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Infection Control News: February 11-15, 2019

[…] in surgical and ICU patient. Stool testing cannot distinguish C. diff infection from asymptomatic colonisation. There is an opportunity for quality improvement. Study Mexican researchers may have found possible cure for Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). News The Public Health Agency of Canada says at least 30 Canadians who had surgery at a clinic in Tijuana, Mexico are at risk of potentially deadly <mark...

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Emerging Antimicrobial Resistance teleclass SLIDES

Emerging Antimicrobial Resistance A View (and response) from Down -Under ACIR Austin Centre for Infection Research Prof. M. Lindsay Grayson Infectious Diseases & Microbiology Department , Austin Health Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Australia Hosted by Claire Kilpatrick WHO Infection Control Global Unit April 12, 2017 Sponsored by the World Health Organization Infection Control Global Unit - Conflict of Interest...

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Infection Control News: July 2-6, 2018

Does a full hospital mean higher infection risk? – A new study finds the opposite to be true. News | Journal Finally, there’s a way to keep syphilis growing in the lab. News A century-old cure may help ward off superbugs, the ‘global climate change of health’. News First phage therapy center in the U.S. signals growing acceptance. News...

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Infection Control News: March 4-8, 2019

Measles UNICEF warned of a resurgence of measles in the world, noting that ten countries, including Brazil, Ukraine and France, were responsible for about three quarters of the total increase in cases in 2018. News. Fraser Health confirms new case of measles in Metro Vancouver area, bringing total to 17. News. The N.W.T.’s chief public health officer has declared a measles...

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[…] <link rel='prev' title='Order Form for Print Materials in Alberta' href='' /> <link rel='next' title='Order Form for Print Materials outside Alberta and British Columbia and for First Nations and Inuit Health' href='' /> <meta name="generator" content=" WordPress 3.9.2" /> <link rel='shortlink' href='' /> <script type='text/javascript'> var g_hanaFlash = false; try { var fo = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash'); if(fo) g_hanaFlash = true; }catch(e){ if(navigator.mimeTypes != undefined) g_hanaFlash...

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IPAC News for the week of September 6 – 9, 2022

[…] at the health care facility level. Publication    Using Intervention Bundles to Reduce the Rate of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections in Acute Care Settings. Journal    Doctors brace for busy flu season without pandemic restrictions. News   B.C. vaccine campaign: Health officials to release plan for fall boosters. News   An E. coli outbreak associated with Wendy’s restaurants has now sickened 97...

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Infection Control News: Sept 17-21, 2018

[…] probiotics to reduce the risk for common acute infections might also be linked with a reduction in antibiotic use among children and infants, according to a meta-analysis published in the European Journal of Public Health. News UMN researchers discover influenza virus doesn’t replicate equally in all cells. News Experimental nasal influenza vaccine tested in kids, teens: NIH-supported...

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Infection Control News: Dec 10-14, 2018

Northern advocates say new HIV guidelines a win.  News. Vancouver – A new science and data centre at Simon Fraser University (SFU) will help researchers use technology to help stop the spread of resistant diseases and much more. News. South Sudan to begin Ebola vaccinations as ‘very high risk’. News. Food Recall Report. Reason for Recall:  Salmonella. Product: Canada Herb brand culantro (Ngò Gai). Recalling Firm: Canada Herb....

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2021-05-27 Slides_Emerging Pathogens

[…] the resistance is newly emerging*, Nipah and Hendra viruses, Tick-borne hemorrhagic fever viruses , Tickborne encephalitis flaviviruses (e.g. Powassan /Deer Tick virus), Tb, influenza, rabies 58 Do we know what’s coming next ? https:// news/health-53218704 ALWAYS a concern! 59 Do we know what’s coming next ? https :// 60 Globalization of infectious diseases Source: / 61 Globalization &...

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PICNET Discussion Paper Foot Care Equipment Reprocessing 2016

[…] , or a combination of both. The Canadian Standards Association 2013 document Medical Device Reprocessing – General Requirements , Z314.0 -13 states that all foot care equipment shall be sterilized. In this document , the word "shall" is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provi sion that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the standard. <mark...

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Infection Control News: June 25-29, 2018

A new tool called FluVision allows researchers to witness influenza infection in a living animal in action, helping them better understand what happens when a virus infects the lungs and the body responds. News First mosquitoes carrying West Nile arrive in Winnipeg. News. Large C. auris outbreak in UK ICU linked to thermometers. News. NIH-Sponsored Trial of Universal <mark...

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Infection Control News: January 7-11, 2019

Accelerating the elimination of viral hepatitis. The Lancet This First Nation produces clean water. So why are so many residents afraid to drink it? News    Scientists develop universal Ebola treatment effective in single dose. News   New virus similar to Ebola found in China. News   Marburg virus, a cousin to Ebola, has been found in bats in West Africa. News  ...

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[…] </td> <td class="answerCellHHScore"> <span id="q5_6c_text"></span> <br /> <select name="QuestionareTableControl$q5_6c" id="QuestionareTableControl_q5_6c" class="hhDropDown"> <option selected="selected" value="">-1</option> <option value="1">0</option> <option value="2">5</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="subQuestionTextCellHH"> <span class="english">5.6d A Communications that regularly mention hand hygiene e.g. facility newsletter, clinical meetings</span> <span class="french">5.6d Processus pour le partage des données fiables relatives à l'expérimentation d'innovations dans l'établissement</span> </td> <td class="answerOuterCell"> <table class="HHAnswersTable"> <tr> <td class="answerCellHH"> <input value="1" name="QuestionareTableControl$q5_6d"...

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Infection Control News: Nov 12-16, 2018

Below are IPAC-Canada’s top tweets for the week of Nov 12-16. To receive these in real time, follow us on Twitter (@IPACCanada) or Facebook. Antibiotic resistance costing Canada $1 billion per year: IPAC Canada.  News Insect antibiotic provides new way to eliminate bacteria. News Scouting out bacterial defences to find new ways to counter-attack antibiotic resistance. News New study sheds light on norovirus outbreaks, may help efforts to develop a...

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IPAC News for the week of April 18 – 22, 2022

[…] with ON1 variant emergence between 2010 and 2020. Journal  Identification and assessment of antimicrobial resistance bacteria in a hemodialysis water treatment system. Journal  Ontario COVID numbers: Almost 1,500 people in hospital, 206 in intensive care. News Moderna aims for fall release of COVID-19 Omicron vaccine. News Schools, nursing homes contend with stomach flu outbreaks. News   Uber Canada to drop mask mandate...

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Infection Control News: April 22-26, 2019

Vaccine-hesitant parents should view HPV shot as preventing cancer not just STI, say experts.  News. “U = U” means Undetectable = Untransmittable. Public health officials are promoting a campaign designed to change the way people think about HIV. News. The WHO says Malawi has become the 1st country to begin immunizing children against malaria, using the only licensed vaccine to protect against the mosquito-spread...

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HelenEvans_Communicating with HCW

[…] of BC Communicating with Healthcare Workers: the old, the new, the tried… and the untried PICNet Educational Conference March 2016 {Inform {Educate {Remind {Refresh {Reassure {Reinforce {Respond {Listen {Practices {Protocols {Resources {Reasons {Changes {Developments { News {Issues {Questions {Confusion Why communicate? Choices, choices! So which do we use? Audience (s) Ty p e o f information Format Preferences Urgency Permanence Sensitive/...

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Interim Mpox IPAC Guidance – updated Jan 5, 2023

[…] B infectious substances (Class 6, Division 6.2) and clinical, (bio) medical or regulated med ical waste ( 9. References 1. World Health Organization (WHO). Monkeypox Fact Sheet 19 May 2022. Accessed January 4, 2023. news -room/fact -sheets/detail/monkeypox 2. US Centers for Di sease Control and Prevention (CDC). Monkeypox | Poxvirus | CDC Sep 7, 2022. Accessed January 4, 2023. 3. Public...

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