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CPO Surveillance Protocol Revised January 17, 2024 Page 21 Appendix F – Letter to Order ing Provider in Response to CPO or C. auris Cases Identified in the Community Date: Dear Health Care Provider (ordering provider), Re: Patient Last name, First name; PHN; DOB Public Health has received laboratory notification that your patient tested positive for a carbapenemase-producing organism (CPO) ☐ or Candida auris (C. auris) ☐...

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Andrea Vu Tran


Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) Revised January 17, 2024 Page 13 Appendix B – Requisition Form for Carbapenemase -Producing Organisms (CPO) Testing Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) Revised January 17, 2024 Page 14 Appendix C - Surveillance Form for Carbapenemase-Producing Organisms (CPO) OR Candida auris (C. auris) Identified in Acute Care Facility 1 Organism CPO OR C. auris If a patient...

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Andrea Vu Tran


CPO Surveillance Protocol Revised January 17, 2024 Page 22 Appendix G - Enhanced Surveillance Form for Carbapenemase- Produc ing Organisms (CPO) OR Candida auris (C. auris) Identified in the Community 1 Organism CPO OR C. auris If a pat ient is colonized and/or infected with both CPO and C. auris , please fi ll out two separate forms for each organism 2 Unique Identifier – assigned by...

Type: Media

Andrea Vu Tran


CPO Surveillance Protocol Revised January 17, 2024 Page 18 Appendix D – Addendum Form for Carbapenemase-Producing Organisms (CPO) OR Candida auris (C. auris) Infections Identified in Acute Care Facility NB: This form should be complete if a) the case was identified as a CPO or C. auris infection; b) the case was initially reported as colonization, and subsequently developed into a CPO or...

Type: Media

Andrea Vu Tran


Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) Revised January 17, 2024 Page 14 Appendix C - Surveillance Form for Carbapenemase-Producing Organisms (CPO) OR Candida auris (C. auris) Identified in Acute Care Facility 1 Organism CPO OR C. auris If a patient is colonized and/or infected with both CPO and C. auris, please fill out two separate forms for each organism 2 Unique Identifier – assigned by...

Type: Media

Andrea Vu Tran

1280797 – Policy Communique 2024-02 – FINAL

M INISTRY OF H EALTH P OLICY COMMUNIQU É TO: Health Authority CEOs TRANSMITTAL DATE: May 2 , 202 4 COMMUNIQUÉ NUMBER: #202 4-02 CLIFF NUMBER: 12 80797 SUBJECT: Infection Prevention and Control Measures for Preventing Viral Respiratory Illness . DETAILS: This document outlines updated Ministry of Health requirements for preventing and controlling viral respiratory illness es, including COVID-19, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). This...

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Noorsallah Esmail


CPO Surveillance  Protocol   Revised January  17,  2024   Page 20   Appendix  E –  Notification  of  Ongoing  Carbapenemase ‐Producing Organisms  (CPO) or  Candida   auris  (C.  auris)  Transmission     A. Notification   Information Health  Authority:  _________________   Facility Name:  ______________   Unit: _____________    Contact  Person:  ___________________  Title:  _______________________ Contact  Phone:  ____________________   Email:  _____________ _________   Facility  type:        Acute  Care  Hospital       Long‐term  Care  Facility       Other  ___________   Is  this  report:   Notification  of  CPO  or  C.  auris  transmission...

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Andrea Vu Tran

Canadian-designed mosquito trap could help fight Zika virus

[…] — dubbed an ovillanta — in Guatemala, where species of the Aedes mosquito can carry dengue, chikungunya and Zika. The insects transmit the viruses among people through their bites. The ovillanta — “llanta” is one word in Spanish for tire — is made from a piece of tire shaped to contain water and a pheromone solution to attract female mosquitoes. <mark...

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Picnet Admin

C Auris IPC guidance_draft_03 July 2024 Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia Interim Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Candida Auris ( C. Auris) for Health Care Settings 2 C Auris : Infection Prevention and Control Information for Health Care Workers Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia Contents Introduction ...

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Stephanie Burniston


[…] Drugs? » Resources for Patients Comments Feed" href="" /> <link rel="EditURI" type="application/rsd+xml" title="RSD" href="" /> <link rel="wlwmanifest" type="application/wlwmanifest+xml" href="" /> <link rel='prev' title='Nursing Resources' href='' /> <link rel='next' title='Colouring Sheets' href='' /> <meta name="generator" content=" WordPress 3.9.2" /> <link rel='shortlink' href='' /> <script type='text/javascript'> var g_hanaFlash = false; try { var fo = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash'); if(fo) g_hanaFlash = true; }catch(e){ if(navigator.mimeTypes != undefined) g_hanaFlash = true;...

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Picnet Admin

Preventing Infections in Healthcare Workers Teleclass Slides, June.3.15

Preventing Infections in Healthcare W orkers: Strategies and Challenges Bruce Gamage, RN BSN CIC IPAC Canada President 2014/2015 Broadcast live from the 2015 Congress of the French Society for Hospital Hygiene June 3, 2015 I have no disclosures I have a French name, but I don’t speak French  Disclosures 2 Why don’t healthcare workers follow infection control protocols? What hasn’t worked? What strategies have...

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Picnet Admin

Demystifying the CIC Certification Exam TELECLASS

Demystifying the CIC ® Certification Examination Hosted by Paul Webber November 5, 2015 Teleclass broadcast sponsored by Objectives Discuss eligibility criteria and required supporting documents Provide insight to the test development process Provide reasoning behind CBIC policies Dispel some of the common misconceptions around the certification and recertification exam 2 How do I get Started in Infection Prevention and Control? Contact...

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Picnet Admin

Learning Via Games SLIDES

Learning infection control via games ? Dr AG Venier, MD, PhD Bordeaux, France HAI prevention centre – Cpias Nouvelle Aquitaine @AgVenier Hosted by Paul Webber August 10, 2017 The control of HAI is a challenge Multiple improvement strategies Educational programmes Performance feedbacks Guidelines Bundles But difficult to change behaviors and beliefs Need for innovative tools! Games ! 2 Games? A serious game is...

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Picnet Admin

How CBIC Works For You SLIDES

How CBIC Works for You (What CBIC does and how it benefits the global infection control community) Certification is Commitment Joann Andrews , DNP, RN, CIC Janet Glowicz , MPH, PhD, RN, CIC, FAPIC May 10, 2018 Hosted by Sandra Callery , RN, MHSc, CIC CBIC Director What is CBIC? Voluntary, independent, multidisciplinary Board Mission: T o protect the public through the development, administration...

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Picnet Admin

Surveillance in the Era of Electronic Health Data Teleclass Slides, Apr.3.19

HEALTHCARE ASSOCIATED INFECTION SURVEILLANCE IN THE ERA OF ELECTRONIC HEALTH DATAPhilip Russo, PhD, MClinEpid, BNAssociate ProfessorDirector, Cabrini Monash University Department of Nursing Research Hosted by Jane Barnettjane@webbertraining.comwww.webbertraining.comApril 3, 2019 Objectives•Provide brief historical background to HAI surveillance•Discuss current surveillance issues, including findings of a systematic review the impact of electronic HAI surveillance software on IP’s•Explore future surveillance options in the era of electronic medical records2 BackgroundSurveillance"ongoingand...

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Picnet Admin

Reprocessing of Foot Care Devices Teleclass Slides, Sep.17.20

Clare Barry Merlee Steele-Rodway Reprocessing of Critical Foot Care Devices September 17, 2020 Hosted by Martin Kiernan This presentation reflects Infection Prevention and Control-Canada’s (IPAC-Canada) Reprocessing of Critical Foot Care Devices Position Statement (July 2019) Practice Recommendations for Foot Care in Healthcare Settings (November 2019) AND Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Z314-18 Canadian Medical Reprocessing 2 Disclosures Some images in this presentation were obtained from Google...

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Picnet Admin

Strengthening IPC structures in Africa SLIDES

[…] (teachers) Cannot say how much you know Cannot tell an older person what to do. accept what one is told without question Hierarchical- "I cannot question the boss" " I AM THE BOSS!" Language- different words mean different things! 18 TC PWT Oct 2017 Barriers to learning- cultural Hierarchal barriers "What you learnt in class stays there!! Here you do what you are...

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Picnet Admin

2023-04-04 Slides_Respiratory Infection Prevention

[…] your knowledge but to better understand what this means to you and understand your needs. All your answers will be the right answers.We are going to talk about respiratory hygiene. What are the first three words that come spontaneously to your mind when respiratory is evoked? infection preventionHCPs representations1. More precisely, what is respiratory hygiene, what does it imply?2. How important are respiratory...

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Picnet Admin

Infections, not antibiotics, may be tied to childhood obesity

[…] obesity. The risk was 40 percent in those with three untreated infections. But there was no difference in obesity risk between infants treated with antibiotics and those with a similar infection left untreated. In other words, infections, but not the use of antibiotics, were associated with childhood obesity. “If there is an infection during <mark...

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Picnet Admin

Keeping warm DOES help you fight off colds!

[…] the roughly 20% of us who harbor rhinovirus in our noses at any given time. “In general, the lower the temperature, it seems the lower the innate immune response to viruses,” noted Iwasaki. In other words, she said, the research may give credence to the old wives’ tale that people should keep warm, and even cover <mark...

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Picnet Admin