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201 4 - 201 5 Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine Questions and Answers for Health Care Providers (Produced 2013/14, Reviewed and Updated 2014/15) Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine Questions and Answers for Health Care Providers 2014 - 2015 2014 Page 2 BACKGROUND ...

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[…] -parts" and cause ugly warts to grow. Some of ‘em even cause cancer in those parts of your body! Do ya know that this infection is now the number 1 sexually transmitted infection in the USA? A feller can ev en carry this for years without knowin it and give it to someone else. There are ways of avoidin’ these creeps though:...

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[…] and cause ugly warts to grow. Some of ‘em even cause cancer in those parts of your body! Do ya know tha t this infection is now the number 1 sexually transmitted infection in the USA? A feller can ev en carry this for years without knowin it and give it to someone else. There are ways of avoidin’ these creeps though:...

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Roscoe Shackleton Handouts

[…] - 05 March 2015 © Lyric Management 2015 48 Leadership Lessons PICNet - 05 March 2015 © Lyric Management 2015 18 8.*Leaving*a*Legacy- •  Endurance has become the most successful failure ever •  Leadership lessons endure today o  Turn set-backs into opportunities o  Be bold but cautious o  Hire an outstanding crew o  Unity amongst the crew from top to bottom o  Match personality types...

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PICNet Newsletter March2015

PICNet March Newsletter Debugging Healthcare Together March 2015 Videos of PICNet Conference and CPO Symposium Videos of the presentations from both the PICNet 2015 Educational Conference and the CDI/CPO Symposium are now available to view in Vimeo. The site displays best in Chrome or Firefox (and may not work on olde r versions of Internet Explorer). For the PICNet Conference presentations,...

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PICNet Newsletter April2015

PICNet April Newsletter Debugging Healthcare Together April 2015 Ebola Teleclass PICNet is hosting a teleclass on April 24, 2015 from 10:30-11:30 am PST on the topic of Ebola: Real- life details. Patrice Gordon is a Nurse Practitioner from BC who worked in an Ebola treatment center in Sierra Leone in Nov/Dec 2014. She will share her insights into the disease and its clinical presentation....

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Social Media Teleclass SLIDES

[…] A recent report by the Pew Research Center highlights the growing use of SoMe in developing countries. In the U.S., 73% of Internet users use social networks. The report found that in 17 developing countries usage is as high as 88%, mainly Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Leveraging social media as part of an overall m and e-technology approach offers...

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PICNet Annual Surveillance Report 2014-15

[…] patients ; 3) reporting performance back to the care units and to senior leaders, physicians, and managers across the health authorities , and to the public; 4) using a variety of communications such as posters, newsletters, and posting of results on units ; 5) identifying new initiatives and opportunities to improve the compliance before patient contact and to engage physicians more effecti...

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Guidance for the laboratory inves tigation, management and infection prevention and control for cases of Candida auris Guidance for the laboratory investigation, management and infection prevention and control of cases of Candida auris 2 About Public Health England Public Health England exists to protect and improve the nation's health and wellbeing, and reduce health inequalities. It does this through world -class...

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Bedpan Management SLIDES

[…] 2 Belgium 8 Germany 1 Romania 3 Thailand 6 Brazil 2 Hong Kong 1 Russia 4 United Arab Emirates 1 Cameroon 1 Iceland 1 Saudi-Arabia 6 United Kingdom 2 Canada 22 Indonesia 3 Singapore 4 USA 5 Chile 3 Kosovo 1 South-Africa 3 Uruguay 3 China Republic 1 Malaysia 5 South-Korea 1 Vietnam 1 Congo 1 Mexico 5 Spain 2 Zimbabwe 1 Preliminary results Survey KNIP...

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Bedpan Management SLIDES

[…] 2 Belgium 8 Germany 1 Romania 3 Thailand 6 Brazil 2 Hong Kong 1 Russia 4 United Arab Emirates 1 Cameroon 1 Iceland 1 Saudi-Arabia 6 United Kingdom 2 Canada 22 Indonesia 3 Singapore 4 USA 5 Chile 3 Kosovo 1 South-Africa 3 Uruguay 3 China Republic 1 Malaysia 5 South-Korea 1 Vietnam 1 Congo 1 Mexico 5 Spain 2 Zimbabwe 1 Preliminary results Survey KNIP...

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PICNet Annual Surveillance Report 2016-2017

Annual surveillance report of healthcare- associated infections in BC health care facilities Fiscal Year 201 6/1 7 (April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017 ) Prepared by: Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) October 2017 The Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) is a provincially supported professional collaborative that provides guidance and advice on healthcare -associated infection prevention and control <mark...

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Climate change and Infectious Diseases SLIDES

[…] new outbreaks in Texas, Florida, New York, Toronto Anopheles elsewhere causing malaria S Korea, southern Europe, S Africa Highland urban areas eg Nairobi Rural highland areas eg PNG Not in NZ….yet! 22 Impact of malaria Today: 50% world’s population exposed Impact of doubling of CO2: 60% exposed Other factors Land clearing Population movement Drug and pesticide resistance 23 Dengue Fever and Yellow fever Aedes...

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PICNet Annual Report FY2017_2018

[…] and priority actions proposed in the document. PICNet worked closely with the health authorities to develop recommendations for the cleaning and disinfection of heater/cooler units used in cardiac surgery, after patients (in Alberta and the USA ) developed Mycoplasma chimaera infections related to the use of the se machines . Guidelines and Toolkits Work continued on the provincial...

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07 Communicable Diseases_2

Ori e n tat io n P r o g ram f or Inf e c t io n Co n t r ol P r o f ess io na ls M o dule 7: C o mmuni c a ble Di se a se s Ori entat ion Program for Infection C ontrol Professionals ICP Or ientat ion Program Page i C o n t e...

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2021-03-25 Slides_Medical Device Reprocessing During COVID

[…] goggle or face shield removal; immediately wash your hands or use alcohol hand sanitizer Remove goggles or face shield carefully from the back by lifting head band or ear pieces If the item is re usable, place in designated receptacle for reprocessing. Otherwise discard in waste 19 Removing Mask & Head Covering Front of mask is contaminated – DO NOT TOUCH! If your...

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2021-09-16 Slides_Antimicrobial resistance and infection prevention

[…] as surgery, transplants, and chemotherapy may no longer be viable due to the threat of infection" US National Strategy for Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria (Sep 2014) 5 6 "Without policies to stop the ..spread of AMR, today’s already large 700,000 deaths every year would become an extremely disturbing 10 million every year, more people than currently die from cancer." "The cost in terms...

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2022-02-24 Slides_Vaccine Hesitancy

[…] not make assumptions about whether your patients will choose to get vaccinated or the reasons for their decisions. Instead, begin with an open-ended question, such as "What are your thoughts on getting a COVID-19 vaccination today?"   Actively listen and seek to understand the patient’s point of view. Recognize that these conversations can take time and may continue over the course of...

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COVID -19 Aerosol Generating Medical Procedure (AGMP) Decision Framework March 26 , 2021 This framework is intended for use by the B.C. AGMP expert group . It is based on known evidence as of February 4, 2021 . Introduction The purpose of this document is to provide a transparent and consistent framework to guide the British Columbia AGMP expert group in making determinations on whether...

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Intra nasal naloxone decision summary

B.C. Aerosol G enerating M edical Procedure (AGMP ) Expert Group Decision Summary : Intran asal Naloxone March 15, 2021 This decision summary is intended for health -care providers and is based on known evidence as of January 8 , 2021 . Request and decision The B.C. AGMP expert group reviews medical procedures being performed on patients with suspected or confirmed COVID -19 in health -care...

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