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Impact of VRE changes in BC

[…] isolation •Four health authorities modified  VRE control policy from 2010   – Ended targeted  or admission  screening for VRE – Discontinued contact  precautions with VRE patient – Isolated VRE patient with risk  assessment Background Health authorities in BC Plus: Provincial Health Services Authority  provide specialized health services  throughout the province  • Identify changes in VRE prevention and control  policy •Evaluate impact of the changes on incidence rate of  VRE infection and colonization Objectives • Setting: all acute care facilities in BC • Policy review: VRE screening and isolation policy in  each health authority from 2010 to 2015 •Data collection: VRE infection and colonization for  periods of three years before and after changes, or  from 2008/09 to 2014/15 •Data analysis:  –Overall trend of VRE rate –Comparison of VRE rates  before and after changes Methods Changes in VRE screening, contact precautions and isolation Results Health authority VRE screening Contact precautions and isolation Date Island HealthEnd targeted admission  screeningDiscontinued unless infected and  have risk factors for transmission.  Electronic VRE alerts on patient  removed2010 End screening in critical  care units2012 End  screening in renal units2014 Fraser HealthEnd targeted admission  screeningDiscontinued unless infected and  have risk factors for transmissionNov 2012 Vancouver   Coastal  Health*High‐risk  unitsContinue admission and  weekly VRE screening Continue isolation Mar 2013 Other  unitsEnd admission  screening Discontinued. VRE was removed  from electronic flagging systemMar 2013 Interior HealthEnd admission and pre‐...

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SocialMediaTeleclass HelenEvans ActiveLinks

[…] •The social media outlets may have influenced HCWs indirectly •Almost one‐third of vaccine recipients were motivated by their friends/  coworkers, some of whom may have been influenced by the social media. Venciet al, Inclusion of social media‐based strategies in  a health care worker influenza immunization campaign 46 American Journal of Infection Control, 43(8), 902–903. •A research librarian searched 11 databases in January 2012: Medline,  CENTRAL, ERIC, PubMed, CINAHL Plus Full Text, Academic Search  Complete, Alt Health Watch, Health Source, Communication and Mass  Media Complete, Web of Knowledge and ProQuest. Dates were  restricted to 2000 or later, corresponding to the advent of Web 2.0.  •Results:Two hundred  eighty‐four studieswere included.  – Discussion forums were highly prevalent and constitute 66.6% of the  sample.  –Social networking sites (14.8%) and blogs/microblogs (14.1%) were the  next most commonly used tools.  • Conclusions: There is an extensive body of literature examining the  use of social media in patient and caregiver populations. Much of this  work is descriptive; however, with such widespread use, evaluations  of effectiveness are required. In studies that have examined  effectiveness, positive conclusions are often reported, despite non‐ significant findings. Social media use among patients and caregivers:  a scoping review (Hamm et al., 2013) 47 •Aim:to improve internal medicine residents’ (IMR) knowledge of  correct antimicrobial use and increase their uptake of clinical pathways  and order sets through the use of social media.  • Methodology: The investigators enrolled 55 IMRs, and asked them to  follow the hospital’s antimicrobial stewardship program (ASP) on  Facebook or Twitter for  6 months.  –posted statements on the social media sites promoting the hospital’s ASP website  and clinical pathways, focusing on the pathway for community‐acquired  pneumonia. –posted and tweeted questions about antimicrobial prescribing.  – residents were encouraged to respond, and answers were posted and tweeted by  the research team the next business day  •Pretest and post‐test surveys were completed by 39 IMRs –median scores for Abx knowledge increased from 12(interquartile range, 8‐13) to  13(interquartile range, 11‐15; P = .048) –IMRsknowing how to access the ASP website increased from 70% to 94%.  –More IMRs indicated that they used the clinical pathways"sometimes, frequently,  or always" after the intervention (33% vs 61%, P = .004) •Conclusions:Social media is a valuable tool to reinforce ASP initiatives while encouraging the use of ASP resources to promote antimicrobial  mindfulness. Social media as a tool for antimicrobial  stewardship (Pisano et al., 2016) 48 •These positive results are notable; however, it is possible they were the result of  maturation rather than the social media intervention. … Without a control group, it is  difficult to sort out maturation effects from intervention effects. •Despite the threat of maturation bias, this study is important because it suggests  a  relatively simple and inexpensive <mark...

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Part 1 - Registration Information First name Surname Organization/Affiliation Address City Phone Email Cheque Cancellation policy: Please send cheques to: Credit card number: Number YesNo Food allergies or dietary requirements Please select your method of payment: Payment Visa MasterCard Yes No Job Title Part 2 - Payment Information Salutation (Mr, Ms, Dr.) Name of cardholder (name printed on card): 1001 West Broadway, Suite 504 Vancouver, BC V6H 4B1 Area...

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Part 1 - Registration Information First name Surname Organization/Affiliation Address City Phone Email Cheque Cancellation policy: Please send cheques to: Credit card number: Number YesNo Food allergies or dietary requirements Please select your method of payment: Payment Visa MasterCard Yes No Job Title Part 2 - Payment Information Salutation (Mr, Ms, Dr.) Name of cardholder (name printed on card): 1001 West Broadway, Suite 504 Vancouver, BC V6H 4B1 Area...

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Part 1 - Registration Information First name Surname Organization/Affiliation Address City Phone Email Cheque Cancellation policy: Please send cheques to: Credit card number: Number YesNo Food allergies or dietary requirements Please select your method of payment: Payment Visa MasterCard Yes No Job Title Part 2 - Payment Information Salutation (Mr, Ms, Dr.) Name of cardholder (name printed on card): 1001 West Broadway, Suite 504 Vancouver, BC V6H 4B1 Area...

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Part 1 - Registration Information First name Surname Organization/Affiliation Address City Phone Email Cheque Cancellation policy: Please send cheques to: Credit card number: Number YesNo Food allergies or dietary requirements Please select your method of payment: Payment Visa MasterCard Yes No Job Title Part 2 - Payment Information Salutation (Mr, Ms, Dr.) Name of cardholder (name printed on card): 1001 West Broadway, Suite 504 Vancouver, BC V6H 4B1 Area...

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Part 1 - Registration Information First name Surname Organization/Affiliation Address City Phone Email Cheque Cancellation policy: Please send cheques to: Credit card number: Number YesNo Food allergies or dietary requirements Please select your method of payment: Payment Visa MasterCard Yes No Job Title Part 2 - Payment Information Salutation (Mr, Ms, Dr.) Name of cardholder (name printed on card): 1001 West Broadway, Suite 504 Vancouver, BC V6H 4B1 Area...

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Future of IC Bright or Bleak SLIDES

[…] Performance feedback was almost real-time on video screens During the intervention period 32 Maintenance Period Weekly Feedback 33 Reporting 34 My perfect HH monitoring system 35 Fully automated Who has the time? Standardisation of counting method Includes all five moments Objective not subjective Instant, personalised reporting At the end of the shift, person logs off and they get a personal printout of how they did for the...

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Hepatitus C Infection in Prison Teleclass SLIDES

[…] to be developed to ensure to reach high coverage and included one to one counseling, repeat contact with the same person along the detention period and counselling from different providers, as well as less invasive methods. In our experience oral tests were found to be more acceptable among illegal immigrants of African origin and young offenders and led to identification of new cases. 51 The prevalence of...

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Surveillance in the Era of Electronic Health Data Teleclass Slides, Apr.3.19

[…] pathology, radiology, patient review•Double data entry, error prone, slow turnaround•National study of 92 IP nurses, agreement levels of HAI identification varied between 53-75% Common practices…Russo et al. AJIC 201510 •Misclassification of HAIs•misinterpretation of definitions •inconsistent methods •Subjective elements = natural variation•Influenced by surveillance intensity, available resources, skill and knowledge, use of electronic tools •Performance measurement•Potential to manipulate dataLeading to HAI Data Quality issues…Rich et al AJIC201311 •Robust,...

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Job title Your name Name of Facility Address City Post code Telephone Email Number of kits NumKits Shipment method Shipment Mail Pickup Method of payment Payment Cheque Name on credit card Credit card number Expiry Date Cost of Kit Subtotal cost Postage cost Provincial Infection Control Network of BC Vancouver, BC V6H 4B1 The kit will be mailed to you and a confirmation email will be sent once...

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Job title Your name Name of Facility Address City Post code Telephone Email Number of kits NumKits Shipment method Shipment Mail Pickup Method of payment Payment Name on credit card Credit card number Expiry Date Cost of Kit Subtotal cost Postage cost (select from drop-down) BC AB SK MB ON QC NB NL NS PE NT YT code MBgroup Prov Postal Group ProvGroup 2014 RATES lbs kits Prov/Weight...

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[…] of hand cleaning compliance was suspended in some health care facilities due to the COVID -19 pandemic response . i. Direct comparison of percent compliance between health authorities is not recommended due to different auditing methods ii. No auditing data were reported during Q 4 of 2020/21 iii. Include s auditing data from Providence Health Care iv. There are no long -term care facilities owned or operated...

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LGV Order Form 2023

Job title Your name Name of Facility Address City Post code Telephone Email Number of kits NumKits Shipment method Shipment Mail Pickup Method of payment Payment Name on credit card Credit card number Expiry Date Cost of Kit Subtotal cost Postage cost (select from drop-down) BC AB SK MB ON QC NB NL NS PE NT YT code MBgroup Prov Postal Group ProvGroup 2014 RATES lbs kits Prov/Weight...

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2023-05-29 Slides_Psychology of Pandemics

[…] Expert Panel, 2020-2022: MemberConflicts of interest:None iden)fied Land AcknowledgementThis presentaAon takes place on on the unceded tradiAonal territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm(Musqueam), Sḵwx ̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ(Ts l e i l-Waututh) NaAons Importance of Psychological Factors• Methods for managing pandemics•CommunicaAon from health authoriAes•Hygiene –e.g., handwashing, masks•Social distancing•Va c c in aA o n•Psychological disorders•Worsening of preexisAng problems•Tr i g g e re d b y p a n...

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Andrea Vu Tran


[…] Transmission of SARS -CoV -2 : Implications for infection prevention precautions. July 9, 2020. Published 2020. -of-transmissio n-of- virus -causing -covid -19 -implications -for -ipc -precaution -recommendations 6. ASTM International. ASTM F2101 -19, Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE) of Medical Face Mask Materials, Using a Biological Aerosol of S taphylococcus aureus. doi:10.1520/F2101 -19 7. ASTM International. ASTM F2299 / F2299M -03(2017), Standard...

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2024-01-11 Slides_Discourse in Infection Prevention

[…] and purpose•A neutral, transparent medium that simply coveys the nature of the world through people thoughts, impressions and opinions?Or•A powerful toolthat constructs the world by building objects, worlds, minds and social relations? Discourse Analysis•A research method to study written or spoken language in relation to its social context.•Aims to understand language in real life situations.•When you conduct DA, you might focus on:•The purposes and effects of different...

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Andrea Vu Tran

Emerging multidrug-resistant Candida auris: information on infection control practices

[…] to the cleaning of multiple-use equipment. Laboratory Identification C. auris has a unique susceptibility profile that should initially raise suspicion for further investigation for guiding treatment and infection prevention and control response where necessary. Current methods in frontline microbiology laboratories may detect C. auris. This is in the process of being coordinated and confirmed between the BC Centre for Disease Control Public Health Laboratory and frontline Microbiology...

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