Emerging respiratory-borne viruses update from BCCDC
Below is an update from BCCDC on emerging respiratory-borne viruses (ERV), including details related to: Increase in MERS-CoV cases in September and October 2014 primarily in Saudi Arabia and linked to camel contact. Subsequent amplification through human-to-human spread within the nosocomial setting is reminiscent of SARS. Also in October, a travel-related MERS-CoV case has been reported for the first time in Turkey. Several Hajj-associated suspect cases are under investigation elsewhere but...
Emerging Respiratory Viruses
From BCCDC: While the world’s attention is understandably focused on the Ebola outbreak affecting several countries of West Africa, we would also like to remind and update you about several emerging respiratory viruses (ERV) with ongoing global monitoring since our last bulletin of June 17, 2014, including: 1. MERS-CoV. Activity has declined substantially relative to the dramatic surge that occurred in April 2014. However, sporadic cases continue to be reported from affected...