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Pre-Conference Workshop

[…] audience Communications Workshop – Part 4 Communications Workshop – Part 5 Communications Workshop – Part 6 Q&A: Working with a translator Props Introduction to 2-point and 3-point communication Props and Powerpoint The power of the pause Communicating unwelcome news to patients Three-point communication: what it is and how to use it The words “I’m sorry” – when and how to use Where you sit makes a...

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Evaluation of the Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia’s Respiratory Outbreak Prevention and Control Guidelines Authors Joanne Archer, R.N., B.Tech, M.A, CIC Infection Prevention and Control Educator/Consultant, Provincial Infection Control Network Bruce Gamage, R.N., BSN, BSc (Micb), CIC Network Manager, Provincial Infection Control Network Salman Klar, BScH MPH Commissioned and Funded by: Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet), Provincial Health Services...

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[…] D=Diarrhea Ad apted from forms submitte d by Northern Health and Vancouver Island Health Appendix 12: Daily Update Outbreak Report for OPMT (example) Location: ______________________________________ Date: _______________________ Day _____ of Outbreak Number of new cases today - Patients/Residents/Clients: _______________ Number of new cases today – HCPs: ___________ Date of symptom onset of last case: ____________ Number of patients/residents currently symptomatic: _______________ (include new cases) Number...

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Revised May 7, 2013 1 Interim Guidance – Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Acute Care a Settings The Public Health Agency of Canada (the Agency) has developed this document to provide infection prevention and control (IPC) guidance to healthcare organizations and healthcare workers (HCWs) for the management of patients presenting to healthcare facilit ies in Canada, who have travelled...

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Are Towelettes Effective for Decontamination Teleclass Slides, Apr.30.15

Jean-Yves Maillard Cardiff School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Cardiff University Are towelettes effective for surface decontam ination in healthcare settings? Hosted by Dr. Lynne Sehulster Prevention and Response Branch Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion Centers for Disease Control and Prevention April 30, 2015 Review the usage of towelettes in healthcare settings, particularly pre-wetted towelettes Discuss the role of pre-wetted towelettes in healthcare settings...

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Severe MRSA in ICU slides

[…] à Contact precautions - preemptive isolation Observed MRSA acquisition Predicted MRSA acquisition Imported Efficacy of screening + isolation 53 Rate of methicillin-resistance in invasive S. aureus infections Efficacy of screening + isolation 54 https://reflectionsipc.files. -whats -made -the -differecnce.jpg Efficacy Efficacy of screening + isolation 55 CHX washing à source control active skin biofilm removal ? 64 Cleansed with chlorhexdine cloths Bathed with...

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03 Hand Hygiene

Module 3 : Hand Hygiene Orientation Program for Infection Control Professionals ICP Orientation Program Page i C o n t e n t s Module 3 : Hand Hygiene ...

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2024-01-11 Slides_Discourse in Infection Prevention

[…] beliefs are available. Hand Hygiene Research•A Discourse Analysis of Hand Hygiene Policy in the NHS•Fused Corpus Linguistics (quantitative) with Critical Discourse Analysis (qualitative) to examine:•359 Hand Hygiene Policies of all NHS Trusts in England•Over 1,000,000 words. Deontic Logic•Deontic logic is the investigation of normative concepts, especially:•Obligation•Permission•Prohibition. Zero Tolerance•First introduced to the NHS as a method of addressing workplace violence•Its application to IPC...

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Andrea Vu Tran

2024-02-29 Slides_Implementation Science

[…] MD PhD Iris van der Horst MScDepartment of Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention Amsterdam Center for Implementation ScienceAndrea ThoonsenChristiaan VisFemke van NassauNina ZipfelAnnicka van der PlasEsther BisschopsMireille DekkerAmsCISboard membersAmsCISadvisoryCommitteeMargriet MullenderHan AnemaMartine de BruijneMichel WensingPauline Goense Todays objectives •to explore the core of implementation science•to discuss how we can use knowledge from implementation science in practice•to learn how to identify barriers and facilitators•to understand how...

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Andrea Vu Tran

PICNet Workshop_Staff Education_Slides

[…] They may not receive support, recognition or reward for improvements so, over time, they may disregard the skills or knowledge and go back to old behaviours ." Evaluation: Kirkpatrick’s model •Why do we use the word "failure"? • What does that word mean to us? • What feelings does that word stir up in us and in others? • Failure...

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Root Cause Analysis SLIDES

[…] discussion focussed on the event Ask the staff to choose one or two actions they assume to do and guide them to choose actions that will really avoid a new event 42 Thank you for your attention Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. Albert Einstein Serious game Flu.0 © I think...

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INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL GUIDELINE for Flexible Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and Flexible Bronchoscopy To promote and protect the health of Canadians through leadership, partnership, innovation and action in public health. — Public Health Agency of Canada Infection Prevention and Control Guideline for Flexible Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and Flexible Bronchoscopy is available on Internet at the following address: Également disponible en français sous le...

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Picnet Admin


INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL GUIDELINE for Flexible Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and Flexible Bronchoscopy To promote and protect the health of Canadians through leadership, partnership, innovation and action in public health. — Public Health Agency of Canada Infection Prevention and Control Guideline for Flexible Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and Flexible Bronchoscopy is available on Internet at the following address: Également disponible en français sous le...

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Picnet Admin


[…] ST= sore throat , M=Myalgia , NC = nasal congestion (runny nose) 48 Appendix 12 : Daily Update Outbreak Report for OPMT (example) Location: ______________________________________ Date: _______________________ Day _____ of Outbreak Number of new cases today - Patients/Residents/Clients: __________ Number of new cases today – HCPs: ___________ Date of symptom onset of last case: ___________ Number of patients/residents currently symptomatic (include new cases): ______ Number...

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PICNet Conference Program_shortform

Page 1 of 2 PICNet Educational Conference March 2-4, 2016 Hilton Vancouver Airport 5911 M inoru Boulevard, Richmond, BC Wednesday March 2, 2016: Pre-Conference Workshop Time Topic Presenter 8:00 –8:30 Registration and Breakfast 8:30 –8:35 Welcome and Opening Remarks Joanne Archer 8:35 –10:20 Improving your communications Michael Grinder 10:20 –10:35 Health Break 10:35 –12:00 Improving your communications Michael Grinder 12:00 –12:45 Lunch 12:45 –2:30 Educating your staff Eleanor Elston...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet Exhibitor Info 2017

[…] Equipment 23 Metrex = Power drop 13 Getinge Page 7 of 7 Shipping Label Template Please use these labels in addition to your courier’s label. You can fill in this PDF version, or download a Word document version from . Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel 7551 Westminster H ighway Richmond, BC V6X 1A3 Attn: Pia Schattner, C onference Manager Event: PICNet Conference March 9-10,...

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Conference Program and Videos

[…] PICNet Bruce Gamage, PICNet   9:00–10:30 Leadership Lessons Robyn Roscoe, BSc, PMP Director, Management and Administration, BC Cancer Agency Genome Sciences Centre Video unavailable 10:30–11:00 Health Break Exhibitors   11:00–12:00 CAUTI (catheter associated urinary tract infections) Robert Garcia, BS, MMT (ASCP), CIC Infection Control Preventionist sponsored by Sage Products Video 12:00–1:00 Lunch Exhibitors   1:00–2:00 Patient hand hygiene Jocelyn Srigley, MD, MSc, FRCPC Director of <mark...

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New hire at VGH: C. difficile-hunting dog

On July 5, after a year of intensive training culminating in exams he passed, English springer spaniel Angus will be introduced at Vancouver General Hospital as Canada’s first, and the world’s only current C. difficile hunter. He succeeds the world’s first C. diff sniffer, a beagle in the Netherlands named Cliff, who has retired. Angus uses his scent-tracking abilities to find toxins <mark...

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Canada’s Ebola vaccine in Guinea

[…] site of the Phase 1 trial to test its safety on humans, researchers were overwhelmed with volunteers, many of whom said they wanted to do what they could to help fight the epidemic after seeing news reports about the crisis in West Africa. Even with the results of the 2015 vaccine trials in Guinea, there is more...

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Picnet Admin

IH Glove Word Search

Gloves, Hand Hygiene and You You will touch someone’s life today… Do it with clean hands S N E A C O N T A C T P R E C A U T I O N S E S X A R R E I W N V P E S P H L V H X P L O V S D E M Y N S...

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