Announcement – Senior Practice Leader: Noorsallah Esmail
We are elated to share the news that Noorsallah Esmail has accepted the role of Senior Practice Leader with the Provincial Infection Control Network of BC (PICNet). Noorsallah transitioned to her new role May 10th, reporting to Tara Donovan, Network Director. In her new position, Noorsallah is leading the Education and Practice team to address provincial infection prevention and control (IPC) priorities and initiatives within the portfolio. PICNet will recruit...
Novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
PICNet has played an integral role in British Columbia’s response to COVID-19. As the co-lead with the Ministry of Health and Workplace Health & Safety, PICNet has collaborated with the health authorities to develop provincial-level Infection Prevention and Control COVID-19 guidelines and resources for healthcare in the province. For information about COVID-19, please go to the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) website. Information for the Public (Prevention & Risks, Testing, Community...
Novel coronavirus (COVID-19)
For information about COVID-19, please go to the BCCDC website. Information for the public (Latest case counts, getting tested, resources for community settings, etc). Information for healthcare providers (Laboratory testing, clinical care, infection control, signage & posters, etc). Guidance for long-term care and assisted living facilities. ...
Novel Coronavirus (nCoV-2019) outbreak
Please note: this situation is evolving rapidly and information is subject to change. Up-to-date information, including case counts, information for healthcare workers, and laboratory guidance is maintained on the BCCDC website. See PICNet update regarding novel coronavirus (nCoV) - January 24, 2020 PICNet newsletter to community of practice - January 14, 2020: An outbreak of atypical pneumonia in Wuhan, China has been closely monitored by the World Health Organization since late December 2019....
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