Infection Control News: June 3-7, 2019
How measles outbreak spurred renewed interest in national vaccine registry. News
The Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has killed 1,300 people since last August, making it the second deadliest human outbreak of the virus in history. News
Dr. Don Sheppard, co-director of MI4, the McGill Interdisciplinary Initiative in Infection and Immunity, & patient Eddie Leschiutta, discuss the growing threat of drug-resistant infections and the role of MI4. News
Foodborne disease (FD) is a major concern in Canada & represents a threat to public health. Climate variables exert effects on FD. Clinical & public health practitioners need to be aware of the existing risks to respond accordingly. Study
Ohio, USA. A patient has died amid an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in a recently opened hospital. News
USA. First human known to bitten by an Asian longhorned tick, a rapidly spreading invasive species that can harbor bacteria including Borrelia, which cause Lyme disease. Health officials are worried, because they are aggressive biters. Study.
INDIA. The Indian government confirmed that a 23yo man from Kerala has a Nipah virus infection. 86 case contacts are being monitored for the deadly disease. News. Facts about Nipah
Workers in specific settings are at increased risk for infectious diseases (ID). When an ID occurs, investigators need to understand the mechanisms of disease propagation. Few publications have explored these factors. Article. Podcast
CDC webinar on Candida auris. June 20th 2-3pm ET. During this webinar presenters will explain why it is a public health threat, review epidemiology+resistance+clinical considerations for treating patients+steps for identifying+controlling. Webinar
Candida and C Diff: Rise in Coinfections Could Be the Next Big Health Care-Associated Concern. investigators found that nearly 10% of Americans hospitalized for candidemia were coinfected with C diff. Study
More than 1 million people a day get a sexually transmitted infection, WHO says. News
About 1 in 4 Ebola cases may be going undetected in Congo, WHO says. News
A new scoring system to identify febrile infants with a low probability of invasive bacterial infection. The score could be used to avoid lumbar punctures, antibiotics & hospitalization. External validation of the scoring system is needed. Study