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Calculating Appropriate IP Personnel Resources SLIDES

[…] IP resources Note: Opinions expressed in this presentation are my own, and do not represent the opinion of, or endorsement by, BJC HealthCare 5 The real question… Do you have everything you need to succeed today? Right people Right equipment Right support Evaluate regularly 6 Background – IP Personnel Resources Study on the efficacy of nosocomial infection control (SENIC Project) Mid-1980s: 1...

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2021-10-07 Slides_Laundry in Long Term Care

[…] certified for adhering to established, CMS F Tag, CDC Guideline, OSHA Regulations, HLAC Standards, of TRSA Hygienically Clean Certification CMS F Tag, CDC Guideline, OSHA are mandatory, HLAC and TRSA are voluntary 20 Infection Control Today March 8, 2011 "Of all the surfaces in a hospital, a patient will have the greatest degree of contact with his gown and the bed linens."...

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MRSA Report Q1 Q2 2012/2013

Methicillin -Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA ) Surveillance Quarterly data summary: Q1 and Q2 of Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Prepared by: Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) February 8 , 201 3 PICNet MRSA Surveillance Summary: Q1 and Q2 2012/2013 Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) 2 Quarterly d ata summary : Q1 and Q2 of Fiscal Year 2012/2013 The emergence and spread of Methicillin-resistant...

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Picnet Admin

MRSA Report Q2 of 2013_2014

Methicillin -Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA ) Surveillance Quarterly data summary: Q 2 of Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Prepared by: Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) December 2013 PICNet MRSA Surveillance Summary: Q2 2013/2014 Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) 2 Quarterly data summary: Q 2 of Fiscal Year 201 3/2014 The emergence and spread of Methicillin -resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in healthcare settings...

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Picnet Admin

MRSA Report Q1 of 2013_2014

Methicillin -Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA ) Surveillance Quarterly data summary: Q 1 of Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Prepared by: Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) October 2013 PICNet MRSA Surveillance Summary: Q1 2013/2014 Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) 2 Quarterly data summary: Q 1 of Fiscal Year 201 3/2014 The emergence and spread of Methicillin -resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in healthcare settings...

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Picnet Admin

MRSA Report Q3 of 2012_2013

Methicillin -Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA ) Surveillance Quarterly data summary: Q 3 of Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Prepared by: Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) April 16, 201 3 PICNet MRSA Surveillance Summary: Q3 2012/2013 Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) 2 Quarterly d ata summary : Q 3 of Fiscal Year 2012/2013 The emergence and spread of Methicillin -resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) <mark...

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CPO Surveillance Form

Surveillance Protocol for CPO in BC Appendix C – Surveillance Form for Carbapenemase Producing Organisms (CPO) Name of the Facility: ____________________________ 1. Contact BCPH MRL if the unique identifier has not been received 2 . Lack of consensus on the timeframe for the look back period. Communicate with PICNet if the reporting facility applies a different timeframe other than the past 12 months....

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Picnet Admin

HCC Report Q2 of 2013_2014

[…] and after direct patient care 2. Reporting performance on a regular basis to senior leaders, physicians, and managers across the health authorities, and to the public 3. Using a variety of communications such as posters, newsletters, and posting of results on units 4. Making improvements to reduce the barriers identified, such as ensuring that hand cleaning products are readily available for all staff and...

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Picnet Admin

HCC Report Q1 2013_2014

[…] e routines 2. Reporting our performance on a regular basis to senior leaders, physicians , and managers across the health authorities , and to the public 3. Using a variety of communications such as posters, newsletters, and posting of results on units 4. Making improvements in areas identified by healthcare staff , such as ensuring that hand cleaning products are readily available for all...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet Newsletter Oct2013

Page 1 of 2 PICNet PROVINCIAL INFECTION CONTROL NETWORK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA A program of the Provincial Health Services Authority PICNet October Newsletter Debugging Healthcare Together! Issue: #7 October 2013 Infection Control Week is Oct 20 -26, and PICNet has lots of ways you can get involved! Infection Control Week Activities and Resources PICNet has lots of activities and resources for Infection Control...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet Newsletter Apr2013

Page 1 of 2 PICNet PROVINCIAL INFECTION CONTROL NETWORK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA A program of the Provincial Health Services Authority PICNet April Newsletter Debugging Healthcare Together! Issue: #3 April 2013 Education Modules on the LearningHub More infection control education modules are now available on the PHSA LearningHub (which anyone can access, not just PHSA employees). You can still access PICNet's online modules via <mark...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet Newsletter Dec2013

Happy Holidays from PICNet Thanks so much to all of our community of practice for your valuable input, support, and enthusiasm for infection control! It's been a great year and we couldn't have done it without you. PICNet - Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia Suite 504 - 1001 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6H 4B1 Tel: 604- 875-4844 x 22985 | Fax: 604- 875-4373 Email:

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Picnet Admin

CDI Annual Surveillance Report 2008-2009

[…] 0 8 8 – – M M a a r r c c h h 3 3 1 1 s s t t, , 2 2 0 0 0 0 9 9 Prepared by: Provincial Infection Control Network March 2010 Table of Contents Preamble ...

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CDI Annual Surveillance Report 2010-2011

[…] 1 1 0 0 – – M M a a r r c c h h 3 3 1 1 , , 2 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 ) ) Prepared by: Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) October 2011 Provincial Infection Control Network of BC (PICNet) 555 West 12th Avenue, Suite #400 East Tower, Room 413/414 Vancouver, BC V5Z 3X7

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Picnet Admin

CDI Annual Surveillance Report 2009-2010

[…] 0 9 9 – – M M a a r r c c h h 3 3 1 1 s s t t, , 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 Prepared by: Provincial Infection Control Network September 2010 Table of Contents CDI Surveillance Annual Report ...

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Picnet Admin


[…] Regularly scheduled reviews (Y/N) Quality (ICP or consultant involvement) (Y/N) Readily available in work area (Y/N) ICP participation (Y/N) Financial support of IC initiatives (Y/N) Admin support for IC initiatives demonstrated to staff (e.g. In newsletter or other correspondence) (Rarely, sometimes, often) Admin support demonstrated regarding IC concerns from staff (Rarely sometimes, often) Initiative supported by Admin (Feedback given to staff on...

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Picnet Admin


[…] with regards to communications prior ities and activities. The purpose of the CLG is to develop and implement communication strategies that will fu rther enable PICNet to meet its mandate. PICNet produces a monthly electronic newsletter in order to keep the infection prevention and control Community of Practice up-to-date on current PICNet activities. The newsletter is sent to all Community of Practice members...

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Picnet Admin


[…] surveilla nce, education/training and practice across th e continuum of care within the Province of British Columbia. Over the past few months this group has reac hed many milestones. The group produces a monthly electronic newsletter in order to keep our Community of Practice (C OP) up-to-date on current PICNet activities. The newsletter is sent to all COP members via email and is...

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Picnet Admin