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Engaging and Educating Nurses Teleclass Slides, Aug.22.19

[…] part of an evidence-based practice project, you are responsible for describing the strengths and limitations of research studies. What section of the research paper should you focus most of your energy and time? Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion 28 28 Abstract – What it is and what it is not. The abstract provides a very general description of what was done, why it was done and what...

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Picnet Admin


[…] be reduced by frequent hand washing with soap and water — particularly after toileting, before eating, and after touching any frequently touched surfaces (such as door handles, elevator buttons, shared keyboard/mouse, etc.) Other risk reduction methods inclu de avoiding sharing personal items and u sing antibiotics cautiously . Staff in healthcare settings c an significantly reduce the spread of C. diff icile by strictly following infection control...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin

PICNet_CDI_Surveillance_Report_Q1_2019-20 updated

[…] be reduced by frequent hand washing with soap and water — particularly after toileting, before eating, and after touching any frequently touched surfaces (such as door handles, elevator buttons, shared keyboard/mouse, etc.) Other risk reduction methods include avoiding sharing personal items and u sing antibiotics cautiously . Staff in healthcare settings c an significantly reduce the spread of C. diff icile by strictly following infection control guidelines...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin


[…] be reduced by frequent hand washing with soap and water — particularly after toileting, before eating, and after touching any frequently touched surfaces (such as door handles, elevator buttons, shared keyboard/mouse, etc.) Other risk reduction methods includ e avoiding sharing personal items and u sing antibiotics cautiously . Staff in healthcare settings c an significantly reduce the spread of C. diff icile by strictly following infection control...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin


[…] reduced by frequent hand washing with soap and water — particularly aft er toileting, before eating, and after touching any frequently touched surfaces (such as door handles, elevator buttons, shared keyboard/mouse, etc.) Other risk reduction methods include avoiding sharing personal items and u sing antibiotics cautiously . Sta ff in healthcare settings c an significantly reduce the spread of C. diff icile by strictly following infection control...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin

Westech Housekeeping Audit Report 2017-2018

[…] out annual ly in BC from 2005 through to today . Specifically, clarity changes made to the process have further improved the consistency in which the audits are performed. We have continued to base the methodology on extensive research relating to auditing best practi ces used in the U.K, Australia, the U.S., and Canada. Westech conducted independent audit s at the Fraser, Interior, Provincial, Vancouver Coastal, Northern...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin

2022-01-27 Slides_Clinical Syndromes Warranting Transmission Precautions

[…] health care workers. This project encouraged registered nurses to quickly identify and isolate potentially infectious patients in the emergency room, to prevent exposures to airborne and droplet transmitted communicable diseases, including meningitis, tuberculosis, and measles. Methods:  This pre- and postintervention model implemented a quasi-experimental designed project in the emergency room (ER). The Centers for Disease Control's empiric transmission-based isolation precautions were implemented to prevent occupational health exposures....

Type: Media

Picnet Admin

2022-07-27 Slides_Risk Factors for Environmental Spread of MDRO

[…] hygiene24 Risk Factors for the Environmental Spread of Different Multi Drug-Resistant OrganismsJean –Ralph Zahar, French-MuslimHospital, Bobigny, FranceA Webber Training TeleclassHosted by Paul Webber paul@webbertraining.comwww.webbertraining.com13Va l e n ci a-MartínR,Gonzalez-GalanV,Alvarez-MarínR,Cazalla-FoncuevaAM,AldabóT,Gil-NavarroMV,Alonso-AraujoI,MartinC,GordonR,García-NuñezEJ,PerezR,PeñalvaG,AznarJ,CondeM,CisnerosJM;InrepresentationofA.baumanniieradicationprogram.Amultimodalinterventionprogramtocontrolalong-termAcinetobacterbaumanniiendemicinatertiarycarehospital.AntimicrobResistInfectControl.2019Dec4;8:199.EnvironmentaldecontaminationHand hygieneAntimicrobialstewardshipContacts precautionsActive surveillanceWeekly reportsRegular meetings25Carling P. Methods for assessing the adequacy of practice and improving room disinfection. Am J Infect Control. 2013 May;41(5Suppl):S20-5.Improving environmental hygiene is associated with decrease of Health acquired infections (HAI) ?26 Risk Factors for...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin

PICNet surveillance protocol for MRSA 2019.v2

[…] Case definition The MRSA cases under PICNet surveillance must meet ALL of the following criteria:  Laboratory identification of MRSA, including Staphylococcus aureus cultured from any specimen that tests oxacillin -resistant by standard susceptibility testing methods; or by a positive result for penicillin binding protein 2a (PBP2a); or molecular testing for mecA. May also include positive results of specimens tested b y other validated polymerase chai n...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin

MRSA Surveillance Protocol 2022

[…] facilities Case definition The MRSA cases under PICNet surveillance must meet ALL of the following criteria:  Laboratory identification of MRSA, including Staphylococcus aureus cultured from any specimen that tests oxacillin-resistant by standard susceptibility testing methods; or by a positive result for penicillin binding protein 2a (PBP2a); or molecular testing for mecA. May also include positive results of specimens tested by other validated polymerase chain reaction (PCR)...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin

2023-01-26 Slides_PPE Implementation in Healthcare

[…] implementation strategies: ensure uptake of evidence-based practices and technologies in health care The effective PPE implementation is a complex practice! Objective To map how PPE is implemented in health care, focusing on barriers and facilitators. Methods Scoping Review Joanna Briggs Institute methodology, and PRISMA recommendations 14 databases until May 11th 2021 2 independent investigators for data search , selection and extraction and one expert for consensus...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin

Westech Independent Housekeeping Audit Report 2019-2020

[…] audits carried out annually in BC from 2005 through to today. Specifically, clarity changes made to the process have further improved the consistency in which the audits are performed. We have continued to base the methodology on extensive resear ch relating to auditing best practices used in the U.K, Australia, the U.S., and Canada. Westech conducted independent audits at the Fraser, Interior, Provincial, Vancouver Coastal, Northern and...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin

2023-04-04 Slides_Respiratory Infection Prevention

[…] the implementation of measures to combat respiratory infections:Willingness to continue to take certain measures adopted during the crisis (especially hand washing and wearing a mask, etc.),Few suggestions on the content itself, but many on the methods and media through which awareness-raising should be done,A need to multiply awareness-raising materials as well as the frequency with which they are presented, infection preventionHCPs representations5. Main levers for the...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin

Provincial PPE Additional Precautions IPC Audit Tool Approved Oct. 5 2023 Final

[…] patients on additional precautions. The PPE donning and doffing procedures assessed in this audit tool are based on the most common procedures and types of PPE. Organization or facility procedures may vary based on different methods and types of PPE used. The tool can be adapted to meet organizational and specific health -care settings needs. Please refer to the following PPE resources on the PICNet website: •...

Type: Media

Noorsallah Esmail

Intra nasal naloxone decision summary

[…] naloxone and AGMP status Search date: January 8, 2021 Objective To summari ze the current evidence used by the B.C. AGMP expert group to inform its recommendations pertaining to IN naloxone and AGMP status . Methods The B.C. AGMP expert group searched d atabases (Cochrane, PubMed , Google Scholar) for relevant primary evidence, review articles, and guidelines/recommendations from governing bodies, medical societies, and other expert groups. Search...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin


[…] naloxone and AGMP status Search date: January 8, 2021 Objective To summari ze the current evidence used by the B.C. AGMP expert group to inform its recommendations pertaining to IN naloxone and AGMP status . Methods The B.C. AGMP expert group searched d atabases (Cochrane, PubMed , Google Scholar) for relevant primary evidence, review articles, and guidelines/recommendations from governing bodies, medical societies, and other expert groups. Search...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin

How to don PPE_8-5x11_v7_2024-01-08

[…] 3 4A 4B 5 6 Don PPE in the following order • The PPE donning procedures illustrated are based on the most common procedures and types of PPE. Organizational procedures may vary based on different methods and types of PPE used. • If a specific type of PPE will not be used, skip to the next step. Note: Conduct a point of care risk assessment (PCRA) prior...

Type: Media

Noorsallah Esmail

How to doff PPE_8-5x11_v8_2024-01-08

[…] 2 3 1 Doff PPE in the following order 4A 4B • The PPE doffing procedures illustrated are based on the most common procedures and types of PPE. Organizational procedures may vary based on different methods and types of PPE used. • If a specific type of PPE was not used, skip to the next step. Perform hand hygiene using alcohol based hand rub or soap and...

Type: Media

Noorsallah Esmail