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Root Cause Analysis SLIDES

[…] congruence Leadership Support + cultural factors Organisational + strategic factors Organisational structure Priorities Externally imported risks Safety culture RCA and IC teams daily work Many tools and methods are available Fishbone diagram Five why’s Ca usal tree analysis Affinity diagram Documentation is easy to find NHS root cause analysis tools France HAS RCA guide 8 Root Cause Analysis - end 2017: several good experiences! Corwin GS et...

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Picnet Admin

2023-12-14 Slides_Genomics in Outbreak Investigations

[…] were and how to assign them. Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST)8•Distinguishedorganismsbaseonhighlyconserved"house-keepinggenes".•Lookforchangesinhousekeepinggenestodeterminestrainleveldifference.•Cheap($$)butsignificanthumanresourcesrequired.•Isolatesneedtobeculturedandneedtoknowwhattolookfor.•Differentorganismshavedifferentlevelsof‘basal"mutationsinhousekeepinggenes. The Changing Landscape of Genomics. 9Next Generation Sequencers (NGS)enters the marketCost Of ComputingHuman Genome Project -12 donors, Sequenced 90% of the human genome -$3 Billion. Today’s cost for 12 donor genomes -$12,000 Amplicon Based Sequencing (NGS)10•Need to know what you are looking for. •Relatively inexpensive ($$) and computing intensive (**). Most...

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Andrea Vu Tran

Probiotics: Roadblocks to Research

[…] encouraged probiotics to be marketed without adequate research. And that could have consequences, said Fasano. He sees a parallel with penicillin, which was once believed to be a panacea for all infections, just as probiotics today are marketed as a cure-all. Overuse of penicillin led to the rise of “superbugs” resistant to antibiotics. Similarly, promiscuous use of probiotics could alter the human gut microbiome...

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Picnet Admin

2024-09-19 Slides_Physics of Flying Feces

[…] Origin 1425-75; late middle English from Latin faecēs–grounds, dregs, sedimentAs a lab tech: ‘stool’As a grandparent: poopoo4* unabridged V1.0.1 We All DefecateBowel movements can be between 72 and 470 g!(2.5-16.6 oz.) (Cummings 1992)•Scotland #1• USA #3 / 5 (New York / Hawaii)•Uganda –best! More Stuff!70-75% of what we pass per rectum is water30% of solid remaining is bacteria (1x1012per gram, dry weight)Defecation may occur from...

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Andrea Vu Tran

MRSA Report Q1 of 2010_2011

[…] :273 – 282 MRSA surveillance report, 2011/2012 Provincial Infection Control Network of British Co lumbia (PICNet) 14 US300 has been the predominant clone in both the communit ies and the hospitals in San Francisco , USA 31, and is significantly more common in paediatric patients 32 30. Recent data also showed that the classic strains of CA MRSA, which...

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Picnet Admin

Cleaning of Breast Pump Kits discussion paper_2013

[…] information, Perinatal Services BC’s provincial Oversight Co uncil strongly recommends against considering breast pump kits as single use products as this recommendation by breast pump kit manufacturers is not based on new evidence. In other words, Perinatal Services BC continues to support the reuse of single user breast pump kits by the same mother following appr opriate cleaning between uses. Reasons include:...

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Picnet Admin


[…] for quadrivalent influenza products is similar to trivalent influenza products in Phase III trials , with similar rate s of adverse events to trivalent formulations. Quadrivalent vaccines were introduced more broadly for use in the USA in the 2013/ 14 season and results of passive surveillance conducted by VAERS and the Vaccine Safety Datalink were presented at the Advisory Committee on...

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Picnet Admin


Methicillin -Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Surveillance Report For the Fiscal Year 201 3/20 14 (April 1, 201 3 to March 31, 201 4) Prepared by: Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) September 201 4 Provincial Infection Control Network of BC (PICNet) 1001 West Broadway, Suite 504 Vancouver, BC, V6H 4B1 Fax: 604 -875 -4373 Tel: 604 -875 -4844 ext 22983 Email: Disclaim er...

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Picnet Admin

Guideline Wound Bed Preparation 2015 June

British Columbia Prov incial Nursing Skin and Wound Committee Guideline: Wound Bed Preparat ion for Healable and Non Healable Wounds Note: This is a controlled document. A printed copy may not reflect the current, electronic version on the CLWK website. Any document appearing in paper form should always be checked against the electronic version prior to use; the electronic version is always the...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet Newsletter Aug2015

Page 1 of 3    PICNet August Newsletter Debugging Healthcare Together   August 2015 PICNet Survey Document: responses to your input In May/June 2015, PICNet conducted a Community of Practice survey. We have since been analyzing and discussing the results. Many of your concerns and suggestions will be brought forward to the September meeting of our Scientific Operations Advisory Committee. We have also created a Responses and Next Steps...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet_CPO Public Report Q1and2 2016_17

Healthcare -associated infections surveillance report Carbapenem ase -producing organisms (CPO) update January 201 7 Highlights for Q 1 and Q2 20 16/1 7 (April 1 – September 8 , 201 6)  43 new cases of CPO were identified amon g 39 patients in BC acute care facilities  NDM was the most common gene identified (29 /43 cases, 67.4 %)  31 cases (72.1 %) reported...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet May 2017 Newsletter

[…] Presenter: Dr. Mel Krajden Critical analysis of the evidence for health care worker influenza vaccination May 16, 2017 Host: BCCDC Grand Rounds Presenter: Dr. Danuta Skowronski Immunizing Childre n Against Pneumococcal Infections: Experiences from Brazil, USA, and Canada May 18, 2017 Host: ICID "National Grand Rounds" in Infectious Diseases Presenters: Dr. Lily Yin Weckx, Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil; Dr. Sheldon Kaplan,...

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Picnet Admin


Healthcare -associated infections surveillance report Carbapenem ase -producing organisms (CPO) update March 201 7 Highlights for Q 3 20 16/1 7 (September 9 – December 1 , 201 6)  12 new cases of CPO were identified amon g 11 patients in BC acute care facilities  NDM was the most common gene identified (10 /12 cases, 83.3 %)  8 cases (66.7 %) reported healthcare exposure...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet_CPO Public Report Q1 2017_18

Healthcare -associated infections surveillance report Carbapenem ase -producing organisms (CPO s) update November 201 7 Highlights for Q 1 20 17/1 8 (April 1 – June 16 , 2017 )  40 new cases of CPO were identified among 35 patients in BC acute care facilities  NDM was the most common gene identified (27 /40 cases, 67.5 %)  31 cases (77.5%) reported healthcare exposure outside...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet_CPO Public Report Q2 2017_18

Healthcare -associated infections surveillance report Carbapenem ase -producing organisms (CPO s) update January 2018 Highlights for Q 2 20 17/1 8 (June 1 6 – September 7, 2017 )  28 new cases of CPO were identified in 2 5 patients in BC acute care facilities .  The majority of new cases harbored the NDM resistance gene (20 , 7 1.4%) .  14...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet_CPO Public Report Q3 2017_18

Healthcare -associated infections surveillance report Carbapenem ase -producing organisms (CPO s) update March 2018 Highlights for Q 3 20 17/1 8 (September 8 – November 30 , 2017 )  11 new cases of CPO were identified in 11 patients in BC acute care facilities .  The NDM resistance gene accounted for the majority of cases (8, 72.7 %) .  4 cases (36.4...

Type: Media

Picnet Admin

PICNet CPO Toolkit_April 2018

[…] after consultation with medical microbiologists or infection control practitioners (ICPs) in the facilit y Check with your local laboratory to confirm the correct way they would like requisitions labelled for screening swabs. This may include wording such as: "Carbapenemase Producing Organism Search". Isolates suspected of harboring a CPO gene should be sen t to the BC Public Health Reference Microbiology Laboratory (BCPHRML)...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet_CPO Public Report Q4 FY2017_18

Healthcare -associated infections surveillance report Carbapenem ase -Producing O rganisms (CPO s) U pdate August 2018 Highlights for Q 4 20 17/1 8 (Dec 1, 2017 – March 31, 2018 )  52 new cases of CPO were identified among 51 patients .  2 cases were reported in community healthcare setting s, including the first CPO case identified in the region of Northern Health. ...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet_CPO Public Report_Q1_2018-19

Healthcare -associated infections surveillance report Carbapenem ase -Producing O rganisms (CPO s) U pdate Novem be r 2018 Highlights for Q 1 2018/19 (Apr 1, 2018 – June 28 , 2018 )  75 carbapenemase resistance genes were newly identified from 68 isolates – 7 isolates harbor ed 2 differen t genes  The NDM resistance gene accounted for the majority of genes identified (68.0% ) ...

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Picnet Admin


[…] ST= sore throat , M=Myalgia , NC = nasal congestion (runny nose) 48 Appendix 12 : Daily Update Outbreak Report for OPMT (example) Location: ______________________________________ Date: _______________________ Day _____ of Outbreak Number of new cases today - Patients/Residents/Clients: __________ Number of new cases today – HCPs: ___________ Date of symptom onset of last case: ___________ Number of patients/residents currently symptomatic (include new cases): ______ Number...

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Picnet Admin