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Chemotherapy – Health, Safety, and Waste Management Issues SLIDES

[…] In Healthcare Settings. (NIOSH, 2004) 24 The employer responsibilities include: Developing policies and procedures for the safe storage, transport, administration, and disposal of hazardous agents. Identifying those hazardous drugs used in the facility and determining methods for updating the list. Making guidance documents such as Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available to health care workers who handle hazardous drugs. Requiring that all employees who handle hazardous drugs...

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HellerDaggett Sustainability

[…] 4 CONSERVATION Energy Conservation Air Flow & Quality vs. HVAC Optimization •Air Volume Exchange •Mix (Fresh / Recycled) •Pressurization –ER & Inpatient Isolations (Negative) –Operating Suite, Sterile Storage (Positive) •Te m p e r a t u r e & Humidity controls –OR, ICU •System Cleaning & Filtration management –HEPA filtration in critical environments –Legionella & mold –UV‐C disinfection  •Construction & Renovation –System maintenance –Construction & renovation Evaluation Methods & Sustainability Frameworks •How to make decisions in an uncertain world? •What is the best way to dispose of plastic? Wh bi b d til btt •Wh en are bi o-base...

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Preventing CAUTI Teleclass Slides, Mar.5.15

[…] (32%) than nurses (48%) Lower rates "before" (21%) patient contact rather than "after" (47%) 4 Given this Gap Between What Should Be Done and What Is Done… Focus on "implementation science" "The scientific study of methods to promote the systematic uptake of research findings into routine practice" (Eccles & Mittman. Implementation Science. Feb 2006) 5 Healthcare-Associated Infections: Common, Costly, & Harmful ~ 1 million Americans develop a...

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Vaccination of Healthcare Workers Teleclass Slides

[…] BC ) Thank you for your attention ! May 13 (Free WHO Teleclass – Europe) UNDERSTANDING CONSUMER PERCEPTIONS OF HAI AND HAND HYGIENE THROUGH A GLOBAL SURVEY Claire Kilpatrick, WHO, and Dr. Maryanne McGuckin, McGuckin Methods International May 21 (Free Teleclass) IS YOUR PHONE BUGGED? THE ROLE OF MOBILE TECHNOLOGY IN INFECTION CONTROL Richard Brady, Western General Surgery, NHS, UK May 27 (South Pacific Teleclass) FOOD SAFETY...

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Public Health Outbreak Response SLIDES

[…] distal end caps Single-use parts New or modified reprocessing Validated high-level disinfection instructions What should be required before instructions approved Sterilization Use of forced air drying cabinets Improved/ validated reprocessing assessment ATP or other non-culture methods Some of these best for cleaning – do not asses entire process Surveillance cultures WHAT ELSE IS CDC DOING? 2-3 year cooperative agreements between CDC and state and local health departments...

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PICNet Newsletter July2015

PICNet July Newsletter Debugging Healthcare Together July 2015 PICNet Education Day: Save the Date! One of the biggest areas of need you identified in our recent survey was finding the time, resources, and best methods to educate your staff in infection control. To help you with this, PICNet host an all-day, pre- conference workshop on March 2, 2016 on the topic of Education and Communication. The workshop will be...

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Ebola Outbreak Lessons Learned SLIDES

[…] IPC Training which was often seen as non effective despite the evidence of reduction of HCW transmissions where training was done Guinea: Evaluation Gaps Inconsistant evaluation information Many assessments and evaluations were done with unclear methods and tools Emphasis placed only on the number of lives touched and not on the quality or efficacy of the activity in the short or long run Many reports were published...

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[…] How are we doing? The overall hand cleaning compliance in RCF s was 82% in quarter 2 (Q 2) of the fiscal year 2015 /2016. Compliance ranged from 72% to 93 %, with varied auditing methods used across the health authorit ies. What are some of the barriers to compliance? Some barriers to best hand cleaning practice include a culture where people feel too busy to wash...

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PICNet Workshop_Staff Education_2016 SLIDES

[…] another time, room Coordinating facilities Value of the program • Your wages X 1.25 • For planning and delivery Budget Let’s Plan an Inservice Refreshment Break! How to Make Education E ngaging These are teaching methods, or tools • Authenticity • Genuine • Humour • Activities that match learning style • Advanced Organizers Strategies That Engage • Content matching Objectives • Game Based Learning • Metaphor...

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CAUTI Prevention Bundles SLIDES

[…] the use of the indwelling urinary catheter Aseptic insertion technique and proper maintenance Daily assessment and timely removal of the indwelling urinary catheter 31 Implementing a CAUTI Prevention (aka Bladder) Bundle Technical Socio-adaptive 32 Mixed- methods national studies focusing on three device-related infections: CAUTI, CLABSI and VAP Funded by VA, NIH and AHRQ interviews and site visits to ~50 facilities across the U.S. Interviews with over 450...

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PICNet Workshop_Staff Education_Slides

[…] model • Lesson plan • Tabulate your evaluations • Present to manager: –Time – Location – Cost – Learning objectives Communicating the value of the program How to Make Education E ngaging These are teaching methods, or tools • Authenticity • Genuine • Humour • Activities that match learning style • Advanced Organizers Strategies That Engage •Content matching Objectives • Game Based Learning • Metaphor Learning...

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Qmentum Program Teleclass SLIDES

[…] 300-bed CCC/Rehab 472-bed LTC 220-bed Assisted Living 275-bed CCC/Rehab 404-bed CCC/Rehab 262-bed CCC/Rehab 288-bed LTC 18 Accreditation Canada Annual Report 2014 16% of organizations are accredited with Exemplary Standing 19 H 20 Study design & methods Qualitative case studies applied and action research Questionnaire Analysis of common patterns Identify themes Retrieve concrete tips and actions 21 Questionnaire 29 open- & close-ended questions Required Organizational Practices (ROPs) Leading...

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Are Your Cleaning Wipes Safe SLIDES

[…] Control, 2009. The original disinfectant was switched to bleach wipes. Munoz -Price et al. Am J Inf Control, 2014 reviewing the process of environmental cleaning and disinfection Liu et al . PLOS ONE, 2014. Cleaning methods for controlling A. baumannii outbreaks 47 •Crossover study, 1 year, 2 ICUs • Standard cleaning: disposable cloths • Intervention: additional twice- daily enhaced cleaning of hand- contact surfaces: ü Ultramicrofiber cloths...

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Environmental Surfaces in Occupational Infection Control SLIDES

[…] al. Rotaviral RNA found in wastewaters from hospital laundry. Int J Hyg Environ-Health 2006; 209:97-102. Fijan S, Steyer A, Poljsak-Prijatelj M et al. Rotaviral RNA found on various surfaces in a hospital laundry. J Virological Methods. 2008; 148:66-73. Wiener-Well Y, Galuty M, Rudensky B, et al. Nursing and physician attire as possible source of nosocomial infections. Am J Inf Cont. Vol 39, Issue 7, pp. 555-559. Burden...

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PICNet Candida auris QA

[…] to the BCCDC Public Health Laboratory for confirmation. Have there been any cases in Canada? There has been no reported case of C. auris infection is Canada to date. Case s have been reported in Japan, South Korea, India, South Africa, Kuwait, Pakistan, Colombia, Venezuela, and the United Kingdom. Because identification of C. auris requires specialized laboratory methods, infections may have occurred in Canada but have not...

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Canadian Immunization Guide Chapter on Influenza and Statement on Seasonal Influenza Vaccine for 2016-2017

[…] vaccination; safety, immunogenicity, efficacy, and effectiveness of influenza vaccines; vaccine schedules; and other aspects of influenza immunization. Details regarding NACI’s ev idence-based process for developing a statement are outlined in Evidence- Based Recommendations for Immunization: Methods of the NACI, January 2009, CCDR . Health care providers in Canada may offer the seasonal vaccine when it becomes available, since seasonal influenza activity may start as early as November...

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Infection Control in the Elderly Teleclass HANDOUT

[…] infec;on control success rate was higher when at least one HH-related interven;on was included (70% vs 30% for no interven;on ). Hooine & Te m i m e AJIC 2015;43:e47 (France) More studies and be`er methods needed 62 63 !  Lixle emphasis on pa&ent hand hygiene !  Systema;c review "  10 studies, uncontrolled, before-auer "  Mul;-modal interven;on many including HCWs !  Interven;ons to improve pa;ent hand hygiene...

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Expert Process to Combat CDI_slides

[…] prior to the visit where applicable. Participate during the ICRT visit Overview and debrief meetings Interviews. Support Facility Hence importance of sharing report with PHU if not part of the request. 19 Lessons Learned 20 Methods Reviewed PIDAC best practices documents and identified 49 high impact recommendations in 14 general categories Selected all CDI-related ICRT reports from 2008 to 2012 For each recommendation, reviewed ICRT reports to...

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[…] carried out annually in BC from 2005 through to today . Specifically, clarity changes made to the process have further improved the consistency in which the audits are performed. We have continued to base the methodology on extensive research relating to auditing best practices used in the U.K, Australia, the U.S., and Canada. Between April 1 st 2015 and March 31 st 201 6, Westech conducted independent...

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PICNet May 2017 Newsletter

[…] to refresh your memories on some of the key elements used in critical appraisal so that you will be more confident using PHAC's toolkit. It is not meant to take the place of a research methods course. To access the course, click on the link above. This course has audio , so you will need a computer with speakers or headphones . Page 2 of 3 PICNet...

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