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Emerging respiratory-borne viruses update from BCCDC

Below is an update from BCCDC on emerging respiratory-borne viruses (ERV), including details related to: Increase in MERS-CoV cases in September and October 2014 primarily in Saudi Arabia and linked to camel contact. Subsequent amplification through human-to-human spread within the nosocomial setting is reminiscent of SARS. Also in October, a travel-related MERS-CoV case has been reported for the first time in Turkey. Several Hajj-associated suspect cases are under investigation...

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Below is an update from BCCDC on emerging respiratory-borne viruses (ERV), including details related to: Increase in MERS-CoV cases in September and October 2014 primarily in Saudi Arabia and linked to camel contact. Subsequent amplification through human-to-human spread within the nosocomial setting is reminiscent of SARS. Also in October, a travel-related MERS-CoV case has been reported for the first time in Turkey. Several Hajj-associated suspect cases are under investigation...

Picnet Admin


[…] Annual Report PICNet 2007/2008 Annual Report 1 April 2007 - March 2008 Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...

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Picnet Admin


[…] Annual Report PICNet 2007/2008 Annual Report 1 April 2007 - March 2008 Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...

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Monitoring Cleaning Compliance Teleclass Slides

Environmental Cleaning in Healthcare: Is Monitoring of Cleaning Compliance Really Needed? Michelle J. Alfa, Ph.D., FCCM Principal Investigator, St. Boniface Research Centre Winnipeg, MB, Canada December 11, 2014 Hosted by Paul Webber Acknowledgements: Dr. Evelyn Lo; Co-investigator IP&C staff at SBH(Adriana Cherewyk) Nancy Olson and Brenda-Lee Murray; research lab staff at SBRC Michelle MacRae Manager Housekeeping, SBH & Sean McCarthy; Director Facility Support, SBH Louise Buelow-Smith; Clinical...

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Picnet Admin

Hepatitus C Infection in Prison Teleclass SLIDES

[…] birth to prevent mother-to-child transmission Expansion of hemovigilance schemes and safe injection practices to reduce iatrogenic transmission Adoption of point-of-care testing to expand diagnostic coverage and strengthen linkage to care Integration of screening into existing care delivery models for at-risk populations to increase their access to and engagement with viral hepatitis care Maintenance of treatment for all cirrhotic HBV-infected patients indefinitely to minimize risk of disease progression Procurement...

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Picnet Admin


[…] -care encounter outside of Canada within the past 12 months? Yes , an overnight stay in a hospital or undergone medical/surgical procedure outside of Canada Yes, other health -care encounter, e.g., visited GP, walking clinic, dentist, ER, etc. No health -care encounter Unknown 8 Did the patient have an overnight stay in a Canadian facility or undergo medical/surgical procedure in Canada (including BC) within the past 12...

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Andrea Vu Tran


[…] Thomas Kellner, Dr. Gail MacKean, Dr. Stacey Page, Ms. Leora Rabatach, Ms. Mariko Roe, Dr. Robert Schulz, Ms. Jessica Robertshaw and Dr. Sharron Spicer. We thank the other members of the planning committee: Dr. Johan Bester, Dr. Mark Joffe, Dr. Diane Simpson and Ms. Dale Wright. Special thanks are due to Jessica Robertshaw and Andrew Stewart who creat ed the initial drafts of this report. Juliet Guichon...

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Picnet Admin

2023-01-12 Slides_Using Humour in Infection Control

[…] Workplace reminders The University of Geneva Hospitals (HUG), 1995 - 1998 Doctor Freud, in this hospital, it’s become impossible to cause infections any more ! Geneva’s University Hospitals against Dirty Staph : war has been declared Safety culture style.visibility www. Pittet D et al, Lancet 2000; 356: 1307-1312 Results 12/94 12/95 12/96 12/97 Alcohol-based handrubbing Handwashing (soap + water) Monitoring + Performance feedback style.visibility multimodal behavior...

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Picnet Admin

Interim Monkeypox IPAC Guidance – updated Aug 8, 2022

[…] and Control Guidance for Monkeypox in Health Care Settings Date : August 8, 2022 Version Summary of Major Updates June 30, 2022 Guidance was first published August 8, 2022  The World Health Organization has declared the monkeypox outbreak as a global health emergency.  Highlighted patient room placement modifications to airborne precautions .  Reference link provided to the Public Health Agency of Canada new guidance...

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Picnet Admin


Respiratory Infection Outbreak Guidelines for Healthcare Facilities Reference Document for use by Health Care Organizations for Internal Policy/Protocol Development February 2011 Revised from Provincial Infection Control Network Reference for Respiratory Outbreak Prevention and Control Guidelines February 2007 British Columbia Provincial Infection Control Network Revision Working Group Joanne Archer, RN, BTech, MA Terry Dickson, RN Educator/Consultant Infection Control Practitioner Provincial Infection Control Network Fraser Health Dr. Larry Gustafson, MD, MHSc...

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Picnet Admin


[…] true state of affairs within the infection control community of BC during the period of November 2005 – March 2006 PICNet Management Office, 2007 Acknowledgements This Needs Assessment could not have been done without the dedicated work of the following individuals within and working on behalf of the Needs Assessment Working Group: • Joanne Archer, BTech, Northern Health Authority • Heather Blaus, RN, Provincial Infection Control Network...

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Picnet Admin

The IP and Organizational Structure Teleclass SLIDES

[…] MPH, CIC Northrop Grumman CIMS Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Being Heard: The IP and Organizational Structure No financial disclosures Broadcast live from June 13, 2016 Objectives I dentify attributes of a healthful workplace environment Discuss collaboration to build infection prevention competency Identify methods of communication that inspire change 2 Organizational Culture There is a need to understand organizational culture...

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Picnet Admin


[…] Committee (P=DAC) Published : June 2013 Guidance for Acute Care Settings Regarding MERS -CoV Infections | June 2013 Page 1 The Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (Public Health Ontario) is a Crown corporation dedicated to protecting and promoting the health of all Ontarians and reducing inequities in health. As a hub organization, Pu blic Health Ontario links public health practitioners, front -line health workers and...

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Picnet Admin

01 Introduction

[…] Orientation Program for Infection Control Professionals Introduction Module Page 1 Table of Contents Module 1: Introduction ...

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