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Antimicrobial Stewardship Research Priorities Teleclass Slides, Nov.21.19

[…] Director, Infection Prevention and Control, and Antimicrobial Stewardship Physician, The Ottawa Hospital 3 4 At the end of this session, participants will be able to: Develop a plan for implementing an ASP (AMS program) Describe methods for measuring success Identify potential research questions to resolve current knowledge gaps related to ASP Recognize determinants (barriers and facilitators) of appropriate antibiotic prescribing in hospitals Objectives 5 Outpatient settings Long...

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2024-03-14 Slides_Emergency Health Preparedness

[…] design, management, assessment and regulations, frugal engineering, mHealth, additive manufacturing, IPC, ethics, preparedness and governanceDr Davide PiaggioAbout me Research interestApplied Biomedical signal processing, Internet of Things, Artificial IntelligenceEarly-stage Health Technology Assessment(HTA) and User Need Elicitation methodsMedical Device design, regulation, assessment and management (Clinical Engineering)Main applications:Active/healthy ageing,prevent disease or worsening and adverse events in later lifeDisease Management Programs, patient monitoring and telemedicineMedical devices and medical locations in low-resource...

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Andrea Vu Tran

Sleep Quality in Hospitalized Patients With Infection Teleclass Slides, Feb.12.15

[…] Sleep architecture Impact of sleep deprivation on physiological and psychological functions Impact of sleep deprivation on infections Impact of infections on sleep Sleep in hospitalized patients Study of sleep quality in hospitalized patients with infection Methods Results Discussion Conclusions 4 Stages of Sleep Bryant PA, et al. Nature Reviews 2004;4:457-67 5 Hypotheses for the Function of Stages of Sleep Bryant PA, et al. Nature Reviews 2004;4: 457-67...

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Interpreting Research Evidence SLIDES

[…] collection. Data collection was objective or response bias was minimized.□Assessors were not blinded but trained in data collection. Response bias was minimized.□Assessors were not blinded and unclear if trained in or adhered to data collection methods. Unclear if bias was sufficiently minimized.□24 252525 2626Not a substitute for trainingJudgment required to apply criteria 26 PurposeType of Validity Assess (criteria related to)Believe thestudyresults: Alternate explanations ruled outInternal validityThreats to...

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01 Introduction

[…] to clinical areas  Meet with key contacts  Managers, Patient Care Coordinators, Staff Day 3 - PM (theory) Microbiology – Key Concepts  Basic microbiology/clinical microbiology  Review routine microbiology lab requisitions  Diagnostic methods/collection of specimens  Interpretation of culture and sensitivity reports Day 4 - AM (clinical)  Lab orientation  Bring pages 14 -16 of Microbiology module to lab and discuss with lab...

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Archer Introduction to Critical Appraisal

[…] to something not so important Key Message •Often an appraisal of a study is based on reading the discussion and conclusions. • Your conclusions about a study should be based on your appraisal of the methods and results – NOT on the authors conclusions. – Authors discussion and conclusions can help identify biases , other explanations, provide context etc. Frustration – it’s like a booger you can’t...

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Archer Introduction to Critical Appraisal updated

[…] important to something not so important Key Message Often an appraisal of a study is based on reading the discussion and conclusions. Your conclusions about a study should be based on your appraisal of the methods and results – NOT on the authors conclusions. Authors discussion and conclusions can help identify biases , other explanations, provide context etc. Frustration – it’s like a booger you can’t flick...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin

Guideline Wound Bed Preparation 2015 June

[…]  Biofilm may be present in chronic wounds ( 60% ), critically colonized or infected wounds (60 – 80 %) or wound that are not healing. 22, 26 It cannot be seen and standard culture methods do not capture th e presence of biofilm present in the wound; the presence of biofilm can be determined by microbial DNA -based diagnostic tools. British Columbia Provincial Nursing Skin and...

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[…] any incident. Records of the following procedures should be available on site for potential follow -up and inspection purposes: • Details of instruments purchased as pre packaged and sterile (e.g., manufacturer name, certification designation, sterilization method, lot number and expiry date) . • Daily disinfection test results ( e.g., test strips) to ensure the conc entration is within acceptable limits or documentation that the solution is changed...

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Picnet Admin

Positive Deviance and Hand Hygiene Teleclass Slides, Jan.30.20

[…] deviance Nature Létourneau, Alderson , Caux, & Richard, 2013© Individual and social behavior change approach Evolve towards 7 Identify "positive deviant" (PD) individuals or teams that perform better in the area of interest Use qualitative methods to discover strategies that enable PD to perform better Develop an intervention based on strategies successfully used by PD Disseminate PD strategies in collaboration with key people in the organization Stage...

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Picnet Admin

CDI Annual Surveillance Report 2008-2009

[…] systems and submit it to PICNet on a quarterly basis. Due to the limitations in HA based information systems, some participating parties applied slightly different inclusion and exclusion criter ia to calculate their denominators. Laboratory Methodologies: Methods of detection include Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (EIA), Toxin Assays, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), etc (British Columbia Association of Medical Microbiologists, 2006). There are a vari ety of laboratory <mark...

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SSI Getting Started Kit_SaferHealthcareNow

[…] of the Canadian healthcare system. Safer Healthcare Now! is the flagship program of the Canadian Patient Safety Institute and a national program supporting Canadian healthcare organizations to improve safety through the use of quality improvement methods and the integration of evidence in practice. To learn more about this intervention, to find out how to join Safer Healthcare Now! and to gain access to additional resources, contacts, and...

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[…] such systems is still largely unknown. Objective: To assess the timeliness and accuracy of pharmacy sales data for both respiratory and gastrointestinal infections and to determine its utility in supporting the surveillance of gastrointestinal illness. Methods: To assess timeliness, a prospective and retrospective analysis of data feeds was used to compare the chronological characteristics of each data stream. To assess accuracy, Ontario antiviral prescriptions were compared to...

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How to Publish in the Journals SLIDES

[…] Commentary Correspondence Practice Forum * Examples from AJIC 31 Major Articles Results of original research ~12-15 double-spaced, typed pages 4 illustrations 3 tables 15 references (often more these days) Structured abstract of 150-200 words Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions 32 Brief Reports 1000 words or less 2 illustrations or tables Maximum 10-15 references Summary abstract (non-structured) of ≤100 words 33 Commentary Opinions, philosophy, or comments related to IP...

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Picnet Admin

Evaluating IPC Education

[…] of evidence on education and training 2 of 10 key components of hosp-level IPC Healthcare providers provide in-service education and training on IPC to their new and existing staff in varying degrees and through various methods Typically has limited or no link to formal tertiary education structures Although IPC programmes and practitioners devote much time and effort to teach HCWs, how effective is this? 3 What does...

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