Photo Credit: James Gathany from US CDC Public Health Image Library (PHIL)
BC Policies and Guidelines
Additional Influenza Information
Created By: British Columbia Ministry of Health
October 2024
Immunization Program
Created By: British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC)
July 2024
Management of Health Care Providers Pre and Post Exposure to Measles, Mumps or Rubella (MMR)
Created By: Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet)
May 2011
Information, Resources, and Links
Including immunization schedules for health-care workers. The vaccines recommended for health-care workers are: The following resources from BCCDC, HealthLinkBC, and the Public Health Agency of Canada provide information on immunization schedules (which immunizations you should get when), vaccine safety, and what to communicate to patients.
Click to read more
Influenza Vaccinations
Information on Vaccine Safety
Online Immunization Courses
Influenza vaccinations for healthcare staff
Staff flu shot clinic schedules are now posted… check your health authority’s intranet for immunization clinic schedules.
Click to read more Influenza causes the most deaths among vaccine-preventable diseases and each year across Canada there are approximately 3,500 deaths from the flu and its complications. Hospitalized patients and seniors in long-term care are more vulnerable to the flu than healthy adults. To protect this vulnerable population, in 2012 BC was the first province to implement the Influenza Control Program Policy, which requires health care employees and visitors to our sites to protect patients by either receiving the flu vaccine or wearing a mask in patient care areas during flu season. The flu shot is safe and effective at preventing illness, especially when used with other infection prevention practices, such as proper hand hygiene and staying home when sick. In addition to protecting patients, it also protects you and your families. Not getting vaccinated? – make sure you know the BC Ministry of Health’s mask policy for flu season. Thank you for helping to protect our patients and fellow team members from the flu. This is also a good time of year to check that all your immunizations are up to date! PICNet has printable (8.5″ x 11″) PDFs you can download.It’s time to prepare for flu season again!
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