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[…] disclosure and retention of personal information is subject to, and must comply with, the provisions of the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). The purpose of this privacy notice is to describe our practices regarding personal information use and collection through this website. Please note that we do not disclose, give, sell or transfer any personal information about our website visitors unless required...

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C2021-01-28 Slides_COVID Update & Vaccines

SARS - nCoV - 2 → COVID - 19: Global Pandemic 2020 R. Ball, MD MPH FACP Robert T Ball Jr, MD MPH FACP Assistant Professor: Medical University of SC/ USA Department of Medicine, Divisions of Infectious Diseases & Public Health Sciences ( ) FAMILY of coronaviruses ( α,β,γ,δ ) (7 strains in humans) cause ~ 1/4 of common colds, but some cause more severe diseases ( ie ,...

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Picnet Admin


[…] period Commonly between 2 days before an d up to 5 days after onset of symptoms, although the virus has been isolated from infected persons 7 days before onset to 9 days after. 1–3 Case definition Refer to BCCDC’s mumps case definitions for confirmed, probable, and suspect cases. 5 Laboratory testing Refer to BCCDC’s Laboratory Services and Communicable Disease Control Manual Mumps section for informat...

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14 Oranges Admin


[…] on healthcare- associated infection (HAI) prevention and control in British Columbia. Under the ae gis and accountability framework of the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA), PICNet connects health care professionals from across the province to develop and create gui delines and tools, with a focus on surveillance, educat ion and evidence-based practice. This is our Annual Report for 2010-2011, another highly productive year for the...

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Picnet Admin

2022-11-03 Slides_CBIC 2022 Update CIC Pathways to Certification

[…] be used for subsequent presentations without the explicit permission of CBIC. 3 Learning Objectives To discuss the value of certification To differentiate between the current CBIC examinations. Understand the options available for CIC recertification. To describe the Long Term Care Certification in Infection Prevention eligibility requirements and content outline. 4 What certification means for me… 1986 5 The Value of the CIC ® "CIC supports higher salary...

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Picnet Admin

Peripheral IV Dwell Time SLIDES

Implementation of Clinical Indication for Dwell Time: Check the Patient, Not the Clock Michelle DeVries, MPH CIC Senior Infection Control Officer Methodist Hospitals, Gary, Indiana Hosted by Paul Webber May 26, 2017 Objectives Review current recommendations regarding peripheral IV dwell time Discuss framework for launching protected clinical indication as part of a comprehensive infection prevention program Propose process and outcome surveillance measures to evaluate the success...

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Picnet Admin

Healthcare Textiles Teleclass Slides

[…] in U.S. health care: several billion lbs. higher than the 5 billion lbs. in the late 1980s Continue current infection prevention practices Observations from a Recent Study 135 personnel (45% physicians, 55% nurses) in surgical depts. (60%) and medical depts. (40%) Nonpathogenic skin organisms isolated from all attire tested Rate of contamination with pathogens higher in attire changed every 2 days compared to that for daily...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet Website Changes

Welcome to the new PICNet website! The site has moved to a new platform, but the content is still the same; just a few pages have been reorganized. You’ll see we have a new Guidelines and Toolkits section, but everything else is in the same place as before. You may, however, need to update any bookmarks you have to our site, as several page URLs have changed. You can navigate...

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Welcome to the new PICNet website! The site has moved to a new platform, but the content is still the same; just a few pages have been reorganized. You’ll see we have a new Guidelines and Toolkits section, but everything else is in the same place as before. You may, however, need to update any bookmarks you have to our site, as several page URLs have changed. You can navigate...

Picnet Admin

MRSA Report Q1 of 2010_2011

Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Surveillance Report Fiscal Year 2011/2012 Prepared by: Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) December 2012 Provincial Infection Control Network of BC (PICNet) 555 West 12th Avenue, Suite 400 East Tower, Room 413/414 Vancouver, BC V5Z 3X7 Tel: 604 -707 -2667 Fax: 604- 707-2649 Email: Disclaim er The information in this report aims to increase awareness of healthcare- associated infections in the...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet Annual Surveillance Report 2016-2017

[…] provides guidance and advice on healthcare -associated infection prevention and control in British Columbia. Under the aegis and accountability framework of the Provincial Health Services Authority, PICNet connects healthcare professionals from across the province to develop and create guidelines and tools, with a focus on surveillance, education, and evidence -based practice. Provincial Infection Control Network of BC (PICNet) 1001 West Broadway, Suite 504 Vancouver, BC V6H...

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Picnet Admin

Respiratory Infection Outbreak Guidelines for Healthcare Facilities March 20

Respiratory Infection Outbreak Guidelines for Healthcare Facilities Reference Document for use by Health Care Organizations for Internal Policy/Protocol Development February 2018 Revised from Provincial Infection Control Network Reference for Respiratory Outbreak Prevention and Control Guidelines, February 2011 British Columbia Provincial Infection Control Network Acknowledgements PICNet would like to acknowledge and thank the following individuals for their contributions to this document: Respiratory Infection Outbreak Guidelines Revisions Working Group Joanne Archer,...

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Picnet Admin


Respiratory Infection Outbreak Guidelines for Health care Facilities Reference Document for use by Health Care Organizations for Internal Policy/Protocol Development April 2018 Revised from Provincial Infection Control Network Reference for Respiratory Outbreak Prevention and Control Guidelines, February 2011 British Columbia Provincial Infection Control Network Acknowledgements PICNet would like to acknowledge and thank the following individuals for their contributions to this document: Respiratory Infection Outbreak Guidelines Revisions Working Group Joanne...

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Picnet Admin

CAUTI Guidelines (2009)

[…] BELL, Michael R., MD Associate Director for Infection Control Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion National Center for Infectious Diseases Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Members BURNS, Lillian A., MPH Infection Control Coordinator Infectious Diseases Department, Greenwich Hospital ELWARD, Alexis, MD, MPH Medical Director of Infection Control Assistant Professor, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Washington University School of Medicine ENGEL, Jeffrey, MD Chief, Epidemiology Section, North Carolina Division of...

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Picnet Admin


[…] MERS 2012-2016, Epicurve 6 MERS-CoV cases by region of likely acquisition Ian Mackay, 8 MERS 2012-2016, Epicurve 9 MERS – Global epi curve n /week Ian Mackay, 10 MERS – Global epi curve detections by age & gender Ian Mackay, 11 MERS – Global epi curve median age /week Ian Mackay, 12 MERS by country of reporting Middle East: Mar 2012 - Oct...

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Module 7: Communicable Diseases

[…] Pr ofessionals Orientation Program for Infection Control Professionals ICP Orientation Program Page i Table of Contents Module 7: Communicable Diseases ...

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How CBIC Works For You SLIDES

[…] , MPH, PhD, RN, CIC, FAPIC May 10, 2018 Hosted by Sandra Callery , RN, MHSc, CIC CBIC Director What is CBIC? Voluntary, independent, multidisciplinary Board Mission: T o protect the public through the development, administration and promotion of an accredited certification in infection prevention & control. CBIC maintains and promotes professional certification of the highest quality through the accomplishment of key objectives. 2 What is...

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Picnet Admin

Reprocessing of Foot Care Devices Teleclass Slides, Sep.17.20

Clare Barry Merlee Steele-Rodway Reprocessing of Critical Foot Care Devices September 17, 2020 Hosted by Martin Kiernan This presentation reflects Infection Prevention and Control-Canada’s (IPAC-Canada) Reprocessing of Critical Foot Care Devices Position Statement (July 2019) Practice Recommendations for Foot Care in Healthcare Settings (November 2019) AND Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Z314-18 Canadian Medical Reprocessing 2 Disclosures Some images in this presentation were obtained from Google Images...

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