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Module 3: Routine Practices and Additional Precautions

[…] and Additional Precautions Module Page 1 Module 3: Routine Practices and Additional Precautions Objectives At the completion this module the ICP will: 1. Identify the key components of Routine Practices & Additional Precautions (RPAP) 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the application of RPAP in the clinical areas using the case scenarios provided in terms of: − Considerations for point of care risk assessment − Indications for hand...

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PICNet Workshop_Staff Education_Slides

[…] dog new tricks. What do you think? Cliché Analysis •Two types of intelligence: – Fluid – Crystallized Well, Can you teach an old dog new tricks? Intelligence Early Theories late 1800s to mid 1900s were developed mainly by psychologists • Sensory Stimulation Theory (Pavlov) • Reinforcement Theory (BF Skinner) • Facilitation Theory (Humanistic Approach) –Therapy is a learning process and must be facilitated and cannot be taught...

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Control of CPE in an Endemic Setting Teleclass Slides, Dec.12.18

CONTROL OF CARBAPENEMASE-PRODUCING ENTEROBACTERIACEA IN AN ENDEMIC SETTING: DO CLASSICAL IPC METHODS WORK FOR NEW AGE BUGS? Adj. Asst. Prof. Kalisvar Marimuthu Department of Infectious Diseases, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore HAI surveillance unit, National Centre for Infectious Diseases, Singapore Division of Medicine, National University of Singapore e-mail: : kalisvar Marimuthu (@ Kalisvar ) Hosted by Jane Barnett December 12, 2018 Mechanism of carbapenem resistance...

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Control of CPE in an Endemic Setting Teleclass Slides, Dec.12.18

CONTROL OF CARBAPENEMASE-PRODUCING ENTEROBACTERIACEA IN AN ENDEMIC SETTING: DO CLASSICAL IPC METHODS WORK FOR NEW AGE BUGS? Adj. Asst. Prof. Kalisvar Marimuthu Department of Infectious Diseases, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore HAI surveillance unit, National Centre for Infectious Diseases, Singapore Division of Medicine, National University of Singapore e-mail: : kalisvar Marimuthu (@ Kalisvar ) Hosted by Jane Barnett December 12, 2018 Mechanism of carbapenem resistance...

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Picnet Admin


1 . Points of Focus 2. Transitions Between Points of Focus 3. Peripheral Sight 4. Voice Patterns: Credibility and Approachability 5. Voice Speed and Volume 6. ABOVE (Pause) Whisper 7. Physical Presence 8. Decontamination 9. Frozen Hand Gesture 10. Gesturing: Four Quadrants 11. Gesturing: Assigning Attributes 12. Gestures of Relationship 13. High Expectations 14. Kinesthetic Equivalents of Credibility and Approachability 15. BLIP (Breathing Level Indicates Permission) 16. Indicators of...

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Picnet Admin

Collaboration and Support of the CIC Certification Exam SLIDES

[…] ® Certification Examination Hosted by Paul Webber October 20, 2016 Karen Anderson , MT, MPH, CIC Chris Zirges , R N, MSN, ANCS-BC, CIC Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Objectives Define current partnerships of CBIC Introduce the CIC® Facilitator Resource Toolkit Discuss ways to support certification in any organization Outline other ways to get involved with CBIC 2 Working Together CBIC Mission:...

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Picnet Admin


[…] F   D E N T A L   S U R G E O N S   O F   O N T A R I O • I    f the repeat spore test is negative, and mechanical and chemical indicators demonstrate adequate processing, then the sterilizer may be put back into serviceb • I    f the repeat spore test is positive, and all sterilization procedures have been  performed correctly, then the sterilizer should remain out of service until it has been inspected, repaired and successfully rechallenged with BI tests in three  consecutive empty chamber sterilization cyclesb In addition, all items from suspect loads  dating back to the last negative BI should be recalled, to the extent possi- ble, and reprocessedb  Storage Sterile and single-use disposable items should be stored in an enclosed space, such as closed or covered cabinetsb They should not be stored under sinks or in other locations where they might become wet and contaminatedb Storage practices for packaged sterilized instruments may be either date or event- relatedb Dating assists in the recall of instruments should concerns arise with the results of sterilization testsb Some health care facilities date every sterilized package and use shelf-life practices (ebgb "first in, first out")b Others use event-related practicesb The latter approach recognizes that the packaged instruments should remain sterile indefinitely, unless an event causes them to become contaminated (ebgb torn or wet packaging)b Packages containing sterile instruments should be inspected before use to verify barrier integrity and drynessb If packaging is compromised, the instruments should be cleaned, packaged and sterilized againb  Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization of Patient Care Items IMPORTANT Critical  and semi-critical instruments should be processed in a manner that will maintain sterility during storage. This includes ensuring that the integrity of the package is maintained. 3b I N F E...

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Garcia CAUTI

[…] New York, United States A Lecture for the PICNET Conference, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada March 5, 2015 Disclosure Statement Robert Garcia is a member of the Clinical Advisory Group for Sage Products, LLC. Today’s Objectives Describe the prevalence and impact of CAUTI events in the United States Review UTI definitions and provide new insights on surveillance Review regulatory and quality initiatives associated with the prevention of...

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Picnet Admin

CAUTI Prevention Bundles SLIDES

[…] VA Center for Clinical Management Research University of Michigan (Nothing to Disclose) March 31, 2016 Hosted by Martin Kiernan Visiting Clinical Fellow University of West London Support for this work provided by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs HSR&D Service and National Center for Patient Safety, the National Institute of Nursing Research, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and BCBS of Michigan Foundation The...

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Picnet Admin

Evidence vs Tradition Bathing

[…] September 24, 2015 Disclosures Sage Products Speaker Bureau & Consultant Eloquest Healthcare Speaker Bureau & Consultant Hill-Rom Speaker Bureau & Consultant 2 Session Objectives Create the link of patient advocacy to the basic nursing care Define key fundamental evidence based nursing care practice of bathing to reduce harm/infection Discuss strategies to overcome barriers 3 Notes on Hospitals: 1859 "It may seem a strange principle to enunciate as...

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Picnet Admin

Topical Antibiotics to Prevent Post-Operative Surgical Infection SLIDES

Topical Antibiotics to Prevent Post-Operative Surgical Infection. Is the Paradigm Changing? Hilary Humphreys Department of Clinical Microbiology Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) & Beaumont Hospital Dublin, Ireland April 19, 2018 Hosted by Paul Webber Declaration The views expressed are of a professional but personal nature & are not necessarily those of the RCSI & Beaumont Hospital, Dublin. I have recently received research funding from...

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Picnet Admin

Provincial Guidance RTW and Exposure Management for HCW with VRI 2023 Oct 20

[…] or Suspected COVID-19 and Management of Health- Care Worker Exposures to COVID -19 (June 28, 2022). INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL PROVINCIAL GUIDELINES 2 Purpose This guidance supports organizational and individual health-care worker s (HCW s) decision - making on returning to work following confirmed or suspected communicable viral respiratory illness (VRI). This includes illness relating to SARS -CoV -2, influenza , and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV ),...

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Stephanie Burniston

PICNet Annual Surveillance Report 2014-15

Annual surveillance report of healthcare - associated infections in BC acute care facilities Fiscal Year 2014/15 (April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015) Prepared by: Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) Dec ember 2015 The Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) is a provincially supported professional collaborative that provides guidance and advice on healthcare -associated infection prevention and control in British Columbia. Under the aegis...

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Picnet Admin

Emerging Respiratory Virus Update

[…] has subsided (no new cases since July 4), more recent hospital outbreaks have been reported in Saudi Arabia, including a large outbreak at King Abdulaziz Medical Centre in Riyadh (115 cases and at least 38 deaths since early July), and in Jordan. From September 21-26, the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca will take place in Saudi Arabia. With increased travel through the region, importation of MERS-CoV cases...

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[…] has subsided (no new cases since July 4), more recent hospital outbreaks have been reported in Saudi Arabia, including a large outbreak at King Abdulaziz Medical Centre in Riyadh (115 cases and at least 38 deaths since early July), and in Jordan. From September 21-26, the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca will take place in Saudi Arabia. With increased travel through the region, importation of MERS-CoV cases...

Picnet Admin


[…] and Control Guideline for Flexible Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and Flexible Bronchoscopy is available on Internet at the following address: Également disponible en français sous le titre : Lignes directrices pour la prévention et le contrôle des infections transmises par les appareils souples d'endoscopie digestive et de bronchoscopie . This publication can be made available in alternative formats upon request. © Her Majesty the Queen in Right...

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[…] and Control Guideline for Flexible Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and Flexible Bronchoscopy is available on Internet at the following address: Également disponible en français sous le titre : Lignes directrices pour la prévention et le contrôle des infections transmises par les appareils souples d'endoscopie digestive et de bronchoscopie . This publication can be made available in alternative formats upon request. © Her Majesty the Queen in Right...

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