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University of Saskatchewan researchers develop new way of combating antibiotic resistance

A University of Saskatchewan research team has discovered a way to prevent bacteria from developing resistance to antibiotics, potentially helping to blunt the edge of a looming threat to public health around the world. The University of Saskatchewan research team, led by biochemist Ron Geyer, looked at the “SOS response,” which happens when bacteria are attacked by antibiotics. The bacterial cell stops its normal cycle in order to repair its DNA....


Updated GI Outbreak Guidelines: Invitation to Review

In November 2015, we invited you to provide feedback on the current GI Outbreak Management Guidelines, as they were due for review. Based on your feedback and on information from recent literature, PICNet's Guidelines Steering Committee has completed the draft of the updated guidelines. We invite you to review the draft document and provide feedback again. Please review the document and enter your comments in the feedback form, then email the form to...


Antibiotic prescriptions by dentists have increased

Dentists in B.C. are increasingly prescribing more and stronger types antibiotics - sparking concerns that the pattern could increase superbugs and the risks of diseases spreading. Dr. Fawziah Marra, with the University of B.C., examined 17 years worth of antibiotic prescriptions in collaboration with the B.C. Centre for Disease Control. Her findings revealed that dentists prescribed 62.2% more antibiotics between 1997 and 2013. The general thinking in modern medicine recommends reducing...


Google Joins Effort to Stop Zika Virus Spread

From TechNewsWorld: Google last week announced it would contribute US$1 million to the UN Children's Fund to support the global fight against the mosquito-borne Zika virus. A team of Google engineers has volunteered to work with UNICEF to analyze data in an effort to figure out the viral infection's path. It also will match employee donations with the goal of giving an extra $500,000 to UNICEF and the Pan American Health Organization....

Hand hygiene: the “before” moment

  In January, we promoted the 4 Moments for Hand Hygiene – a simple and effective way to ensure safe, quality care and prevent infections in health care settings. This month, we’re focusing in on the first moment: before initial patient / patient environment contact. In a nutshell, here’s what you need to remember: When? Clean your hands when entering a room: before touching client/patient/resident before touching any object or furniture in the client/patient/resident’s environment Some...


Janet Bristier: Powtoons Reprocessing Presentation

Using cartoon videos to improve communications with staff about reprocessing medical devices From the PICNet 2016 Educational Conference [video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video] You can view details of the conference here....


New research finds how ‘superbugs’ build their defences

Scientists at the University of East Anglia are getting closer to solving the problem of antibiotic resistance. New research published today in the journal Nature reveals the mechanism by which drug-resistant bacterial cells maintain a defensive barrier. The findings pave the way for a new wave of drugs that kill superbugs by bringing down their defensive walls rather than attacking the bacteria itself. It means that in future, bacteria may not...
