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Joanne Archer Retirement Letter

September 24, 2020 Joanne Archer’s retirement Sent on behalf of Tara Donovan, Network Director, Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia Hello everyone, On behalf of the Provincial Infection Control Network I am sharing bittersweet news, Joanne Archer, Education and Practice Coordinator for PICNet is retiring at the end of this year. In her own words, her role with PICNet combined with decades...

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Picnet Admin

2021-12-16 Slides_COVID-19 – Dress Rehearsal for Disease X

[…] 1994 Approximately 70,000 subscribers in ≥185 countries 2 2 "The popular ProMED-mail e-list offers a daily update on all the known disease outbreaks flaring up around the world, which surely makes it the most terrifying news source known to man." – Steven Johnson "The Ghost Map", p. 219 Riverhead Books/Penguin, 2006 A Compliment? 2 3 Rhinolophus ("Horseshoe Bat") EcoHealth Alliance Natural...

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Provincial IPC Guidelines for Portable Fans in Health Care Settings in British Columbia Approved Oct. 5 2023 FINAL

[…] Accessed July 14, 2023. -canada/services/environmental -workplace -health /reports - publications/climate -change -health/extreme -heat -events -guidelines -technical -guide -health -care -workers.html 2. World Health Organization (WHO). Heat and Health. 2018. Accessed July 14, 2023. news - room/fact -sheets/detail/climate -change -heat -and -health 3. Health Canada. Acute Care During Extreme Heat: Recommendations and Information for Health Care Workers - 2020. Accessed July 17,...

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Noorsallah Esmail

PICNet July 2016 Newsletter

[…] of program topics. If you would like to suggest any new/additional topics or speakers, you can email Joanne Archer. And don’t forget to save the date: the conference takes place March 9-10, 2017. Infection Control News There are several new stories on the PICNet news page, including that of Angus the C.difficile-hunting dog. PICNet Medical Co-Lead Dr. Elizabeth Bryce was...

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Join Our Community of Practice

[…] your workplace.To join, simply sign up to receive notifications and updates from PICNet on whichever of the following topics you are interested in: Educational Opportunities: Information on upcoming conferences, workshops, and new educational resources PICNet Newsletter: Periodic e-newsletter with infection control news, links to new resources, and updates on PICNet’s projects and events Community of Practice Notifications: Notification of infection...

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Picnet Admin


[…] publication may be reproduced without permission provided that its use falls within the scope of fair dealings under the Copyright Act , and is solely for the purposes of st udy, research, criticism, review or newspaper summary. The source must be fully acknowle dged. However, reproduction of this publication in whole or in part for purposes of resale or redistribution requires...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin


201 4 - 201 5 Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine Questions and Answers for Health Care Providers (Produced 2013/14, Reviewed and Updated 2014/15) Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine Questions and Answers for Health Care Providers 2014 - 2015 2014 Page 2 BACKGROUND ...

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[…] | DEBUT DU TITRE --> <!-- #BeginEditable "doctitle" --> <title>Are vaccines safe? - Vaccine Safety - Public Health Agency of Canada</title> <!-- #EndEditable --> <!-- TITLE ENDS | FIN DU TITRE --> <!--> <link href="/css/ institution-ie.css" media="screen, print" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <!--> <!--> <style type="text/css"> sup a.footnote-link{; background-color: #EEEEEE; border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; display: inline!important; font-size:100%!important; padding: 0 2px; line-height:1.2em; } </style> <!--> <!--> <style...

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Picnet Admin

Roscoe Shackleton Handouts

[…] - 05 March 2015 © Lyric Management 2015 48 Leadership Lessons PICNet - 05 March 2015 © Lyric Management 2015 18 8.*Leaving*a*Legacy- •  Endurance has become the most successful failure ever •  Leadership lessons endure today o  Turn set-backs into opportunities o  Be bold but cautious o  Hire an outstanding crew o  Unity amongst the crew from top to bottom o  Match personality types...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet Newsletter April2015

PICNet April Newsletter Debugging Healthcare Together April 2015 Ebola Teleclass PICNet is hosting a teleclass on April 24, 2015 from 10:30-11:30 am PST on the topic of Ebola: Real- life details. Patrice Gordon is a Nurse Practitioner from BC who worked in an Ebola treatment center in Sierra Leone in Nov/Dec 2014. She will share her insights into the disease and its clinical presentation....

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Picnet Admin

Social Media Teleclass SLIDES

[…] its potential? 8 8 9 Websites & internet Blogs & vLogs Mobile technology Social networking channels Characteristics of SoMe: Openness Participation Connectedness Community 10 Websites & internet Blogs & vLogs Mobile technology Social networking channels Today we will focus on: A few questions: How many are on social media – what? How many tweet/retweet at least once a day? How many have posteded a video...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet Annual Surveillance Report 2014-15

[…] patients ; 3) reporting performance back to the care units and to senior leaders, physicians, and managers across the health authorities , and to the public; 4) using a variety of communications such as posters, newsletters, and posting of results on units ; 5) identifying new initiatives and opportunities to improve the compliance before patient contact and to engage physicians more effecti...

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Picnet Admin


Guidance for the laboratory inves tigation, management and infection prevention and control for cases of Candida auris Guidance for the laboratory investigation, management and infection prevention and control of cases of Candida auris 2 About Public Health England Public Health England exists to protect and improve the nation's health and wellbeing, and reduce health inequalities. It does this through world -class...

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Picnet Admin

Ebola Guidelines that Did Not Work SLIDES

[…] population were exposed unnecessary to a serious illness. New, updated guidelines from the WHO and CDC should protect HCW’s, helpers and others working with Ebola and other serious infections in a more safe way, than today. A dangerous infection should always be met with the highest level of protection, not with the lowest. 55 Some references WHO. Interim infection prevention and...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet Annual Surveillance Report 2016-2017

Annual surveillance report of healthcare- associated infections in BC health care facilities Fiscal Year 201 6/1 7 (April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017 ) Prepared by: Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) October 2017 The Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) is a provincially supported professional collaborative that provides guidance and advice on healthcare -associated infection prevention and control <mark...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin

Climate change and Infectious Diseases SLIDES

[…] trimester Decreases normal replication of neurons and astroglial cells Small no. get abnormal limb development (arthrogryposis) 39 Chikungunya: Re-emerging disease 1952- 1st identified virus Outbreaks in southern Tanzania, Makonde plateau Derived from Makonde or Swahili word = "that which bends up" 40 Chikungunya: Re-emerging disease Virus, circulates between mosquitoes and non-human primates Aedes aegypti and albopictus Thought to have originated in Africa 1954: 1 st...

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Picnet Admin

Future of IC Bright or Bleak SLIDES

[…] Standardize use and care Improve communication about catheter need Build capacity for alternatives Feedback data in real time Basically, professionals like to be given a choice Compliance 47 `The Big C’ Compliance The wrong word It affects everything – but is often absent from published papers Research showing effectiveness of interventions and likelihood of implementation And it is probably our fault...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin

PICNet Annual Surveillance Report 2018_19 (updated Mar 19, 2020)

[…] The Candida auris Alert: Facts and Perspectives. The Journal of infectious diseases. 2018; 217(4):516 –20. PMID: 29390110 . 13. BC Center for Disease Control. Laboratory trends. October 2017. - professionals/professional -resources/laboratory -trends - newsletter . 14. MRSA Tracking. last updated: April 13, 2016 . . Accessed August 22, 2016 15. Zacharioudakis IM, Zervou FN, Pliakos EE, Ziakas PD, Mylonakis...

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Picnet Admin

07 Communicable Diseases_2

Ori e n tat io n P r o g ram f or Inf e c t io n Co n t r ol P r o f ess io na ls M o dule 7: C o mmuni c a ble Di se a se s Ori entat ion Program for Infection C ontrol Professionals ICP Or ientat ion Program Page i C o n t e...

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Picnet Admin

2021-09-16 Slides_Antimicrobial resistance and infection prevention

[…] as surgery, transplants, and chemotherapy may no longer be viable due to the threat of infection" US National Strategy for Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria (Sep 2014) 5 6 "Without policies to stop the ..spread of AMR, today’s already large 700,000 deaths every year would become an extremely disturbing 10 million every year, more people than currently die from cancer." "The cost in terms...

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Picnet Admin