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2023-10-19 Slides_CBIC 2023

[…] disparities in infection prevention through a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. •Promote the value of demonstrated infection prevention competence.Strategic Priorities and Actions SAFETY ACROSS THE Example: Quality Improvement CBIC Resources•Exam Prep Materials:•CBIC Webinars: News-and-Media.htm•Study Groups: Check with local APIC/IPAC Canada Chapters Follow Us on Social Media! Questions? Contact InformationGeneral Informationinfo@cbic.org202-454-2625Executive Director, Jessica virox.comdiversey.comgamahealthcare.comThanks to Teleclass EducationPAT R...

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Andrea Vu Tran

2024-06-11 Slides_Good Viruses for Bad Bacteria

[…] GROUP OF 13 PATIENTS • In the article mentions Dr. Jon Dennis University of Alberta for finding phages for CF cases (including B. cepacia complex) 10 CHAN / Turner lab Kelowna BC → Yale https://www.ctv -long -forgotten -canadian -discovery -used -to - treat -superbugs -1.4706823 PHAGE BY MAIL ORDER • Past 15 years • 5 to 10 Canadians a year receive phages from Tbilisi...

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Andrea Vu Tran


[…] data are also be ing used as part of indicators for evaluating p erformance and quality i nitiatives by some of the health authorities. In addition, PICNet provided consultation to Perinatal Services BC on developing usage recommendati ons for some commonly used equipment specific to their discipline. Guidelines PICNet undertook a revision of the Home and Community Care guidelines. In...

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Picnet Admin


[…] data are also be ing used as part of indicators for evaluating p erformance and quality i nitiatives by some of the health authorities. In addition, PICNet provided consultation to Perinatal Services BC on developing usage recommendati ons for some commonly used equipment specific to their discipline. Guidelines PICNet undertook a revision of the Home and Community Care guidelines. In...

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Picnet Admin

HCC Annual Report 2013_2014

Hand Clean ing Compliance in BC Acute Care Facilities Fiscal year 201 3/201 4 Prepared by: Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) June 201 4 Provincial Infection Control Network of BC (PICNet) 1001 West Broadway, Suite 504 Vancouver, BC , V6H 4B1 Tel: 604 -875 -4844 ext 2298 3 Fax: 604 -875 -4373 Email: Hand Cleaning Compliance in BC Acute Care...

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Module 4: Hand Hygiene

Module 4: Hand Hygiene Orientation Program for Infection Control Pr ofessionals Orientation Program for Infection Control Professionals ICP Orientation Program Page i Table of Contents Module 4: Hand Hygiene ...

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Ebola Guidelines that Did Not Work SLIDES

[…] Clarence J. Peters, d James W. LeDuc, d Phillip K. Russell, e Michel Van Herp, f Jimmy Kapetshi, g Jean-Jacques T. Muyembe, g Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USAa; Division of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, 2015;6: e00237- 15.march/april 2015 «Key areas requiring further study include the role of aerosol transmission (either via large droplets or small...

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Picnet Admin

PICNET Discussion Paper Foot Care Equipment Reprocessing 2016

[…] group was to review current evidence associated with foot care equipment and infections, ot her guidelines and standards in use, and develop recommendations that have fully considered the evidence and risk to patients from re usable equipment used to provide foot care. In order to address all of the elements associated with the provision of foot care , this multidisciplinary group:...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet Annual Surveillance Report 2018_19 (updated Mar 19, 2020)

[…] The Candida auris Alert: Facts and Perspectives. The Journal of infectious diseases. 2018; 217(4):516 –20. PMID: 29390110 . 13. BC Center for Disease Control. Laboratory trends. October 2017. - professionals/professional -resources/laboratory -trends - newsletter . 14. MRSA Tracking. last updated: April 13, 2016 . . Accessed August 22, 2016 15. Zacharioudakis IM, Zervou FN, Pliakos EE, Ziakas PD, Mylonakis...

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Picnet Admin

Pathogenic avian influenza

[…] Avian InfluenzaInterim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations Background Avian (bird) influenza A infections (e.g. H5N1) are being detected in wild and domestic birds and other animals in BC and other Canadian provinces, the USA , Asia and Europe .1–4 At present , this is primarily a communicable disease affecting animals , and the agricultural sector is taking a...

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Picnet Admin

2024-04-25 Slides_Endoscope Reprocessing

[…] 2024 Disclosures: Dr. Michelle J. AlfaConsulting services: Healthmark, Olympus, 3M, NanosonicsRoyalties: University of Manitoba for patent license to HealthmarkSponsored Speaker: 3M, Olympus All publications mentioned are listed at the end of the presentationThe information presented today is based on published data and my opinion and is independent of any company to whom I provide consulting services.All images in presentation are from free...

Type: Media

Andrea Vu Tran

PICNet Memo Pathogenic Avian Influenza_21May2024

1 Subject: Highly Pathogenic Avian InfluenzaInterim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Health Care Settings Date: June 27, 2023 This memo is intended for those managing acute care facilities , urgent and primary care centres , and primary care clinics , as well as health authority infection prevention and control (IPC) and workplace health and safety (WHS) programs. Background Highly pathogenic avian influenza...

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Picnet Admin


[…] Initials 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 M B O M= Mucous present B = Blood present O = Offensive odour Key: Bristol Stool Chart Separate hard lumps like nuts (hard to pass) Sa usage -shaped but lumpy Like a sausage but with cracks on its surface Like a sausage or snake, smooth but soft Soft Blobs with clear -cut edges (passed easily) , formed...

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Picnet Admin

Garcia CAUTI

[…] standard non-silver urinary catheters (STD) vs. Silver-alloy hydrogel catheters (SAH) on clinical and NHSN CAUTI 7 acute care hospitals 453 pre- vs. 450 post-intervention patients No significant changes in indwelling catheter practices or overall catheter usage in the two study time periods 1 st study to compare outcomes of Clinical CAUTI and NHSN-defined CAUTI Study conducted after NHSN definition revisions Results: Lederer JW, Jarvis WR,...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet Workshop_Staff Education_Slides

[…] Steps too complicated • Mocking correct behaviour • Conflicting information Whiteboard Educational Tools •Michael Grinder • Inventories • Planning Model ( Cafarella) • Patricia Cranton: No One Way • Transformational Learning Review of tools from today How to conduct an evaluation quickly and easily •Refer to handout "If overall organizational culture isn’t set up for any behaviour changes, the participants may not be able...

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Picnet Admin

Public Reporting and Disclosure Telecass SlidesSM

[…] 8, 2014 Hosted by Dr. Walter Zingg Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève Sponsored by WHO Patient Safety Challenge Clean Care is Safer Care OUTLINE OUTLINE 1. Background /Study Components 2. Infection Preventionist perspectives 3. Epidemiologist perspectives 4 St tHAICditti 4.State HAI  Coor dinator perspec tives 5. Consumer websites  usability 6. Consumer awareness, engagement, and intent © MCGUCKIN METHODS INTERNATIONAL, INC.                                WWW.MCGUCKINMETHODS.COM 2 BACKGROUND BACKGROUND •Little is known about the extent to which the public actually  knows about HAI information and if they use it. •At the time of our study, 34 states have laws requiring hospitals  to report HAI rates (shown in red). © MCGUCKIN METHODS INTERNATIONAL, INC.                                WWW.MCGUCKINMETHODS.COM 3 A Webber Training Teleclass 2 STUDY COMPONENTS STUDY...

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Picnet Admin

Public Reporting and Disclosure Telecass SlidesSM

[…] 8, 2014 Hosted by Dr. Walter Zingg Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève Sponsored by WHO Patient Safety Challenge Clean Care is Safer Care OUTLINE OUTLINE 1. Background /Study Components 2. Infection Preventionist perspectives 3. Epidemiologist perspectives 4 St tHAICditti 4.State HAI  Coor dinator perspec tives 5. Consumer websites  usability 6. Consumer awareness, engagement, and intent © MCGUCKIN METHODS INTERNATIONAL, INC.                                WWW.MCGUCKINMETHODS.COM 2 BACKGROUND BACKGROUND •Little is known about the extent to which the public actually  knows about HAI information and if they use it. •At the time of our study, 34 states have laws requiring hospitals  to report HAI rates (shown in red). © MCGUCKIN METHODS INTERNATIONAL, INC.                                WWW.MCGUCKINMETHODS.COM 3 A Webber Training Teleclass 2 STUDY COMPONENTS STUDY...

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Picnet Admin

CAUTI Guidelines (2009)

[…] For policymakers: Policy making will require substantial debate and involvement of many stakeholders. It should be noted that Category II recommendations are discretionary for the individual institution and are not intended to be enforced. The wording of each recommendation was carefully selected to reflect the recommendation's strength. In most cases, we used the active voice when writing Category I recommendations -...

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Picnet Admin