• Fight antibiotic resistance: It’s in your hands

      Date: May 5th, 2017

      Time: 10:30 am PST

      Speaker: Prof Didier Pittet, WHO Collaborating Centre on Patient Safety, Geneva; and Prof. Benedetta Allegranzi, WHO, Geneva


      • Review the fact that effective influence and leadership in infection prevention and control (IPC) saves lives.
      • Stress on the opportunity of the 2017 WHO SaveLives:CleanYourHands campaign to strengthen IPC messages informing actions in support of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) national action plans, which every country is due to have in place by 2017.
      • Engage IPC leaders to implement WHO guidelines on core components of IPC programs, including hand hygiene, to combat antibiotic resistance.
      • Enlarge the community of key-opinion leaders and professionals pledging for enhanced actions toward better hand hygiene and reduction of healthcare-associated infections and AMR spread and in particular health workers, policy-makers, and chief executive officers and administrators.