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TaraDonovan_CDI Case Definition

[…] 80% match between lab ID event data and clinical surveillance data  Additional finding:  14.6% of cases were unreported because of lack of documentation of symptoms; this can be addressed by stressing appropriate testing methods on only unformed stool, among other things 12 C. difficile Infection FH Case Definition The case definition of Clostridium difficile infection is met when one of the following criteria is met:...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet IC Week Toolkit 2016

[…]     None, if you already have Glo Gel and a UV Light To purchase both: about $ 50 for small kit; $100 for larger Prize Glo Gel or Glo Germ UV light Method 1: Hand sanitizing (the quick method) 1. Assemble the team of staff that you are training, and have them “sanitize” their hands using any type of UV -responsive lotion or...

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Picnet Admin

Interventions for a Sustainable Infection Control Program SLIDES

[…] prior to sink removal Post intervention period: 12 months after sink removal Intervention: In the summer of 2014, hand washing sinks were removed from all patient rooms at all intensive care units and a ‘water-free’ method of patient care was introduced. Study methods 38 Methods Patient selection: All patients admitted at the ICU during the pre or post intervention periods Length of stay: Investigate the...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet IC Week Toolkit 2017

[…]     None, if you already have Glo Gel and a UV Light To purchase both: about $ 50 for small kit; $100 for larger Prize Glo Gel or Glo Germ UV light Method 1: Hand sanitizing (the quick method) 1. Assemble the team of staff that you are training, and have them “sanitize” their hands using any type of UV -responsive lotion or...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet IIPW_NICW Toolkit 2018

[…]     None, if you already have Glo Gel and a UV Light To purchase both: about $ 50 for small kit; $100 for larger Prize Glo Gel or Glo Germ UV light Method 1: Hand sanitizing (the quick method) 1. Assemble the team of staff that you are training, and have them “sanitize” their hands using any type of UV- responsive lotion or...

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Picnet Admin

2021-10-28 Slides_Hand Hygiene Reloaded

[…] hygiene": a user-centred design approach to understand, train, monitor and report hand hygiene. Journal of Hospital Infection 67, 9–21 (2007). 17 system structure human behaviour events/outcome leverage for sustainable change 18 Monitoring hand hygiene. 19 Method Microsoft Kinekt and inbuilt and additional software: Color video camera & depth sensor Track 6 skeleton representations (2 with 20 points) Fiducial markers to ‘know’ the position of the bed Privacy...

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Picnet Admin

2022-02-17 Slides_Assessing the Clinical Accuracy of a Hand Hygiene System

[…] real-time reminders of when to perform hand hygieneDIRECTOBSERVATIONPRODUCT USAGEMEASUREMENTELECTRONICMONITORINGInnovation and digitalization is driving the Bo Hansen•10 Direct observationDescription•Direct observation of hand hygiene practices.•May be manual (pen and paper) or technology-assisted using an appAdvantages•The only method that can evaluate the "Five Moments for HH" and techniqueDisadvantages•Hawthorne Effect (up to 300%)•Inter-observer variation requiring effort in training data collectors•Time intensive toobserve and manually create reports•Short observation periods•Captures a fraction...

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Picnet Admin

2022-03-03 Handout_Unintended Consequences of Chlorhexidine Bathing

[…] 2012, 67:2547.8 Unintended Microbial Consequences of Routine Chlorhexidine BathingDr. Mary Hayden, Rush University Medical Center, ChicagoThe Denver Russel Memorial Teleclass LectureHosted by Prof. Jean-Yv e s Maillard, Cardiff University, WalesA Webber Training Teleclasswww.webbertraining.com5No established, standardized method of testing for CHX resistance•Phenotypic methods•Agar or broth macro/microdilutionMICs/MBCs•Time kill assays•Post-exposure colony counts•Efflux over-expression•Epidemiologic cutoff•Genotypic methods•Detection of efflux pump genes by PCR•qacA/B, smr, norA/B, cepA, qacE9CHX susceptibility of clinical...

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Picnet Admin

2022-03-03 Slides_Unintended Consequences of Chlorhexidine Bathing

[…] of microorganism•Biocide resistance: Focus on activity of drug•Post-exposure colony counts•CHX resistance: Ability to survive exposure that kills rest of population•1% -4% CHG =10,000 -40,000 mg CHX/LHorner C et al JAC 2012, 67:2547.8 No established, standardized method of testing for CHX resistance•Phenotypic methods•Agar or broth macro/microdilutionMICs/MBCs•Time kill assays•Post-exposure colony counts•Efflux over-expression•Epidemiologic cutoff•Genotypic methods•Detection of efflux pump genes by PCR•qacA/B, smr, norA/B, cepA, qacE9 CHX susceptibility of...

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Picnet Admin

2024-01-18 Slides_Throw it Away

[…] Trust, London, UK and 2Ambu A/S, Ballerup, Denmark Abstract Background. This study investigated whether the single-use rhinolaryngoscope is clinically and economically comparable to the conventional reusable rhinolaryngoscope within a tertiary otolaryngology centre in the UK. Methods. A non-blinded, prospective and single-arm evaluation was carried out over a 5-day period, in which micro-costing was used to compare single-use rhinolaryngoscopes with reusable rhinolaryngoscopes. Results. Overall, 68 per cent of...

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Andrea Vu Tran


[…] style.visibility style.visibility style.visibility style.visibility style.visibility style.visibility style.visibility style.visibility style.visibility style.visibility style.visibility style.visibility style.visibility style.visibility style.visibility Most effective way of preventing the spread of infections in health care settings. CATEGORY 1/General · 200 The hand hygiene method for sanitizing (killing microorganisms/germs) on hands. CATEGORY 1/General · 400 In health care settings, infections are most commonly spread through these. CATEGORY 1/General · 600 The one practice that breaks the...

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Noorsallah Esmail


[…] BSN RN CIC Valerie Schall, MHSc RN Jennifer Grant, MD FRCP July 2010 Table of Contents Background ...

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Module 7: Communicable Diseases

[…] Program for Infection Control Professionals ICP Orientation Program Page i Table of Contents Module 7: Communicable Diseases ...

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Picnet Admin

Module 8: Occupational Health

[…] ofessionals Orientation Program for Infection Control Professionals ICP Orientation Program Page i Table of Contents Module 8: Occupational Health ...

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Picnet Admin

Bryce_Human Factors Engineering and Infection Prevention

[…] 3. The Procurement Process: BPD and UVC machines Human Factors Engineering • AKA ergonomics • Optimizes the relationship between technology or the "system" and humans • Designs the system to match human abilities • Different methods to analyze the situation. Most adapted from Nielsen, 1992 Not just for technological issues!!! Challenge for Infection Control Anderson J Using human factors engineering to improve the effectiveness of infection prevention...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet Annual Report FY2017_2018

[…] In 2017/18, PICNet and its Surveillance Steering Committee (SSC) moved forward with several new initiatives . Whole Genome Sequencing Outbreaks caused by organisms such as carbapenem producing organisms (CPO) are difficult to investigate with traditional methods. Most resistant bacteria of infection control interest harbour their resistant genes on the bacteria’s chromosomes. CPOs , however, carry their genes on plasmids, making it very different to detect clusters using...

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Picnet Admin

2022-09-13 Slides_Cost Effectiveness of Single Patient Rooms

[…] of patients with an HAI number of acute care bed-days used to manage the consequences of HAI monetary value of these bed-days deaths associated with patients with an HAI years of life lost to HAI. METHODS 18 Infection types All HAI bloodstream infection gastrointestinal infection lower respiratory tract infection p neumonia surgical site infection urinary tract infection other infections METHODS 19 There is no information available...

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Picnet Admin

2023-02-02 Slides_Surfaces a Foundational Issue

[…] silos of expertise each ØRaw materials, surface manufacturers, device vendors, disinfectant/chemical companies, environmental managers, facilities, value analysis, etc. •Conflicting definitions and guidelines for cleaning and disinfectionØPorous, non-porous, clean, disinfect, sanitize?•Many different standards organizations and test methods•Disparities between test methods and pathogens used to validate products•Fragmented information and guidance Discover root causes and gapsCase studyKey findings:üDevelop a minimum standardüDesignate a single point of contactüEstablish a greater understanding...

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Picnet Admin

Remember this doc name

[…] of patients with an HAI number of acute care bed-days used to manage the consequences of HAI monetary value of these bed-days deaths associated with patients with an HAI years of life lost to HAI. METHODS 18 Infection types All HAI bloodstream infection gastrointestinal infection lower respiratory tract infection p neumonia surgical site infection urinary tract infection other infections METHODS 19 There is no information available...

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Curtis Warcup


[…] of patients with an HAI number of acute care bed-days used to manage the consequences of HAI monetary value of these bed-days deaths associated with patients with an HAI years of life lost to HAI. METHODS 18 Infection types All HAI bloodstream infection gastrointestinal infection lower respiratory tract infection p neumonia surgical site infection urinary tract infection other infections METHODS 19 There is no information available...

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Andrea Vu Tran