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Flu vaccination

There were several articles in the media this week about this year's flu vaccine not being as effective. However, according to Danuta Skowronski of BC Centre for Disease Control, there is still cross-protection even when there isn't a perfect match. Per BC's provincial influenza policy, healthcare workers must still either get their flu vaccination or wear a mask for the entirety of flu season. Beginning Monday, December 1, 2014 you will need to...

Emerging respiratory-borne viruses update from BCCDC

Below is an update from BCCDC on emerging respiratory-borne viruses (ERV), including details related to: Increase in MERS-CoV cases in September and October 2014 primarily in Saudi Arabia and linked to camel contact. Subsequent amplification through human-to-human spread within the nosocomial setting is reminiscent of SARS. Also in October, a travel-related MERS-CoV case has been reported for the first time in Turkey. Several Hajj-associated suspect cases are under investigation elsewhere but...

Ebola information for health professionals

Current information for health professionals on Ebola virus disease (EVD) can be found on the BCCDC website, which includes a link to the Ebola Clinical Care Guidelines developed by the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians, Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada, Canadian Critical Care Society. PICNet is currently working with a provincial committee on provincial recommendations for Personal Protective Equipment; until these recommendations are released, please follow your facility's...

Mishap Mansion and Canadian Patient Safety Week

What Patient Safety Mishaps Will You Spot in Mishap Mansion?  BC’s health authorities and the BC Patient Safety and Quality Council (BCPSQC) are using Canadian Patient Safety Week (Oct 27-31) and Halloween as opportunities to talk about a scary subject: patient safety mishaps. You’re invited to visit the Mishap Mansion. Once there, you can enter care rooms that are full of patient safety mishaps. Some are intentionally over-the-top (like giant, plastic rats)....

Enterovirus D68 Update

The BC Centre for Disease Control has has confirmed that a young man with a prior history of severe asthma has died with laboratory-confirmed enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) infection . It is uncertain whether EV-D68 caused or contributed to this death. This is the first known death associated with EV-D68 in Canada. You can read more on the BCCDC's D68 web page.  Advice for healthcare workers Clinicians should consider EV-D68 infections in children...

Ebola information from PHSA

If you work for another health authority, please refer to their procedures. It has been six months since the outbreak of Ebola was declared in Western Africa. To date, there have been no confirmed cases of Ebola in Canada, and the risk to the Canadian general public is very low. Health care workers in Canada, however, could be required to care for a patient with Ebola if a traveller or medical...