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[…]  The patient population studied (e.g., age, na ture, and severity of underlying illness)  Type of healthcare setting (e.g., teaching or community hospital, long-term care facility (LTCF))  Country  Diagnostic strategies (e.g., testing methods, approaches to surveillance)  Surveillance defi nitions, methods, and intensity  Infection control practices  Staffing When published rates of healthcare-associated pneumonia are reviewed, the factors above should be considered...

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[…] Practices. DRAFT 4 PICNet Surgical Site Infection Surve illance Working Group’s Strategic Plan and Options Paper DRAFT 4. System and Operational Improvements The surveillance system will equip the facilities with: • a consistent and accurate method of data collection • the ability to analyze and report SSI surveillance data and give timely feedback of SSI rates to surgical teams • a system to monitor and quickly identify...

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Public Reporting and Disclosure Telecass SlidesSM

[…] Genève Sponsored by WHO Patient Safety Challenge Clean Care is Safer Care OUTLINE Background /Study Components Infection Preventionist perspectives Epidemiologist perspectives State HAI Coordinator perspectives Consumer websites usability Consumer awareness, engagement, and intent © MCGUCKIN METHODS INTERNATIONAL, INC. WWW.MCGUCKINMETHODS.COM 2 BACKGROUND Little is known about the extent to which the public actually knows about HAI information and if they use it. At the time of our study,...

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PHAC CA Toolkit 2015-03

[…] base, which inform s recommendations provided in the infection prevention and control guidelines series. The Critical Appraisal Tool Ki t was developed by a team of Agency staff and a Cochrane reviewer with expertise in methodology. This team reported to the Infection Prevention and Control Expert Working Group (formerly the Steering Committee on Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines ). See Appendix C for list of members. The...

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[…] known to be carrying VRE or ESBL -producing organisms on blocked beds, cancelled or limited surgeries, or the range of services a facility can provide? Screening, Isolation, and Decolonization Strategies for VRE and ESBL 3 Methods A peer -reviewed literature search was conducted using the following bibliographic databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed, and The Cochrane Library (2012, Issue 3). Grey literature (literature that is not commercially published) was...

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[…] and health care workers. Communication strategies involve the free flow of information between policy makers, educators, employers, research laboratories, and health care workers. Mobile occupational health clinics and portable libraries are two examples of innovative methods of communication and information dissemination. Risk analyses allow occupational health practitioners to target local services to the most needed areas. Point prevalence surveys and workplace audit tools are effective methods...

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[…] of the healthcare culture. Recommendations 1. Integrating infection control training m odules into all relevant curricula in academic and clinical programs. 2. Making the successful completion of appropriate examinations necessary for graduation. 20 19 This method has been the law in New York State since 1992: Mandated Training Related To Infection Control, New York State Education Department, Office of the Professions ). The State of New York...

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[…] cleaned on transfer or discha rge to ensure all necessary steps are completed to make the room safe for the next admission. This process review is intended to be used in conjunction with a qualitative method of monitoring cleaning efficiency. 9. CDI Clinical Management Algorithm This document is intended for use by clinicians to ensure the correct treatment approach for patients with CDI is followed. PICNet Provincial...

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01 Introduction

[…] routine Orientation to ICP position Daily ICP activities Lab Orientation Daily ICP Activities Clinical Orientation Computer Tour of area (s) of responsibility Microbiology Module - Key Concepts section RPAP Module Key Concepts section Microbiology Module Methods section Week Two Daily ICP Activities Daily ICP Activities Daily ICP Activities Daily ICP Activities Daily ICP Activities RPAP Module Methods section Hand Hygiene Module – Key Concepts section Hand...

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Provincial Best Practices for Hand Hygiene Guidelines

[…] not generally cause HAIs and can be beneficial to the good health of the skin. Effective hand hyg iene kills or removes transient microorganisms on the skin and maintains good hand health. There are two methods of killing/removing microorganisms on hands: a) hand sanitizing with a 70 to 90% alcohol -based hand rub (ABHR) is the preferred method (when han ds are not visibly soiled) for...

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[…] not generally cause HAIs and can be beneficial to the good health of the skin. Effective hand hyg iene kills or removes transient microorganisms on the skin and maintains good hand health. There are two methods of killing/removing microorganisms on hands: a) hand sanitizing with a 70 to 90% alcohol -based hand rub (ABHR) is the preferred method (when han ds are not visibly soiled) for...

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CAUTI Guidelines (2009)

[…] Registered Nurses Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America MARAGAKIS, Lisa, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations WISE, Robert A., MD Division of Standards & Survey Methods Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations Consumers Union Senior Policy Analyst on MCGIFFERT, Lisa Health Issues, Project Director Stop Hospital Infections Organization Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists KAINER, Marion...

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[…] Syndrome TB Tuberculosis VIRAP Viral Rapid Testing WH&S Workplace Health and Safety Table of Contents 1. Introduction...

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