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Control of Gram Negative Antibiotic Resistant Rods SLIDES

[…] baumannii (carbapenem/colistin resistant) Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae Escherichia coli (ESBL producing) Klebsiella pneumoniae (ESBL producing, carbapenem resistant) Extended spectrum β -lactamase (ESBL) producing Enterobacteriaceae 6 Carbpenemase-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae: US, 1915 7 8 Intra-abdominal isolates (2002-12) Decreased activity of amikacin, ceftazidime, ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, imipenem-cilastatin against all Enterobacteriaceae from ICUs Reduced susceptibility of A. baumannii ESBL-positive isolates between 2007-8 and 2010-12 E. coli increased from 4.6% to 6.8%...

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Picnet Admin


[…] public health. — Public Health Agency of Canada Hand Hygiene Practices in Healthcare Settings is available on Internet at the following address: Également disponible en français sous le titre : Pratiques en matière d’hygiène des mains dans les milieux de soins To obtain a copy of the report, send your request to: Centre for Communicable Diseases and Infection Control Public Health Agency of Canada 100...

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Picnet Admin

Guideline Wound Bed Preparation 2015 June

[…] electronic version on the CLWK website. Any document appearing in paper form should always be checked against the electronic version prior to use; the electronic version is always the current version. This DST has been developed as a guide to support nursing practice in British Columbia, however, it is not a substitute for education, experien ce and the use of clinical judgment. June 2015 1 1 Clients...

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Picnet Admin


[…] the approach taken by Health Authorities to assess and provide pre and post exposure protection to Health Care Provider s (HCPs). Documentation of individual’s immune status is lacking in many cases as well. This makes decisions regarding the need to furlough exposed staff members very challengin g. Since the only vaccine available in BC that provides immunity to measles, mumps and rubella is a combined vaccine, the...

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Picnet Admin


Revised May 7, 2013 1 Interim Guidance – Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Acute Care a Settings The Public Health Agency of Canada (the Agency) has developed this document to provide infection prevention and control (IPC) guidance to healthcare organizations and healthcare workers (HCWs) for the management of patients presenting to healthcare facilit ies in Canada, who have travelled from the Arabian Peninsula or neigh...

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Picnet Admin

HelenEvans_Communicating with HCW

[…] Network of BC Communicating with Healthcare Workers: the old, the new, the tried… and the untried PICNet Educational Conference March 2016 {Inform {Educate {Remind {Refresh {Reassure {Reinforce {Respond {Listen {Practices {Protocols {Resources {Reasons {Changes { Developments {News {Issues {Questions {Confusion Why communicate? Choices, choices! So which do we use? Audience (s) Ty p e o f information Format Preferences Urgency Permanence Sensitive/ Confidential = dictates Quotes from...

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Picnet Admin

SSI Surveillance in Under-Resourced Settings Jun.13.19 SLIDES

[…] Hosted by Claire Kilpatrick June 13, 2019 Objectives - Explain the need for SSI surveillance in order to support infection prevention and safe surgery - Outline the approaches taken to conduct SSI surveillance - Describe the challenges and some of the proposed solutions for undertaking SSI surveillance in under-resourced settings - Summarize the role of the World Surgical Infection Society (WSIS) in supporting surveillance and improvement...

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Picnet Admin

2023-10-20 Slides_Clean Hospitals Day 2023

[…] by Martin Kiernanmartin@webbertraining.comwww.webbertraining.comOctober 20, 2023 The Menu:-Why Healthcare Environmental Hygiene (HEH) ?-Hand Hygiene and HEH: the two wings of the same bird-What is Clean Hospitals ?-Clean Hospitals main activities-2023 Clean Hospitals symposium-Clean Hospitals academic projects- Development of the Healthcare Environmental Hygiene Self-Assessment Framework (HEHSAF)-The Transposable Model for HEH-The HEH Lexicon project-The Clean Hospitals Day : 20 October 2023 The Menu:-Why Healthcare Environmental Hygiene (HEH) ?-Hand Hygiene and...

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Andrea Vu Tran


[…] prevention and control of healthcare associated infections. Its key areas include surveillance, best practices , guidelines, and education. P ICNet works together with partners from the health authorities (HA) on province -wide surveillance initiatives, the development and promotion of evidence - based best practices, and the creation of educational tools. This is PICNet’s annual report for 2011– 2012, a year of growth and progress for the network....

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Picnet Admin

PICNet Survey Results Summary for CoP

[…] order to create the resources you have requested. Section 4 summarizes the items that will be brought forward to the SOAC. T he SOAC will discuss the requests for new resources, recommend which should be developed, and advise on the priorit y based on demand, need, and workload. The PICNet management team will update you as this progresses. If you have any questions or comments about...

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Picnet Admin

PublicHealthOntario_UTI in the elderly

[…] St Clair Infection Control Network South Western Ontario Infection Control Network 2 Questions… • Why is this important? • How can we recognize UTI’s in the elderly? • What are distractors and how can we deal with them? • How do you collect a proper specimen and when to send? • When should a UTI be treated ? • What information should we have before we contact...

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Picnet Admin

Engaging and Educating Nurses Teleclass Slides, Aug.22.19

[…] patient values" (Haynes et al 2002) 11 11 What is "Best Research Evidence?" What is research evidence? Systematic inquiry to identify ‘truth’ What is "best"? High level of evidence – When performed well, certain study designs are inherently stronger and provide higher quality of evidence for decision making than other study designs (see evidence pyramid) High quality –Study results are credible; not due to random...

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Picnet Admin

SocialMediaTeleclass HelenEvans ActiveLinks

[…] on YouTube. (Source Becker’s Spine Review) YouTube traffic to hospital sites has increased 119% year-over-year. (Source Google’s Think Insights) • 88% of physicians use the Internet and social media to research pharmaceutical, biotech and medical devices. (Source Master of Health Administration) •More than 10 million tweets mentioning the word "Ebola" were sent between September 16 and  October 6, 2014 from 170 countries  2 1 30 Facts & Statistics On Social Media And Healthcare‐facts‐statistics‐on‐social‐media‐and‐healthcare/ 2 Goff, D. A., Kullar, R., & Newland, J. G. (2015). Review of Twitter for infectious diseases clinicians: Useful or a waste of time? Clinical Infectious  Diseases, 60(10), 1533–1540. A few more stats  1 8 HS     Docs       Hospitals              Public          Patients Source: Jon Otter, 2016‐media‐survey‐for‐healthcare‐professionls‐the‐results/ Unclear what "regularly" is Healthcare professionals 9 •Facebook : most adults  already use (2bn!) •Twitter : more searchable  (hashtags, keywords) •YouTube : under‐utilized in  healthcare ...

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Picnet Admin

Archived Aerosol Transmission HC Settings SARSCoV2_27Sep2023

[…] longer being updated and therefore, may not reflect current information or recommendations . Version Summary of major updates March 5, 2021 Original version September 8, 2021  Up dated knowledge on circumstances and conditions with demonstrated risk of aerosol transmission  Aligned information on accessibility and use of respirators with the BC Ministry of Health ’s COVID -19 Infection Prevention and Control Policy for all Health Authorities...

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Noorsallah Esmail

How to Publish in the Journals SLIDES

[…] to publish in the journals Hosted by Chingiz Amirov Editor, Canadian Journal of Infection Control Elaine Larson Editor, American Journal of Infection Control September 28, 2017 Objectives Identify the value of publication to the development and advancement of a professional discipline and specialty Describe the process of preparing, submitting, and revising a manuscript Discuss major reasons for manuscript rejection and tips to avoid them from...

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Picnet Admin

Interim Mpox IPAC Guidance – updated Jan 5, 2023

[…] Guidance for Mpox in Health Care Settings Date : January 5 , 202 3 Version Summary of Major Updates June 30, 2022 Guidance was first published August 8, 2022  The World Health Organization has declared the monkeypox outbreak as a global health emergency.  Highlighted patient room placement modifications to airborne precautions .  Reference link provided to the Public Health Agency of Canada new guidance...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet Annual Surveillance Report 2017_18

[…] surveillance report of healthcare -associated infections in BC health care facilities Fiscal Year 201 7/1 8 (April 1, 201 7 to March 31, 201 8) Prepared by: Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) December 201 8 The Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) is a provincially supported professional collaborative that provides guidance and advice on healthcare -associated infection prevention and control in British...

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Picnet Admin