Broadcast live from the IPAC Canada conference: Adapting IPAC in unconventional spaces
Date: May 27th, 2019
Time: 8:30 am PST
Speaker: To be confirmed
Facility design can be a fundamental aspect of IPC and getting it right first time is important. Whilst there are accepted design criteria in conventional surgical facilities, there is less consensus in many other areas of healthcare design. This presentation will identify some of those other areas, discuss the perceived risks and explore design measures to minimize those risks.RISKS AND COMPETING PRIORITIES IN WATER MANAGEMENT
Water management is a critical element in public health but hospital patients often have increased susceptibility to waterborne infection. Water is essential for so many aspects of healthcare but very little can be guaranteed contamination-free. This presentation will explore a pragmatic approach to water-related risk assessments.WATER IN HEALTHCARE – EMERGING RISKS
The presentation is primarily aimed at organisms other than legionella which may be spread within the healthcare setting. It will detail the types of organisms, how they are spread and offer potential solutions. Hand washing is seen as the most important barrier to cross infection. However, use of a handwash station is not without attendant risks which will be reviewed in the course of the presentation. The role of water/ waste water in the transmission of Carbapenemase producing Enterobacteriaciae will also be reviewed.DOWNLOAD MATERIALS