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Revised_Ultrasound_Probe_Recommendations_June 21.2018

Page 1 of 4 June 22 , 2018 Revised Ultrasound Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations for All Health Care Setting s Introduction Ultrasound is increasingly utilized as an imaging modality in a diversity of care settings. It is used at various points -of -care (POC) including Medical Imaging, Intensive Care Units (ICU), Emergency Departments , Nursing Units , Operating Room s and Physician Offices . Often...

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Picnet Admin

Final VZV in Health Care

Varicella Zoster Virus Management in Health Care Settings September , 2019 2 PICNet Varicella Zoster Virus Management in Health Care Settings Contents Introduction ...

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Picnet Admin


Hand clean ing compliance in health care facilities, Q 1 of 201 9/20 Prepared by the Provincial Hand Hygiene Working Group of British Columbia (PHHWG) October 201 9 What is hand cleaning? Hand cleaning means using an alcohol -based hand rub or soap and water to kill or remove germs on hands. Why is hand cleaning important? Patients in acute care facilities and residents in...

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Picnet Admin

IHA – IPAC Regional Specialist

Jobs. IPAC Regional Specialist Flexible work location *within Interior Health ICP locations * The Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Regional Specialist is part of the Infection Preventio n and Control department, and dedicated to supporting the IPAC program and Regional IPAC Initiatives within Interior Health (IH). The Specialist plays an active role as a member of the multidisciplinary team throughout...

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Picnet Admin


Hand clean ing compliance in health care facilities, Q 2 of 201 9/20 Prepared by the Provincial Hand Hygiene Working Group of British Columbia (PHHWG) Decem ber 201 9 What is hand cleaning? Hand cleaning means using an alcohol -based hand rub or soap and water to kill or remove germs on hands. Why is hand cleaning important? Patients in acute care facilities and residents <mark...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin


Hand clean ing compliance in health care facilities, Q 3 & Q4 of 201 9/20 Prepared by the Provincial Hand Hygiene Working Group of British Columbia (PHHWG) September 20 20 What is hand cleaning? Hand cleaning means using an alcohol -based hand rub or soap and water to kill or remove germs on hands. Why is hand cleaning important? Patients in acute care facilities and residents...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin

01 Introduction

[…] - PM Cleaning, Disinfection & Sterilization Module Key Concepts section  Principles of cleaning/disinfection/sterilization  Non -critical, semi -critical and critical devices  Single -use devices  Selection of disinfectants  Reprocessing of re - usable devices Day 3 - AM  Tour of reprocessing area – bring pages 9 -12 of module with you  Review daily activities for assigned areas Day 3 - PM Cleaning...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin


Hand clean ing compliance in health care facilities, Q 1-Q3 of 20 20 /21 June 9 , 20 21 What is hand cleaning? Hand cleaning means using an alcohol -based hand rub or soap and water to kill or remove germs on hands. Why is hand cleaning important? Patients in acute care facilities and residents in long -term care facilities are vulnerable to healthcare -associated <mark...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin

PICNet_CPO Public Report Q4_2020-21

Healthcare -associated infections surveillance report Carbapenem ase -Producing O rganisms (CPO s) U pdate August 18, 202 1 Highlights for Q 4 of 20 20 /21 (December 1 1, 20 20 – March 31, 2021 )  46 patients were newly confirmed with CPO s  Each patient harboured one carbapenemase gene . A newly identified gene in a patient is considered a new case, totalling 46 new...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin


Hand clean ing compliance in health care facilities, Q 4 of 20 20 /21 August 18, 20 21 What is hand cleaning? Hand cleaning means using an alcohol -based hand rub or soap and water to kill or remove germs on hands. Why is hand cleaning important? Patients in acute care facilities and residents in long -term care facilities are vulnerable to healthcare -associated infections...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin

PICNet surveillance protocol for MRSA 2019.v2

Surveillance Protocol for Methicill in -Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in BC Acute Care Facilities Ma y 201 9 .v2 Contacts: Provincial Infection Control Network of BC (PICNet) BC Provincial Infection Control Network 1001 West Broadway, Suite 504, Vancouver, BC V6H 4B1 Tel: 604 -875 -4844 Fax: 604 -875 -4373 Email: picnet Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) Reviewed May 2019 .v2 Page...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin

PICNet surveillance protocol for CDI 2019.v2

Surveillance Protocol for Clostridium difficile Infection s (CDI) in BC Acute Care Facilities M ay 201 9. v2 Contacts: Provincial Infection Control Network of BC (PICN et) BC Provincial Infection Control Network 1001 West Broadway, Suite 504, Vancouver, BC V6H 4B1 Tel: 604 -875 -4844 Fax: 604 -875 -4373 Email: picnet Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) Reviewed May 2019 .v2 Page...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin


Provincial Support for Using Reusable Gowns for Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Purposes The following information is provided by the COVID -19 Provincial IPAC and Workplace Health and Safety Working Group , a collaborative with the Provincial Infection Control Net work (PICNet) , the Ministry of Health, health authorities and other healthcare representatives brought together to coordinate a provincial response to COVID -19....

Type: Media

Picnet Admin

Provincial Guidance RTW and Exposure Management for HCW with VRI 2023 Oct 20

Provincial Guidance on Return to Wo r k and Exposure Management for Health Care Workers with Viral Respiratory Illness U pdated: October 20, 202 3 This document replaces the Interim Guidance on Return to Work for Health- Care Workers with Confirmed or Suspected COVID-19 and Management of Health- Care Worker Exposures to COVID -19 (June 28, 2022). INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL PROVINCIAL GUIDELINES 2 Purpose This guidance supports...

Type: Media

Stephanie Burniston


B.C. Aerosol Generating Medical Procedure Expert Group Decision Summary: Transesophageal Echocardiogram June 4 , 2021 This decision summary is intended for health -care providers and is based on known evidence as of December 9, 2020 . Request and D ecision The B.C. AGMP expert group reviews medical procedures being performed on patients with suspected or confirmed COVID -19 in health -care settings in B.C. The...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin


B.C. Aerosol Generating Medical Procedure (AGMP) Expert Group Decision Summary: Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy May 10 , 2021 This decision summary is intended for health -care provid ers . It is based on known evidence as of March 8 , 2021 . Request and Interim D ecision The B.C. AGMP expert group reviews medical procedures being performed on patients with suspected or confirmed COVID -19 in health...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin

Position Statement Double Masking Modification Health Care Mar 26 2024_final

Position Statement to Address Double Mask ing and Mask Modifications for Medical Masks in Health Care Settings March 2 6, 2024 Position Statement to Address Double Masking and Mask Modifications for Medical Masks in Health Care Settings Updated March 2 6, 202 4 Version Summary of major updates March 18, 2021 • Guidance was last published March 2 6, 202 4 • Updated references with links added...

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Noorsallah Esmail

Exhibitor Information

[…] shipping. Boxes should be shipped to: Hilton Vancouver Airport 5911 Minoru Blvd Richmond, BC V6X 4C7 Attn: Robert Sharp/Stephanie Wong / PICNet Conference March 3-4 Your Table Number and Company Name Download the Shipping Label Template (MS Word)  Please pre-arrange your return shipping, and include a label on your boxes indicating what company will be picking up the box and when (date + time) – in large,...

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Picnet Admin

Exhibitor Information

[…] $5 per box and $50 per pallet/skid. If you are sending large items (ie, on a pallet), please inform Pia Schattner, conference services manager, at least 1 week in advance. Downloads Registration form (Excel) Floorplan (PDF) Shipping Label Template ( Word) Conference program/schedule Booking your guest room You can view our hotel location and information page, or go directly to Sheraton Online Bookings. Questions? You can call or email Helen Evans, Communications...

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Picnet Admin