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Medscape Antibiotic Myths Debunked

10/31/2016 1/7 www.m |October 20, 2016 M yths S urrounding A ntibiotics After 80 years of experience, m uch is known about antibacterial agents. Unfortunately, som e of what is "known" is incorrect. To paraphrase Osler, half of everything we're taught is wrong— the problem  is, which half? Here, we seek to  debunk five widely believed m yths about antibiotics and resistance. Myth 1: Hum ans Invented Antibiotics in the 20th Century The first clinically useful antibacterial agent that was safe and effective was prontosil rubrum , a sulfa drug synthesized in 1931.  However, prontosil was not the first antibacterial agent to be invented, and hum ans were not the initial inventors. Genetic analysis indicates that bacteria invented antibiotics and an antibiotic­resistance m echanism  som ewhere between 2 and 2.5 billion years ago. Bacteria have been killing each other with these weapons, and using resistance m echanism s to protect them selves against these weapons, for 20 m illion tim es longer than we have even known that antibiotics exist. To underscore the point, in 2011, a study was published in which investigators explored a deep cave in the Carlsbad Caverns system  in New M exico, a geological form ation that has been isolated from  the surface of the planet for 4 m illion years. The section of the cave that they explored had never before been accessed by hum ans. The investigators cultured m any different types of bacteria from  the walls of the caves. Every strain of bacteria was resistant to at least one m odern antibiotic; m ost were m ultidrug­resistant. Not only was resistance found to naturally occurring antibiotics, it was also found to synthetic drugs that were not created until the 1960s­1980s (including fluoroquinolones, daptom ycin, and linezolid). Im plications of busting this m yth. After 2 billion years of m icrobial evolutionary warfare, m icrobes have already invented antibiotics to poison every possible biochem ical pathway, and resistance m echanism s to protect every one of those pathways.  Thus, resistance m echanism s to antibiotics that have not yet been invented are already widespread in nature. Resistance is...

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Public Health Outbreak Response SLIDES

[…] Challenge: How to Recognize an HAI (or Any) Outbreak? Most public health jurisdictions require reporting of outbreaks: "An outbreak or unusual number or clustering of diseases or other conditions of public health importance" But the definition of ‘unusual’ can vary: Any case of a very rare or serious communicable disease Unusual syndromes or patient populations Illnesses involving organisms that are not normally pathogenic Many Challenges Baseline...

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[…] CPO s was concerning, as little was known about its epidemiology, prevention, and control. Following the identification of travel related cases and transmission events in BC hospital s, CPO cases from acute care facilities were declared reportable in BC by the Provincial Health Officer in July 2014 and a mandatory CPO surveillance program for acute care facilities was initiated . A comprehensive surveillance program was developed...

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Andrea Vu Tran

Infection Prevention and Control in the Dental Office_2009

[…] on patient care items. Therefore, an inactivated BI signifies that other potential pathogens in the load have been killed. Include a BI each day a sterilizer is used. In addition, if a load contains implantable devices, it must be monitored with a BI, and these items should be quarantined until the test results are known. Follow the manufacturer's directions concerning the appropriate placement of the BI in the sterilizer. The daily operation of everysterilizer must be reviewed and documented. A logbook should be kept for this purpose.Any malfunction must be noted and appropriate action taken.  In the event of a positive BI (i.e. failed spore test):  •Remove the sterilizer from service.  •Review all records of mechanical and chemical indicators since the last negative BI, as well as sterilization procedures to determine whether operator error could be responsible. In the absence of a mechanical failure, common reasons for a positive BI include overloading, failing to provide adequate package separation, and using incorrect or excessive packaging material. •Repeat the spore test immediately. This should be done after addressing any  procedural problems and correctly loading the sterilizer, and by using the same cycle that produced the failure. While waiting for the repeat test results, the sterilizer should remain out of service. If the dental office does not have a second sterilizer, a colleague may be able to assist or a dental supply company may lend one. Cleaning,Disinfectionand SterilizationofPatientCareItems IMPORTANT 29 ROYAL COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGEONS OF ONTARIO •If the repeat spore test is negative, and mechanical and chemical indicators demonstrate adequate processing, then the sterilizer may be put back into service. •If the repeat spore test is positive, and all sterilization procedures have been  performed correctly, then the sterilizer should remain out of service until it has been inspected, repaired and successfully rechallenged with BI tests in three  consecutive empty chamber sterilization cycles. In addition, all items from suspect loads  dating back to the last negative BI should be recalled, to the extent possi- ble, and reprocessed.  Storage Sterile and single-use disposable items should be stored in an enclosed space, such as closed or covered cabinets. They should not be stored under sinks or in other locations where they might become wet and contaminated. Storage practices for packaged sterilized instruments may be either date or event- related. Dating assists in the recall of instruments should concerns arise with the results of sterilization tests. Some health care facilities date every sterilized package and use shelf-life practices (e.g."first in, first out"). Others use event-related practices. The latter approach recognizes that the packaged instruments should remain sterile indefinitely, unless an event causes them to become contaminated (e.g. torn or wet packaging). Packages containing sterile instruments should be inspected before use to verify barrier integrity and dryness. If packaging is compromised, the instruments should be cleaned, packaged and sterilized again.  Critical and semi-critical instruments should be processed in a manner that will maintain sterility during storage.This includes ensuring that the integrity of the package is maintained. Cleaning,Disinfectionand SterilizationofPatientCareItems IMPORTANT...

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Picnet Admin

Root Cause Analysis SLIDES

[…] broaden our vision 8 Plan Don’t miss the power of root cause analysis! RCA and infection control 9 Just enjoy a little trip to France! RCA and infection control 10 11 Root cause analysis A delight to return RCA and infection control 12 Root cause analysis A delight to return RCA and infection control 13 WHO RCA definition Systematic analysis of all the factors which...

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2021-03-25 Slides_Medical Device Reprocessing During COVID

Merlee Steele-Rodway RN Educator/Consultant-IPAC/ MDR Safety in the Medical Device Reprocessing Department During COVID-19 1 Hosted by Garry Bassi Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto March 25, 2021 Disclosures/Acknowledgements Images in this presentation were obtained from Google Images unless otherwise identified This presentation is for information as of the day of this presentation; ensure to review current National Standards and recommendations for COVID-19 Views and opinions expressed in this...

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Picnet Admin


[…] have a health-care encounter outside of Canada within the past 12 months? Yes, an overnight stay in a hospital or undergone medical/surgical procedure outside of Canada Yes, other health-care encounter, e.g., visited GP, walking clinic, dentist, ER, etc. No health-care encounter Unknown 9 Did the patient have an overnight stay in a Canadian facility or undergo medical/surgical procedure in Canada (including BC) within the past 12 months?...

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Andrea Vu Tran


Hopes, Hypes and Multivallate Defences Against Antimicrobial Resistance Professor Neil Woodford, Public Health England Denver Russell Memorial Teleclass A Webber Training Teleclass Hosted by Prof.Jean-Yv e s Maillard , Cardiff University, Wales 1 April 10, 2018 Hopes, Hypes and Multivallate Defences Against Antimicrobial Resistance Professor Neil Woodford, Public Health England Denver Russell Memorial Teleclass A Webber Training Teleclass Hosted by Prof.Jean-Yv e s Maillard ,...

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2022-09-15 Slides_Influenza What Can We Expect

[…] expect? September 15, 2022 Dr. Rodney E. Rohde Texas State University Hosted by Clare Barry This illustration captured in 2013, is a negative stained transmission electron microscopic (TEM) image captured some of the ultrastructural details exhibited by the new influenza A (H7N9) virus. This image is in the public domain and thus free of any copyright restrictions. See PHIL 15670, CDC/ Cynthia S. Goldsmith and Thomas...

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[…] 20 12 PIDAC: Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control in Peri natology | April , 2012 ii The Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (Public Health Ontario) is an arm's -length government agency dedicated to protecting and promoting the health of all Ontarians and reducing inequities in health. As a hub organization, Public Health On tario links public health practitioners, front -line health workers and...

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Picnet Admin

Root Cause Analysis SLIDES

[…] to support IC teams daily work Dr Anne-Gaëlle Venier, MD, PhD Cpias Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bordeaux, France @AgVenier anne-gaelle,venier@chu-bordeaux,fr Flu.0 © February 22, 2018 Hosted by Jim Gauthier Senior Clinical Advisor Infection Control Diversey WHO RCA definition Systematic analysis of all the factors which (…) have the potential to prevent an error Can be applied to incidents or to ‘near misses’ Explains how the incident occurred Designs...

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Picnet Admin

Healthcare Textiles Teleclass Slides

[…] in the late 1980s ■Continue current infection prevention practices Healthcare Textiles: Factors That Affect Cleanliness Dr. Lynne Sehulster, Division for Healthcare Quality Promotion, CDC A Webber Training Te l e c l a s s Hosted by Paul Webber 2 Observations from a Recent Study ■135 personnel (45% physicians, 55% nurses) in surgical depts. (60%) and medical depts. (40%) ■Nonpathogenic skin organisms isolated from all attire tested ■Rate of contamination with pathogens higher in attire changed every 2 days compared to that for daily...

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Chemotherapy – Health, Safety, and Waste Management Issues SLIDES

New perspectives on an old nemesis: Chemotherapy - Health, safety, and waste management issues New York Cancer Hospital 1884 December 4, 2014 Ed Krisiunas WNWN International Inc. Hosted by Paul Webber Ed Krisiunas, MT (ASCP), MPH WNWN International, Inc. PO Box 1164 Burlington, Connecticut 06013 USA 860-675-1217 860-675-1311(fax) 860-839-3993 (mobile) SKYPE: boutiquewaste 2 Objectives:   At the completion of the presentation, participants will have:   ...

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[…] THE HEALTH OF CANADIANS THROUGH LEADERSHIP, PARTNERSHIP, INNOVATION AND ACTION IN PUBLIC HEALTH. — Public Health Agency of Canada Également disponible en français sous le titre : Lignes directrices pour la prévention et le contrôle des éclosions de rougeole au Canada To obtain a copy of the full report, requests should be sent to: Vaccine Preventable Diseases Surveillance and Outbreak Response Division Centre for Immunization and...

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INFECTION CONTROL GUI DELINE for the Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Pneumonia Professional Guidelines and Public Health Practice Division Centre for Communicable Diseases and Infection Control Public Health Agency of Canada To promote and protect the health of Canadians through leadership, partnership, innovation and action in public health. — Public Health Agency of Canada Également disponible en français sous le titre : Guide de prévention de la pneumonie associée...

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[…] th ird year of operations. The 2006 - 2007 year has seen a momentous amount of work done. From completing two phases of the Needs Assessment document, producing a proposal for a provincial surveillance program, developing evidenced-informed guide lines, to addressing the Office of the Auditor General’s Report on Infection Preventi on and Control in British Columbia – it has been a very productive and successful year....

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[…] th ird year of operations. The 2006 - 2007 year has seen a momentous amount of work done. From completing two phases of the Needs Assessment document, producing a proposal for a provincial surveillance program, developing evidenced-informed guide lines, to addressing the Office of the Auditor General’s Report on Infection Preventi on and Control in British Columbia – it has been a very productive and successful year....

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2024-05-03 Slides_Sharing Knowledge About Hand Hygiene

[…] the right times in health care, while across the 34 OECD and EU/EEA countries, investing US$ 1 in improving hand hygiene in health care settings returns about US$ 24.6 in economic returns•Accelerating hand hygiene action depends on water, sanitation and hygiene services. Yet globally, half of all health care facilities still lack basic hand hygiene facilities at the point of care The Menu for To d...

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Andrea Vu Tran

PICNet GI Outbreak Guidelines_Revised June 2016

Gastrointestinal Infection Outbreak Guidelines for Healthcare Facilities Reference Document for use by Health Care Organizations for Internal Policy/Protocol Development Prepared by: Provincial Infection Control Network of Britis h Columbia (PICNet) June 2016 Provincial Infection Control Network of BC (PICNet) 1001 West Broadway, Suite 504 Vancouver, BC V6H 4B1 Tel: 604 -875 -4844 x 22985 Fax: 604 -875 -4373 Website: Email: PICNet Gastrointestinal Infection Outbreak Guidelines for Healthcare...

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