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Conference Program and Handouts

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You can read about our presenters here. Slide handouts can be downloaded via PDF icons below (for those presentations without an icon, we are not able to share the slides). For presentations that mentioned e-learning modules, the courses can be found via the icons below.

Thursday March 8, 2018

March 8th Topic Presenter Slides
8:00–8:30 Registration and Breakfast Exhibitors  
8:30–8:40 Welcome and Opening Remarks PICNet Medical Co-Lead  
8:40–9:00 Update on PICNet Bruce Gamage
9:00–10:00 Courageously you! The leadership power of small acts Sabina Nawaz
Global CEO Coach, Leadership Keynote Speaker, CEO Nawaz Consulting
10:00 –10:30 Health Break Exhibitors  
10:30–12:00 Taking the snag out of your Catch-22: Ethical decision making
Interactive session
Duncan Steele MA, PMP, MHA(c)
Ethicist, System-Level Ethics, Fraser Health Authority
12:00–1:00 Lunch Exhibitors  
1:00–1:45 Waste woes: Do’s and don’ts Teri Guimond
Hazardous Waste Coordinator
Business Initiatives and Support Services
1:45 – 1:50 Let’s Dance Joanne Archer, PICNet  
1:50 – 2:35 For those who seek to study:
How ICPs can be involved with research
Jocelyn Srigley MD, MSc, FRCPC
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Director, Infection Prevention & Control, PHSA
2:35–3:05 Health Break Exhibitors  
3:05–3:50 Genome sequencing meets shoe-leather epidemiology: Use of whole-genome sequencing data to investigate a cluster of NDM-positive Citrobacter freundii in British Columbia Katy Short
Epidemiologist, Fraser Health
3:50- 4:05 Let’s dance and Wrap-up Joanne Archer and Bruce Gamage  

Friday March 9, 2018

March 9th Topic Speaker Slides
8:00–8:30 Breakfast Exhibitors  
8:30–9:15 The art of execution: Examining the noose of implementation science Jason Tetro
Visiting Scientist, University of Guelph
9:15–10:00 The disinfectant duke-out Jim Gauthier MLT, CIC
Senior Clinical Advisor, Infection Prevention, Sealed Air Diversey Care
Dr. Titus Wong BSc, MD, MHSc, FRCPC
Clinical Assistant Professor
Medical Microbiologist, Infection Control Physician; Medical Lead, Infection Control, Vancouver Coastal Health
10:00–10:30 Health Break Exhibitors  
10:30–11:15 Critical device failure: Now what?

Emily Rose
Human Factors Specialist at Vancouver Coastal Health Quality & Patient Safety

11:15–12:00 Vaccinations: What’s new and/or improved? Dr. Monika Naus MD, MHSc., FRCPC
Medical Director, Immunization Programs and Vaccine Preventable Diseases Service at BC Centre for Disease Control
12:00–1:00 Lunch Exhibitors  
1:00–1:45 It’s all in your hands: Preventing hand dermatitis Monica Herrera MHA, CDMP
Clinical Duty To Accommodate Advisor DisAbility Programs, Workplace Health, Fraser Health
1:45–1:55 Let’s Dance (and bathroom break!) Joanne Archer, PICNet  
Short n Snappy Presentations
1:55–2:10 Microbial dissemination from a flushing toilet in a patient bathroom Jesse Cooper, Vancouver Coastal Health  
2:10–2:25 Introduction of a gastrointestinal pathogen multiplex panel and selective culture (GPMP&SC) testing algorithm to identify the causative agents of gastroenteritis Laina VanDenBoomen, Island Health Slides 
2:25–2:40 Planning education on the fly: Implementing a series of short n snappy IPAC in-services in a 230-bed long-term care facility Eleanor Elston, Island Health Slides
2:40–3:05 Introduction to Critical Appraisal Toolkit Joanne Archer, PICNet Slides
3:05–3:10 Let’s Dance Joanne Archer, PICNet  
3:10–3:40 Door prizes and Wrap-up Bruce Gamage  


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