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Ebola Virus

PICNet  >  Ebola Virus (Page 2)

Ebola information for health professionals

Current information for health professionals on Ebola virus disease (EVD) can be found on the BCCDC website, which includes a link to the Ebola Clinical Care Guidelines developed by the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians, Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada, Canadian Critical Care Society. PICNet is currently working with a provincial committee on provincial recommendations for Personal Protective Equipment; until these recommendations are released, please follow your facility's...

Ebola information from PHSA

If you work for another health authority, please refer to their procedures. It has been six months since the outbreak of Ebola was declared in Western Africa. To date, there have been no confirmed cases of Ebola in Canada, and the risk to the Canadian general public is very low. Health care workers in Canada, however, could be required to care for a patient with Ebola if a traveller or medical...

Ebola information for healthcare professionals in BC

health-care professionals in BC Health care professionals are advised to be vigilant for illness compatible with EVD in travellers returning from outbreak-affected areas. Basic screening questions include 1) travel to an EVD outbreak-affected area and 2) fever. Consider immediate isolation pending diagnostic testing and results. Strict infection control practices (routine and contact precautions) should be implemented for any suspected case. Ebola virus is transmitted through direct contact with bodily fluids, the most infectious being blood, vomitus and feces, or with contaminated...