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Infection Prevention and Control Alert: Increase in Measles Activity

Date: February 19, 2025


The recent rise in measles cases is a serious public health concern. There has been a significant increase in global measles activity. In Canada, there have been several cases reported in Ontario and Quebec this year.

Measles is a highly contagious airborne disease that can lead to severe health complications, especially in young children and unvaccinated individuals. Due to the recently confirmed travel-related case in B.C., there is an immediate risk that more cases may emerge in relation to the confirmed cases.



To stay informed and take proactive measures to protect yourself and your patients, co-workers and others from measles, please refer to the following recommendations:

  • For detailed infection prevention and control guidelines, refer to PICNet’s Measles: Infection Prevention and Control Information for Health Care Workers or to your local health authority guidance. To reduce potential transmission to people who may be at risk, the following steps are important for patients suspected or confirmed to have measles:
    • Implement airborne precautions;
    • Have the patient wear a medical mask and clean their hands when presenting to emergency department or clinic reception areas, and when leaving the patient room;
    • Expediate placement into an airborne infection isolation room (i.e., negative pressure room) or a single occupancy room.
  • Health-care workers should ensure that their immunizations are up to date, and records of immunity are updated and maintained. Refer to BCCDC’s Immunization Manual for information on recommended vaccines for health-care workers. BC Health Authority staff should refer to the Provincial Workplace Health Services (PWHS) homepage (Health BC).
  • Health-care workers should also encourage patients to be up to date with their immunizations. For more information, refer to the BCCDC for information on available vaccines for measles.


For general information, please refer to the Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada on Measles and the Risk to Canadians (Public Health Agency of Canada, January 29, 2025).

Please contact PICNet with any questions about this infection prevention and control alert.