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Emerging Respiratory Viruses

[…] Ebola outbreak affecting several countries of West Africa, we would also like to remind and update you about several emerging respiratory viruses (ERV) with ongoing global monitoring since our last bulletin of June 17, 2014, including: 1. MERS-CoV. Activity has declined substantially relative to the dramatic surge that occurred in April 2014. However, sporadic cases continue to be reported from affected regions in the...

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PICNet’s Team Announcements

[…] with you.   Returns We welcome back Jenn Diep, Project Manager, and Tara Donovan, Network Director, who have both returned from maternity leave.   Welcomes Mahta Khoshnam Tehrani We are thrilled to share the wonderful news that Mahta Khoshnam Tehrani has joined PICNet as our second temporary full-time Lead, Research and Knowledge Translation alongside Mahmood Rahman. Mahta holds a BSc, MsC and PhD in Electrical...

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University of Saskatchewan researchers develop new way of combating antibiotic resistance

[…] be done, for example, to tailor methods to better deliver RecA inhibitors. The University of Saskatchewan has applied for a patent for the RecA inhibitor technology and is currently seeking partners to license and develop it. The work is supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Read the full news article in Infection Control Today...

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Researchers use antibiotics combo to kill first strain of highly resistant E. coli

Excerpted from Infection Control Today: The recent discovery of E. coli carrying mcr-1 and ndm-5 — genes that make the bacterium immune to last-resort antibiotics — has left clinicians without an effective means of treatment for this bacterium. But in a new study, University at Buffalo researchers have assembled a team of three antibiotics that, together, are capable of eradicating the deadly bacterium. <mark...

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PICNet Word Search 1

PICNet Infection Control Word Search #1 H R G E P W Z O Y Q M W V P U L Q T V G T A L E X F D I W F B R Z M Z N K J F G H W L N U W H T F K E L H Y O N O T K L O X...

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PICNet Word Search 2

Infection Control Word Search #2 H G D A U T T V O B C L C P G W J G F K S S L B Z J K S T F Q A A D Y Y X O U L V A A D U H X Q Z Q F Y Q I V I S Z Y I Z N Q...

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PICNet_Update 2016

[…] • Updated GI outbreak Guidelines – to be posted March 2016 for COP review • VRE Evaluation • Ebola Ethics Review • CA Toolkit • HPV and Ultrasound Probes • ERCP scope reprocessing Communications • News posts • Precaution posters: coming soon • Webber Teleclasses: new web pages Back by Popular Demand … The Evidence is Mounting - The Truth is out There! Sitting...

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Picnet Admin

Evaluating IPC Education

[…] Hard outcomes Hard data for what was addressed during the training Soft outcomes Staff job satisfaction Staff self-reporting of behaviour change 36 Measurement of Effectiveness Outcome measures Infection rates (CLABSI, SSI, Transmissions etc etc) Product usage (more or less) Reduced (or increased) costs Cleanliness assessment via quantitative methods Process measures Adherence to standards; Compliance with interventions (and bundle) Many studies report these...

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Picnet Admin

Clean Hospitals Teleclass Slides, Oct.20.20

[…] et al .  Conflicts of interest in infection prevention and control research. Intensive Care Med Press; 2108.  Pittet D, et al. Cost implications of successful hand hygiene promotion. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2004;25:264–266. Graves Nicholas. Hand Hygiene. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 2017. The Economic Impact of Improved Hand Hygiene; pp. 285–293. Craig D, et al. Economic evaluations of interventions to prevent healthcare-associated...

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2023-08-16 Slides_Understanding the Immunity Debt

[…] returned to near-normal 2023FebDORSCON Green•Mask-wearing only mandatory in healthc. facilities w/ patient contact•All other restrictions are lifted Pandemic Response Measures, SingaporeDORSCON, Disease Outbreak Response System Condition. Sources: Ministry of Health, Singapore, Wikipedia, Straits Times, Channel News Asia (CNA) 6Disappearance and reappearance of respiratory viruses during COVID-19 response measures•Routine Respiratory Pathogens (RP) multiplex PCR testing (BioFire) •Around Dec 2019/Jan 2020 –Large proportion of positives –Mainly Flu A/B...

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Andrea Vu Tran

OXA-48 strain of CPO in the news

Several stories have been circulat ing in the U.S. press around a strain of CPO that the media has dubbed “The Phantom Menace”. The stories refer to this report published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on December 4, 2015. The main summary points of the report are: The plasmid containing OXA-48-like genes has high transfer efficiency, and...

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Infection Control Week 2016

[…] own HA’s intranet) Thanks to all of you — in every area of health care — for all that you do to help prevent infections! Interior Health has an article in @IH Magazine, and an InTheLoop news story with profiles of the IPAC staff. Northern Health has an online poster featuring the whole IPAC team; click on the staff photos to...

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Announcement – Senior Practice Leader_PICNet_2024-05-17

[…] 7 2024 Sent on behalf of : Tara Donovan, Network Director, PICNet PHSA Dr. Titus Wong , Provincial Medical Director, PICNet PHSA Announcement – Senior Practice Leader: Noorsallah Esmail We are elated to share the news that Noorsallah Esmail has accepted the role of Senior Practice Leader with the Provincial Infection Control Network of BC (PICNet). Noorsallah transitioned to her new role May 10...

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Andrea Vu Tran

PICNet Newsletter Sep2013

[…] upcoming classes. We will always send out the email notification 1 - 3 days before, so make sure you're signed up for these. Preventing Central Line -Associated Bloodstream Infections: Matching Michigan Approach Applied In The USA And Othe r Countries September 18th, 2013 - Rescheduled from Sept 10th Speaker: Prof. Peter Provonost, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore Norovirus Control In Health...

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Picnet Admin

PICNet Newsletter Mar2014

[…] . Please encourage your staff and colleagues to enter! The contest is open to all healthcare workers in BC. So go get sudsy and snap- happy! Spread the Word We have posters, graphics, and sample newsletter articles and tweets that you can download and share to help promote the contest. Or simp ly forward this email! There are also lots of hand...

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Picnet Admin


[…] D=Diarrhea Ad apted from forms submitte d by Northern Health and Vancouver Island Health Appendix 12: Daily Update Outbreak Report for OPMT (example) Location: ______________________________________ Date: _______________________ Day _____ of Outbreak Number of new cases today - Patients/Residents/Clients: _______________ Number of new cases today – HCPs: ___________ Date of symptom onset of last case: ____________ Number of patients/residents currently symptomatic: _______________ (include new cases) Number...

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Picnet Admin


[…] rupture of membranes at term. Premature Rupture of the Membranes. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1998 Sep;179(3 Pt 1):635 -9. 93. Spaetgens R, DeBella K, Ma D, Robertson S, Mucenski M, Davies HD. Perin atal antibiotic usage and changes in colonization and resistance rates of group B streptococcus and other pathogens. Obstet Gynecol. 2002 Sep;100(3):525 -33. 94. Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada. The...

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[…] contamination with Klebsiella pneumoniae of multiple lots of hand soap containing 2% CHG. Appendix IV provides a description of the indications for the advantages and disadvantages of hand hygiene products. Special considerations related to their usage are also covered in this Appendix. 1.4. FACILITY DESIGN, PRODUCT DISPENSER PLACEMENT AND DESIGNATED HANDWASHING SINKS It is important to place ABHR products at the point-of-care <mark...

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HealthlinkBC ImmunizationForHCW

Number 66 March 2013 Immunization for Health Care Worke rs in B .C . Why is immunization important for health care workers ? Health care workers are at risk of exposure to infectious diseases while at work . Many diseases can be prevented with immunizat ion . Getting immunized protect s your health and prevents the spread of disease between you and your patients, and between you...

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