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BC reduces antibiotic use: BCCDC article in BCMJ

The BC Centre for Disease Control issued the following news release on November 15, 2016: BC reduces antibiotic use, but still more to be done The rate of antibiotic prescribing in British Columbia fell 15 per cent between 2005 and 2014, according to a new analysis conducted by the BC Centre for Disease Control. “We’re seeing some good progress when it comes to reducing unnecessary antibiotic...

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[…] IPC and Medical Microbiologist on call. References 1. World Health Organization (WHO). Marburg virus disease – Equatorial Guinea and the United Republic of Tanzania. May 8 2023. Accessed May 23 2023. rgencies/disease -outbreak - news/item/2023 -DON444 2. World Health Organization (WHO). Ebola disease caused by Sudan ebolavirus – Uganda 14 January 2023. Accessed April 6, 2023. -outbreak - news/item/2023...

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Andrea Vu Tran

PICNet Survey Results Summary for CoP

[…] Notices/posters 16% Directly from my manager/ward supervisor/ etc. 14% Your health authority intranet/blog 13% Directly from my Infection Control Practitioner 11% Other 8% Social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) 6% "Other" included: IPAC BC/IPAC -Canada; Google news; Link Nurse Program; manuals and guidelines . PICNet Response: We’re glad to hear that our monthly e-newsletters and other emails suit your needs. We will continue to...

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Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines for Providing Healthcare to Clients Living in the Community Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) June 2014 Provincial Infection Control Network of BC (PICNet) 1001 West Broadway, Suite 504 Vancouver, BC V6H 4B1 Tel: 604 -875 -4844 x 22985 Fax: 604- 875-4373 Website: Email: PICNet Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines for Home and Community Care...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet Newsletter Oct2015

[…] clicking on "Archives". Dial -in instructions 604-899 -2339 or 1 -877 -385 -4099 Pass Code: 7188720# Editor: Helen Evans, Communications Officer | Phone: 604-875 -4844 x 22984 Thank you for subscribing to our monthly newsletter. Our newsletter is sent to all members of our Community of Practice and our newsletter subscribers. If you would like to change your email receipt preferences, please use...

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PICNet Workshop_Staff Education_2016 SLIDES

[…] Remove a Tough Barrier: Triz Whiteboard Educational Tools • Michael Grinder • Inventories • Planning Model Review of tools from today How to conduct an evaluation quickly and easily • Why do we use the word "failure"? • What does that word mean to us? • What feelings does that word stir up in us and in others? • Failure is...

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Picnet Admin

Interpreting Research Evidence SLIDES

[…] has algorithms and a summary table of key aspects to help name most common designs14Naming design frequently needs discussion, for both novices and experts! Descriptive StudiesAnalytic StudiesDescribeoccurrence or an association}Cross-sectional}Ecologic}Case ReportsTestassociation15Qualitative Research: •Descriptive, interviews/focus groups•Themes/ words not numbers Descriptive StudiesAnalytic StudiesDescribeoccurrence or an association}Cross-sectional}Ecologic}Case ReportsTestassociation}Intervention Studies◦RCT or NRCT◦Controlled before-after◦Interrupted time series◦Uncontrolled before-after}Observational ◦Cohort◦Case Control16Quasi-experimental is a category, not a design DesignControl group?Allocationto groupResearcher...

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Infection Prevention and Control in the Dental Office_2009

Approved by Council – November 2009 This is a revision to the Guidelines on  Infection Control  in the Dental Office issued in January 2002. The Guidelines of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario contain practice parameters and standards which should be considered by all Ontario dentists in the care of their patients. It is important to note that these Guidelines may be used by the College or other bodies in determining whether appropriate standards of practice and professionalresponsibilities have been maintained. 1 ROYAL COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGEONS OF ONTARIO Introduction Purpose of the Document  Professional and Regulatory Considerations Principles of Infection Prevention  and Control (IPAC) Patient Safety Transmission of Micro-organisms Screening of Patients Routine Practices Risk Assessment Hand Hygiene Personal Protective Equipment •General considerations •Protective eyewear •Protective draping •Use of rubber dam and high-volume suction •Latex sensitivity and allergies Handling and Disposal of Sharps Additional Precautions Human Rights and Confidentiality Oral Health Care Workers’  Responsibilities and Safety Education and Training Immunization Illness and Work Restrictions ExposurePrevention  Personal Protective Equipment •General considerations •Gloves •Protective eyewear •Masks •Protective clothing •Latex sensitivity and allergies Minimizing Droplet Splatter Exposure Management Occupational Health and Safety Requirements  and WHMIS Prohibition of Eating and Drinking in  Non-Designated Areas Cleaning, Disinfection and  Sterilization of Patient Care Items General Considerations Processing of Critical and Semi-Critical Items...

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News Archives May-Sept 2014

Looking for previous news postings? You can find PICNet’s news archives from May 2014 to September 2014 here. Earlier news postings have not been archived....

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World Antibiotic Awareness Week

Nov 14-20, 2016 Below are some resources for World Antibiotic Awareness Week: World Health Organization materials Government of Canada resources Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada (AMMI) website Do Bugs Need Drugs? website Centers for Disease Control resources There are also two antibiotic-related webinars taking place this week: NPSF webcast: Taking action to combat antibiotic resistance and improve antibiotic use – Nov 14 PHAC...

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Picnet Admin

Ebola vaccine trial results

[…] one of the two most common strains of the Ebola virus, and it may not give long-lasting protection. Some of those who get it report side effects like joint pain and headaches. “It’s certainly good news with regard to any new outbreak — and one will occur somewhere,” said Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious...

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Conference Program

PICNet 2014 Educational Conference: Learning from the Past to Inform the Future March 3-4, 2014 The presentation slides are available for download; click on the PDF icon next to the presentation title to view/download the file. March 3rd Topic Speaker Name 8:00–8:30 Registration and Breakfast  Exhibitors 8:30–8:40 Welcome and Opening Remarks PICNet Co-Director 8:40–9:00 Update on PICNet Bruce Gamage, PICNet 9:00–10:00 Health Canada standards...

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Conference Program and Presentation Slides

[…] genome sequencing and what we are learning about CPO transmission   Dr. Linda Hoang MSc, MD, DTM&H, FRCPC Medical Microbiologist BCCDC and Co-Medical Lead, PICNet Dr. Elizabeth Brodkin MD, FCFP, MHSc, FRCPC Executive Medical Director, Infection Control and Medical Health Officer, Fraser Health Authority 11:15–12:00 Interactivity   PICNet Education Steering Committee 12:00–1:00 Lunch   Exhibitors 1:00–1:45 Pediatric diarrheal illness Dr. David Goldfarb MD FRCPC Clinical Associate...

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PICNet Newsletter Mar2013

Page 1 of 2 PICNet PROVINCIAL INFECTION CONTROL NETWORK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA A program of the Provincial Health Services Authority PICNet March Newsletter Debugging Healthcare Together! Issue: #2 March 2013 CRE in the News Following the publication of a news release by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control stating that more than 200 U.S. hospitals and long- term, acute-care facilities had cases of...

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Picnet Admin

Feces Management Teleclass Slides

[…] al. Prevalence and risk factors for asymptomatic Clostridium difficile carriage. Clin Infect Dis 2014;59(2):216-22 American Practitioners in Infection Control and Epidemiology. . Accessed November 2, 2014 American Practitioners in Infection Control and Epidemiology. News-Releases/Article?id=2122443e-6d22-46ae-aecc-e9512e98e1cb Accessed November 10, 2014 Barker J, Jones MV. The potential spread of infection caused by aerosol contamination of surfaces after flushing a domestic toilet. J...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet Annual Report 2015_2016

[…] to be modified to keep up to date with current technologies, provincial and federal legislation, and to best meet the needs of the CoP. As requested by the CoP, PICNet has been posting to its news page more frequently. In addition, the Webber Teleclas s pages were updated to make it easier to search the archived teleclasses , and to access...

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Engaging and Educating Nurses Teleclass Slides, Aug.22.19

[…] Objectives Discuss the importance of nurses’ engagement in evidence-based practice Provide tangible strategies to effectively engage nurses in evidence-based practice 2 My experiences Past Clinical nurse Current Teacher Mentor Researcher 3 3 4 Daily News, 2012 4 Pronovost P et al. N Engl J Med 2006;355:2725-32 . Importance of "WHY?" 5 5 Evidence can be Highly Influential 6 6 Best practices must...

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C2021-01-28 Slides_COVID Update & Vaccines

[…] 23 CDC 2.2020 goofs : - Keep > 6 ft. "social" distance ( NO distinction re indoors v outdoors) - NO distinction re mask wearing or not. Coronavirus - 26’ respiratory & aerosol - NBC News 8.25.2020 R. Ball, MD MPH FACP Jordan wedding 3.13.2020: >350 wedding attendees → 76 infected guests (1/5). 24 R. Ball, MD MPH FACP Dr. Allison Eckard MUSC Peds. 9.2020...

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Interim Monkeypox IPAC Guidance – June 2022

[…] B infec tious substances (Class 6, Division 6.2) and clinical, (bio) medical or regulated medical waste ( 9. References 1. World Health Organization (WHO). Monkeypox Fact Sheet 19 May 2022. Accessed June 8, 2022. news -room/fact -sheets/detail/monkeypox 2. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Monkeypox | Poxvirus | CDC Jun 7, 2022. Accessed June 8, 2022. 3. Public Health...

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Picnet Admin