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BCCDC Emerging Respiratory Virus (ERV) Bulletin

The substantial increase in human cases of avian influenza A(H7N9) in China, to which BCCDC alerted you earlier this year, continues. Highlights: During this fifth wave beginning in October 2016, the number of human A(H7N9) cases reported in China has surpassed the number of cases reported in any of the four prior waves since the virus was first identified in February 2013 (see Figure below). As of March 1, 2017, a cumulative total of...

Influenza A(H3N2) and RSV Activity Still High in BC

The BCCDC's latest Influenza Surveillance Bulletin reports that flu activity remained high in BC during the second week of 2017 (January 8 to 14, 2017), suggesting that the epidemic peak has not yet been reached this season. A(H3N2) has been the dominant subtype so far this season, but respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) activity also remains elevated. Since the last bulletin one week ago, 30 new influenza outbreaks were reported. Cumulatively, 113 facility influenza...

BCCDC Flu Policy Survey – enter to win!

health-care worker Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Study related to the BC Influenza Prevention Policy The province introduced a new policy in 2012 that requires health-care workers to get vaccinated against influenza or wear a mask in patient care areas during influenza season. The BC Centre for Disease Control is doing an evaluation study on the Policy, and you are encouraged to fill out a 10-15 minute survey on your experiences. All...

Mutations create challenges for typing Influenza A viruses

From BCCDC: Today the Canadian Sentinel Practitioner Surveillance Network (SPSN) published a paper in Eurosurveillance, entitled “Mutations acquired during cell culture isolation may affect antigenic characterization of influenza A(H3N2) clade 3C.2a viruses”. The paper is available in full here (open access). We thought you would be interested in the findings, although like influenza itself, they are complicated. We have summarized the key findings below but please consult the full paper for details...