-to-date on current PICNet activities. The newsletter is sent to all Community of Practice...

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Picnet Admin


[…] (PMO) with regards to communications priorities and activities. The pu rpose of the CLG is to develop and implement communication strategies that will further enable PICNet to meet its mandate. PICNet produces a monthly electronic newsletter in order to keep the infection prevention and control Community of Practice up-to-date on current PICNet activi ties. The newsletter is sent to all Community of Practice...

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Picnet Admin


[…] Drugs? » About the Program Comments Feed" href="" /> <link rel="EditURI" type="application/rsd+xml" title="RSD" href="" /> <link rel="wlwmanifest" type="application/wlwmanifest+xml" href="" /> <link rel='prev' title='Buggin' href='' /> <link rel='next' title='Grade Two Program' href='' /> <meta name="generator" content=" WordPress 3.9.2" /> <link rel='shortlink' href='' /> <script type='text/javascript'> var g_hanaFlash = false; try { var fo = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash'); if(fo) g_hanaFlash = true; }catch(e){ if(navigator.mimeTypes != undefined) g_hanaFlash =...

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Picnet Admin


[…] Drugs? » About the Program Comments Feed" href="" /> <link rel="EditURI" type="application/rsd+xml" title="RSD" href="" /> <link rel="wlwmanifest" type="application/wlwmanifest+xml" href="" /> <link rel='prev' title='Buggin' href='' /> <link rel='next' title='Grade Two Program' href='' /> <meta name="generator" content=" WordPress 3.9.2" /> <link rel='shortlink' href='' /> <script type='text/javascript'> var g_hanaFlash = false; try { var fo = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash'); if(fo) g_hanaFlash = true; }catch(e){ if(navigator.mimeTypes != undefined) g_hanaFlash =...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet Newsletter May2014

[…] They shoot, they score! "Clean Shots" Wins National Contest Congratulations to everyone who has submitted photos to the Clean Shots photo contest - you have made us national winners! Every year, the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI) holds a national contest to see who has the best hand hygiene initiative from across the country. The committee running the...

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Picnet Admin


[…] the newly introduced Hand Hygiene Resource Page. A more comprehensive analysis of website usage will be available for the next fiscal year, once tracking has commenced for a full period. PICNet produces a monthly electronic newsletter in order to keep the infection prevention and control Community of Practice up-to-date on current PICNet activities. The newsletter is sent to all Community of Practice...

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Picnet Admin


[…] (PMO) with regards to communications priorities and activities. The pu rpose of the CLG is to develop and implement communication strategies that will further enable PICNet to meet its mandate. PICNet produces a monthly electronic newsletter in order to keep the infection prevention and control Community of Practice up-to-date on current PICNet activi ties. The newsletter is sent to all Community of Practice...

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Picnet Admin


WHEN TO WASH YOUR HANDS • Beforeeat ingorpreparingfood WHEN TO WASH YOUR HANDS • Before  eating  or  preparing  food •After using the toilet •After blowing your nose • Afterhandlinggarbageortrash • After  handling  garbage  or  trash •After touching pets or animals •After touching shared objects • Beforehandlingcontactlenses • Before  handling  contact  lenses WASH YOUR HANDS WHENEVER THEY ARE LIKELY TO BE CONTAMINATED WITH GERMS OR WHENEVER THEY WILL BE IN CONTACT WITH YOUR EYES, NOSE OR MOUTH Five Minute...

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Picnet Admin

Healthcare Textiles Teleclass Slides

[…] Sehulster, PhD, M(ASCP) Healthcare Textiles: Factors That Impact Cleanliness Health Scientist National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion October 16, 2014 Hosted by Paul Webber Topics for Today Healthcare laundry basics: Some observations Basic steps of the laundry process Antimicrobial activity in the wash cycle Key observations from the report of the 2009 mucormycosis...

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Picnet Admin

Healthcare Textiles Teleclass Slides

[…] PhD, M(ASCP) Healthcare Textiles: Factors That Impact Cleanliness Health Scientist National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases gg Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion October 16, 2014 Hosted by Paul Webber Topics for Today ■Healthcare laundry basics: ■Some observations ■Basic steps of the laundry process ■Antimicrobial activity in the wash cycle ■Key observations from the report of the 2009 mucorm...

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Picnet Admin

Cleanshots 11×17

World Hand Hygiene Day: Clean Shots photo contest In 2014 PICNet, in collaboration with the BC Health Authorities and BCPS QC, ran a photo scontest to raise awareness of World Hand Hygiene Day and encourage healthcare staff to have some fun promoting hand hygiene. The results were fantastic: more than 1,000 entries, and so many great ones that we can’ t print them...

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Picnet Admin