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PICNet  >  Influenza (Page 3)

Emerging Respiratory Virus Update

From the BC Centre for Disease Control, February 27, 2015: There are a number of recent trends in the field of emerging respiratory viruses (ERV), including: 1.         Upswing in MERS-CoV reports from the Middle East, primarily Saudi Arabia, since December 2014. a.         In the context of the dramatic surge in MERS-CoV that occurred during the spring 2014, with amplification in the nosocomial setting, close monitoring through the coming weeks is warranted. b.         See the...

Flu vaccination

There were several articles in the media this week about this year's flu vaccine not being as effective. However, according to Danuta Skowronski of BC Centre for Disease Control, there is still cross-protection even when there isn't a perfect match. Per BC's provincial influenza policy, health-care workers must still either get their flu vaccination or wear a mask for the entirety of flu season. Beginning Monday, December 1, 2014 you will need to...

Influenza Fact Sheets

A quadrivalent influenza vaccine fact sheet has been developed for health care providers.   The live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) Q&A has also been updated. Both resources are posted on BCCDC’s health professionals section and will be posted shortly on ImmunizeBC’s website....